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"What the hell!" Salem groaned, slamming her computer shut. She'd been working all day. Even after coming home from the office she was still planted behind her screen. She didn't have to work over hours or overtime as many would say but she chose to, she had nothing else to do and that would only free up her next day.

The girl was rudely interrupted by someone knocking on her door. It was eleven at night and she was expecting no guests.

She made her way to the door, her taser in her hand that she'd gotten out her purse.

Salem raised onto her tippy toes, her socks brushing against the cold floors as her eye planted to the peep hole.

On the other side she saw nobody else.

"Oh fuck no." The girl mumbled, making her way around the house and making sure the back door was locked along with the windows. She peaked  out the window closest to the front and noticed the streets were empty, all the families inside and nobody to show proof of anyone knocking on her door.

Salem made her way to the door again, unlocking it and pealing it open slowly. The screen was still closed but she kept the door to her body, looking out at it.

When she saw nobody still, she was ready to close the door until her foot bumped something at her feet. She locked down seeing a takeout bag for one of her favorite restaurants and a box of insomnia cookie.

"Ghost." She muttered, dropping her taser down on the table next to the door then picking up the items left for it.

She felt a sense of relief now, calmness that nobody would be coming in the night to kill her. Even if these little gifts were from a killer.

Salem locked her front door back up, making her way to the round dinning table in her home.

She parted the bag and let out a huff at the smell

"How does he know.." she muttered, shaking her head as she took out the containers of her freshly cooked dumplings and a large container of ramen with the perfect amount of eggs.

Salem was ready to stuff her face, choosing to send her thanks later. But clearly other plans were picked for her when she heard her phone vibrating from afar.

She headed to the living room where her phone sat on a table. She picked the device up and answered for the unknown number, this time prepared for what she wanted to say.

"How did you know?" Her brows drew in, her words and face showing her curiosity. Only one he couldn't see.

A chuckle left his lips. And god was that laugh rich. The laugh of a man who had money and had no worries for the things he could accomplish because he easily got them done.

The sound made Salem sink her teeth into her bottom lip. She was glad she'd already spoken because she wasn't sure if she'd be able to do it again.

"The same way I have things delivered is the same way I find things out."

"You're so cryptic sometimes. You boarder the truth."

"It comes with the job." Ghost shrugged on the other line, having learned the skill since he was old enough to speak. But whenever Salem asked he still would never not answer truefully, even if it wasn't the fullest truth.

"How are you calling me in prison?" Salem inched her way back to the table. A bowl and plate now in her hand so she could set her food up for the devouring.

"Have you never seen a prison movie? Hiding phones is common."

"I have a feeling you hardly hide yours."

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