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Salem closed the house door with her foot, the house was silent which was weird because the dogs would usually be running to her by now.

"Boat! Mouse!" She called, flicking the areas lights on as she dropped her computer bag down onto the couch.

Barks immediately started to go off loudly, slightly startling her.

"Boys where are you?" She said once she realized they weren't rushing towards her with jumps and licks for her face.

The dogs continued barking, clearly wanting to draw her to them. She followed the sounds of them and found them in the closet of her room where their cages were next to one another on the floor. The both of them were stuffed into one, confusing the hell out of her on how they even got locked in there especially together.

She immediately went and opened the cage to which they ran out and jumped her body, making her fall right down on her ass.

"Damn fuck boys that was harsh!" She'd rolled her eyes with a scuff but still rubbed their heads while they licked all over her face.

"Why were you two in the cages together hmm? What happened while mommy wasn't home?" She spoke to them as if they were her children, while they continued to lick her face not knowing a thing she was saying.

She soon stood from the floor, turning to face her bed and taking her jacket off. She walked over to the light flicking it on and immediately her brows furrowed in at the sight of a large bouquet of roses sitting on her bed.

"What the fuck.." Salem reached her hands out to hold her dogs close. The feeling of fear creeped up on her. Granted someone had been inside her house uninvited without her knowledge.

"Is anyone here.." she muttered under her breath but like her dogs knew, the both of them shoved their heads into her legs telling her that it was just the three of them. A sense of relief fell from her lips but she knew she wasn't as safe as she thought she'd been.

Salem slowly walked closer to her bed, both dogs on her like they were attached to her body. Her hands slowly reached down for the red roses.

They were heavy, heavy as hell. The color of them was one of the brightest reds she'd ever seen. The color resembled what she thought a prick of the healthiest blood would look like.

She turned them slightly, burning with curiosity to know where they'd come from but coming up with nothing.

Once they were sat back down on the bed, a letter fell down onto her floors.

Salem looked down to the floor, seeing the envelope that both her dogs were now shoving their heads down to see.

She pushed them away gently, picking it up between her fingers and immediately digging her thumb in the side to get it open.

She spread the ripped opening, staring down at the thick paper inside and taking it out. Salem dropped the envelope when opening the paper, allowing herself to read the words written perfectly on it. And she immediately knew the handwriting. Her heart started to jump before even reading, just knowing a criminal had some way gotten these things into her home.

'Salem, you curse a lot'

Salem scuffed at his words, rolling her eyes.

'I'm no serial killer but I must admit, I have killed.'

"Is there a fucking difference?!" She said, balling her face up and rolling her eyes at his audacity.

'I'm not going to kill you and I can't lie and say I just threw your pictures out. I've been faced with the challenge of trying to count your freckles. Mind telling me how many? Makes my life easier. I'm a bored man in jail Salem, humor me and talk to me for a while. Hope you like the flowers.

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