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'Well Salem, I'm open to answering all of your questions. As long as I can ask some of my own of course. A lot of people do point out my ghost tattoo first. It's the one that's been there the longest, I think I had it since I was like sixteen. Do you have any tattoos? I've been in prison for almost a year now. I know I'll get out soon because I'm over this and have things I should get back to. That must be a very trivial response, seeing as it is vague. I'll tell you more about that another time though, trust me. I hear you hacked my prison file again.'

"Oh my god." The girl muttered under her breath, her lap top sitting in front of her on her lap. She was currently staring at the man's information but much deeper than the first time she looked.

'My people did their best keeping you out but I'm sure by now you've found your way in.'

"And did. At least you know." The girl shrugged, not worried. She'd learned if he was going to do something to her, her had the access to do it. Even in jail.

'You won't find much about me in there. More about me comes from word of mouth, you just have to ask the right questions. Now...as for you? I know you're an experienced coder, you work for a high tech company that underestimates you but you don't care because they pay you good. Your parents are in federal prison for multiple robbery heists across the country and only being caught because they couldn't stop the addiction for more. You've been alone since your highschool graduation ( not counting those dogs you have strapped to your hip. and on a more personal note, you hardly eat. That's me saying I'm concerned.


"Well Ghost, what a weird way to end a damn letter." Salem rolled her eyes, in her head already preparing how she'd tell him to fix his letters in her next letter.

"But thank you for the dinner.." the girl huffed, looking across her room on the dresser. There sat a large Wingstop bag that once had different types of wings inside and two orders of fires. The note left on the food said,

'I didn't know which was your favorite so I'll let you try them all and you can tell me.'

Salem did try them all and she fell in love with the honey old bay wings. She rarely ate out, so Wingstop was something she rode past and never tried. At least not until now and it was good as hell. A habit she knew she'd be addicted to if he kept it up.

Her heart clenched in her chest, thinking about his words and what he'd given her. He was thoughtful, to thoughtful. It scared her, made her want to push him away but also draw him closer. How could she feel such emotions for a man she hadn't even man? A mans whose voice she hadn't even heard but she knew when she did she'd be addicted to it.

Salem sat spaced out in her bed, her imagination running wild as she imagined the man who brought her dinner and wrote her letters.

He'd hold her close, he'd tell he wouldn't leave her alone ever again. He'd make her bring all her walls down. He would make her trust him, no matter how much she fought him.

Salem licked her lips, her mind drifting back into where she really was and not in a made up world with a man she'd only just met.

Her eyes cut to the side, staring at both dogs beside her in the bed and rubbing their heads. She always felt happy here, always felt comfortable. But she couldn't help the feeling of something always just- missing.

Two days later.

Ghost sat across from Mikey, his leg impatiently moving up and down in his seat as his right hand man shuffled around in his jacket.

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