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????: Hello. I was told to call this number if I ever needed help.

Since my father's reign, there has always been a number that the people in this town could use to call the mafia for help if they ever needed it. The Aiatsuki isn't like other mafia's we help the people of our town but also handle regular business as shielded.

Me: Depends on what it is you need.

???: M my names Sakura Haruno. I'm a student at Konoha University and need to report a rape.

My whole demeanor became even more serious.

Sakura: My professor Kakashi Hatake has been after me since I started my freshmen year. He compliments my outfit every day, gives me tips on how I should do my hair and makeup. When he thinks I'm not looking he secretly eyes me up and down and asks me questions in class he knows I don't know the answers to.

T today after school I went to his classroom to ask him about improving my grades. We were the only ones there but I didn't know that until I watched him get up to lock the door and close the blinds.

Me: Stop, you don't have to continue. I'll take care of everything.

Sakura: Thank you, sir


"Well, she failed another one". I sighed as Iruka and I sat in the cafe to catch up before heading home. I needed a distraction after what happened.  "How did she take it"? "Not well, like always she's the only one that had an F but this time she threatened me saying I would regret it and possibly get me fired I don't know, all I remember is slapping her which I regret wholeheartedly. I should have kept my emotions in check better".

"Don't do that, whatever happened I'm sure it was an accident, and from the sounds of it, she provoked you. What you need to do is get her out of your class. You can't help her anymore, no one can. I'm not saying she's dumb, she probably isn't. She just doesn't apply herself and after the stunt, she pulled today she needs to be taught there are consequences to everything". "I know but it feels like she thinks everyone is against her".

"She's playing the victim, she wants you to feel sorry for her don't fall for it". "I can't help it Iru, she could have such a bright future". He reached over and held my hand as his eyes filled with sympathy. "She's not you Kakashi. You've worked your ass off for everything you have today. She wants to be handed everything without working for it.

I know you love your kids but some people you just can't help". "Iruka". "We have to let her fail Kashi, she has to learn the consequences of her actions. Better it happens now than later in life".

"Maybe you're right".

Iruka had offered me a ride home but I declined. The weather was nice out today and I wanted to enjoy it for a bit before I went home to start on tomorrow's lesson. I would have liked for that to be what happened but it wasn't.

All of a sudden a black unmarked car pulled up beside me. I tried to look inside but all of the windows were tinted. The next thing I knew the back door opened up and I was pulled inside with a bag immediately being placed over my head. I tried to fight back but was soon met with darkness.

When I came to I found myself sitting alone in a dark room that was barely lit. I had no idea where I was, all I knew was that I was lost and the room was extremely cold. When the door opened I looked up to see a man about 6,4 walk in before the door shut.

From what little light I had I could tell he was wearing all black but his face was covered by a mask. I didn't like this one bit.

"W whoever you are you have the wrong person".

"Kakashi Hatske"?

"Yeah, that's me".

"Then I don't have the wrong person". He kneeled to my level. "Tell me, do you enjoy sleeping with your students? What attracts you to them? Is it the terrified look in their eyes as you force your dick inside of them"? I looked at him shocked. "What are you talking about? I'm not attracted to any of my students".

"Wrong answer". I was met with a punch to the gut.

"I promise I'm not lying to you". I groaned. "You're not ugly so what is it? Do you enjoy gaining the trust of someone younger than you? Do you enjoy the look in their eyes as they look up to you with nothing but admiration and trust"? He hit me again.

"Your students trusted you. She trusted you but you had to betray her in the most imaginable way possible"! He grabbed my head slamming it against the wall. "W who"?

"Don't play dumb. You know dam well who she is". "I promise you I don't". He slammed my head again. "Sakura Haruno you bastard. She told me you raped her in your classroom". "What"? I looked at him shocked. "No never, I love all of my students and care about them deeply. The only thing I ever did to hurt her was slap her on accident. She came onto me and I pushed her off".

He picked me up and slammed my back against the hard cold wall. "Are you telling me she's not the only one? You've done this to other innocent kids as well and have the nerve to blame them in front of me". "No, I promise you I haven't. This is all a misunderstanding".

"Misunderstanding my ass. No one in their right mind would lie about being raped. You have no idea what damage youve caused to her both mentally and physically. It'll be a miracle if she's ever the same again".

"It wasn't me, I promise. Please, please just let me talk to her". "Talk to her? You're never going to see her again you sick bastard".


I was covered in blood as I left the room. He was still begging me to let him go as I walked out but I didn't care. He didn't deserve mercy for what he did to her. Before anyone had the chance to see me I hopped my ass in a shower to wash off.

I thought I would feel relief for Sakura like I did for everyone else I helped but I didn't and I knew why. This case was different. This one was more personal to me.

My body was on autopilot, I don't remember getting out of the shower or getting dressed but I was aware of the phone in my hand and watched solemnly as my fingers pressed the buttons.

Sakura: Hello?

Me: It's over, you never have to worry about him again

Sakura: Thank you, sir

She hung up followed by my head lowering. "Obito"? I didn't look up to see him, I couldn't. Without saying a word he made his way over to me and held me in his arms but it wasn't just him, Hibiki did as well. "Your safe Obito". He spoke softly. I cried silently.

Word Count: 1231

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