Looking For Him

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When I came to I found myself chained up to a wall. From the looks of things, I was in someone's basement and had actually gotten myself kidnapped. The last thing I remember is seeing my old professor again after going to to deal with Kakashi's drug dealer. I never imagined I would ever be in this situation again.
I never imagined I would be at his mercy again.
I felt weak, sick even. I wanted my brothers, I wanted Kakashi, I wanted to go home.

"Hello there my dear Obito". I looked up and saw Kesaki smirking at me. "You'll never get away with this. They'll come for me". I groaned barely able to keep my eyes open. He had drugged me. He knew I was too strong for him now and needed me weak and vulnerable.

"I'm not worried about your brothers, they never were as smart as you".

That's where your wrong


Me 8:05 am: Where are you

Me 8: 15 am: Obito answer your phone

Me 8:20 am: You are aware we have a meeting today right? You're the leader you have to be there

Me 8:25 am: Obito!

"When's your meeting again love"? Iruka asked me as I rushed to get ready. All morning I have been calling and texting Obito but he isn't picking up. "9:30". "Are you able to do the meeting without him"? Xion asked.

"I am, Hibiki, and I are both caught up on everything but it'll look bad if he's not there. Our enemies could start to think there's a weak link among us or that something has happened to our leader".

"I'm sure he'll show up soon, Obito would never let either of you down and if he doesn't there must be a good reason as to why but you and Hibiki are both smart, you'll think of something". I sighed. "Yeah, but I'm hoping we won't have to".

Aniki: Any luck?

Me: No, it looks like we're on our own. After the meeting, I'll call Kakashi and see what's going on on that end.

Aniki: Sounds good.

Like always Hibiki and I arrived at the meeting early to go over everything one last time. While doing that we both continued to try and contact our brother but had no luck. It wasn't until I was getting ready to call Kakashi earlier than expected that our adversaries showed up.

"Stone, Hibiki". They were both greeted with stoic faces. "Rafael, Alberto". I said answering for us both. "Wheres Obito"? Rafael asked taking a seat across from us. He was the leader of the Spanish mafia. The Akatsuki was the Japanese mafia run by Obito".

"Our brother has better things to do than concern himself with the likes of you, don't worry he's filled us in on everything". Hibiki said."Very well then let's get down to it. I want fifty percent of the next shipment supply".

"Why the hell would we ever do that? Everyone knows the Akatsuki is the stronger of the two". I asked. "That may be true but the ships pass through our waters". "It won't be hard for us to find Japanese-only shipments, our brother has a lot of connections as well as our father Madara.

We are willing to make a deal with you but it will be under our conditions. The Akatsuki gets first dibs on every shipment that comes in and you'll get whatever's left over as well as fifteen percent of the income that comes in. If you don't like it that's perfectly fine but you're the ones that need our help not the other way around". They both glared at us but we remained firm.

"Very well".

"It was a pleasure, gentlemen".

Dad: How did it go

Me: Business as usual but they were suspicious as to why Obito wasn't there. You and papa haven't heard from him have you

Dad: No, U thought the three of you were at the meeting together

I have a bad feeling about this

Word Count: 677

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