
324 5 1

-27th August, Friday

—Author's POV

Bakugo slowly opened his eyes... squinting a bit from the Sun rays seeping through the curtains.

"Fuck... I really want some water..." he mumbled as he sat up in his bed.

He yawn and stretch his arms up towards his ceiling feeling refreshed regardless of feeling thirsty.

"Feeling good?"

"Yeah, *Yawn* but I really want some-"

Bakugo cut himself off as his body become stiff.

He slowly look over to his left gulping and blinking...

His breath got caught in his throat as he stare at Midoriya beside him under the blanket.

And his mind got flooded of the memories from a few hours ago and he could only swallow again in fear...

He moved slowly but that changed quickly as he glance down at his wrist...!

But it's completely fine, not a scratch on it...

He stare at Midoriya's arms both of them under his head while staring at the blond who is obviously inspecting him but... he is fine too.

Which makes no sense since Bakugo can remember that he had hurt the guy beside him as well, it wasn't one sided.

But the guy did attack him first.

Bakugo slowly pushed himself, getting away from Midoriya, pulling the blanket away from around himself and placing a feet down on the cold floor.

But as he try taking a step back his leg felt too weak and he fall...!

Well, almost, since two strong arms came up around him from behind, holding him as he rest against a fit body.

...While he stare at the empty bed front of himself.

"I-Izuku... just... just what... a-are you?" The blond mumbled as he felt the guy kiss his neck, shivering from the sensation.

"You see, that's a great question, and that's also the one you should have asked before pissing me off earlier." Midoriya spoke from right beside the blond ear which he kissed.

"S-so, that... that wasn't a dream?" Bakugo asked looking down at his wrist again, staring at it as Midoriya arms rest around his waist holding him close.

"No, it wasn't, I sucked your blood and I can happily say I feel much more better and at control." The guy said as he stare at the blond side profile while resting his head on the teen shoulder.

"I know it was painful, I'm sorry." He added kissing the boy neck again who felt shivers running down his spine, they just wouldn't stop.
Yet there was something so fulfilling and comforting in them.

Midoriya turn the boy around and made him sit on the edge of the bed while he left the room and the boy alone in it.

Bakugo stare towards the door feeling unsure of what's going on and how nice it felt having the teen arms wrapped around him, as well as those kisses making him caress over his own neck.

He glance down at his own hand again bringing it up to his face staring at it.

Rubbing his skin but feeling nothing of the aftermath, no scar or pain, no nothing that would show signs of it ever being even pierced.

"Eh...! Jesus...! Could you stop doing that..?!..." Bakugo asked loudly with a fast beating heart staring at Midoriya crouching front of him as he had appeared out of nowhere.

"It was you not me, I been here for a couple seconds you just didn't realise it." Midoriya said giving the blond a glass off water while he extended his hand grabbing a small box from the nightstand.

Bakugo watch while drinking some of the water how the green haired teen front of him slide a light purple tablet into his hand and shut the box.

"Here, drink this and don't bite on it." He said giving the tablet to the boy who suspiciously took it from his hand.

"What if I don't?" Bakugo asked staring at the pill.

"Nothing." Was the simple and short answer he recieved.

"Then why take it?" The blond asked drinking most of the water.

"Cause it helps your body, at the same time you  going to be quite thirsty for the upcoming two days." The green haired teen said still crouching front of the blond who raise a brow.

"Because I took a bunch of your blood, otherwise you do be still asleep for few days while getting an IV, so your body could regenerate your lost blood, this helps, it's also the reason why you're not in pain." He added kissing the blond thigh who shiver again.

The blond click his tongue but took the small tablet and swallow it with the rest of his water while the greenette got up kissing his cheek and taking the empty glass disappearing with it.

"I'm kinda hungry too..."  the blond mumble falling onto his back while his stomach grumble in hunger.

He stare at the ceiling almost getting a heart attack once again when...

"I already ordered some food, so it shouldn't take long." Midoriya said placing the glass filled to the brim with fresh water onto the nightstand while Bakugo just sigh still confused...

And still trying to figure out what happened and what's going on...?

'This is madness...' was the only thing that kept circulating in his head, thinking about how at this point he could try and count the stars on the sky at night.

'I would have better luck with that... than trying to understand this fool... my fool'


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