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Salem is pestered with Angelo and Mila for hours longer. She wasn't used to the company, she wasn't used to the loudness of having company or maybe even family surrounding her.

She might've called it pestering in her head but in her heart she could feel the warmth. Maybe because she'd been through so much this past week? She didn't know. She wanted to have an excuse to why she eased into their voices.

The silence not being welcomed but the sounds of the twins bickering and laughter actually making her feel better, making her want to join in.

Ghost eventually wanted them out, saying he wanted time alone with Salem.

She didn't object but she did offer both twins a hug in departure, they both were very happy with her actions.

She waved goodbye to them from the couch as Ghost walked them out. Not too long after he was making his way back to her side on the couch. His arm came to rest behind her neck on the couch and she easily leaned back into his touch.

"Does this mean you're done being broken up with me?"

Salem dragged her eyes up to the man. She had to make sure he was serious and by the look on his face he very much was. She shook her head.

"That's so toxic of you to say."

"Not my intentions, I just want you back."

Of course his words had an effect on her. Who wouldn't want to feel wanted? That's all Ghost made her feel. But there was still so much she still didn't know.

Could Ghost say the same about her? He still had to ask her about Luca. The man wasn't after him, he just had a feeling. And if he wasn't after him, he'd surely shown he was after Salem.

"Explain how you're involved in my parents being in jail."

Salem was sitting up now, turning to face him. Her legs went under her body and she was now criss crossed and waiting patiently.

"Get comfortable why don't you?" A playful grin was on Ghosts face but Salem narrowed her eyes at him in all seriousness.

The man cleared his throat, gathering himself before speaking.

"Your parents worked under my father. Not me. I was still coming into the business, learning the ends and outs and preparing to completely take over. Your parents did some laundering for my dad, they were good at it. Very good."

Salem nodded but she knew where this was leading.

"Until they messed up."

The same mistakes that almost got them caught up had they not had her.

"Until they messed up." Ghost nodded in agreement with her words.

"I was taking over when it came to my knowledge. It was either them or my family and I chose them."

Could she really be mad at him? Yes and she would be. But his reasons were valid, she would do the same for her own family. They meant nothing to him over his family, no matter how selfish it sounded it was real and that's how the world worked.

If Salem had known she'd fought him with all her power. God she would've exposed his entire fucking family had she known he was the reason parents were away.

"You're lucky,"

"How so?" Ghosts brow was now slightly raised.

"If I'd known, I would've made sure you were behind bars and you wouldn't have gotten out so soon."

Her words brought a grin to his lips, nodding his head. She was for sure going to be his wife.

"Luca, he's looking into accounts under a certain name. Do you know anything about that?"

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