Helping Him

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Me: Are you aware of what your brothers doing?

I texted Stone from the upstairs bathroom I was in. Since meeting Kakashi he has been here every day insisting on helping out with his recovery.

Stone: What do you mean

Me: He's here again

Stone: He is? I thought he was home

Me: No. I don't know why he's doing this but he's insistent on it and Kakashi's letting him

Stone: Watch him for me


"So, how long have you been an Akatsuki leader"? He asked smiling as he did one of his physical therapy exercises. He was trying his best to stay strong but I could tell he was in pain. It wasn't anything too hard, he just needed to move his leg up and down as much as he could without overdoing it.

"Seven years, I took over when I was twenty-two". "So you're twenty-eight". He moved his leg up. "Mhm" "Twenty-five". He smiled letting out a low groin while slowly moving it down. "What made you want to become a professor"?

"I've always wanted to help people and I thought teaching them would be the best way for me to do that". I nodded watching his legs slowly go back up. "Did you always know you wanted to be in the mafia"?
"Mhm, since I was six".

"I see. I hope you continue to have a long reign". I looked up at him shocked. "Kakashi". "Do you think we can take a break, I'm a little hungry". I helped him put his foot down. "Of course, give me half an hour".

I headed straight into the kitchen and got started on the homemade breakfast papa would cook for me while growing up, luckily for me he had what I needed here and I didn't have to make a trip to the store.

I turned the stove on and once the water was to a boil I added in my dashi powder milk that would be used as the broth for my miso soup. Onto a large cutting board, I peeled and cut carrots and potatoes as well as cabbage and cooked them in the pot until nice a tender. I then added a bit of miso paste and transferred everything over to a bowl once it was done.

I then went on to clean the leftover pieces of fish he had left in the fridge, season it, and placed it on the grill to cook. While the fish was cooking I quickly washed a cup of rice and placed it in the rice cooker while also making fresh green tea.

Once everything was done I plated everything on his food tray and brought it over to him. Bleach was playing on the tv as I made my way back and I couldn't help but smile. "You've got good taste". He looked up at me smiling.

"You've seen this one"? "Mhm, it's one of my favorite shows". I sat the tray down in front of him. "I know it's not a breakfast you might be used to but I hope you like it". "Your Japanese"? "Well technically half Japanese half Hispanic".

"That's amazing. Can you tell me something, either one you pick". He asked smiling as I sat next to him. "Anata wa subarashī otokodesu, hatake kakashi, anata ni te o dashite hontōni mōshiwakearimasen". ( you are an amazing man Kakashi Hatake and I'm so sorry for ever laying my hands on you )

"You speak beautifully but why do I have the feeling you apologized to me again". "Because I did". "You can stop Obito, I've already forgiven you".

But I haven't forgiven myself


Mom: Where are you? Why haven't you come home yet?

Dad: Your ass better not be out there horing around. Get your ass back home and clean up. This place is a disgusting mess and dinner better be on time or else

All I could do was stare blankly at my phone. Since moving in with Sasori and his husbands all I've been getting are nasty degrading texts from my parents. Sasori doesn't know, I haven't told him or anyone.

I'm not stupid, I know my brother is the only person that will ever truly love me. His husbands don't even like me and I don't blame them. I just hope they let me stay for as long as I can.

Just one day at a time

I thought to myself as I put my hair up into a ponytail and slipped on my shoes before heading downstairs. "I'm heading out now, see you when I get off". I yelled to Zetsu and Ketsu as I headed out the door. Sasori had left for work early this morning leaving the three of us home together.

It wasn't the first time we'd been left alone together. At first, they would watch me closely waiting for me to make the slightest mistake possible but it never happened. When they saw I was keeping to my word they backed off and left me alone.

They don't ask but I do let them know when I'm leaving. I know they don't care but I need them to know so they can let Sasori know in case something happens.

"Hey there Sakura". My boss waved as I made my way into the cafe I now worked at and clocked in. "Ready to work"? "Mhm". I smiled making my way to the cash register. The door opened soon after with my first customer of the day. "Hello sir, how can I help you"?

Word Count: 931

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