.*- Preview -*.

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Y/N and Luz had an unbreakable bond that started in their childhood. Even though Y/N was 2 years younger than Luz, they were always in the same class and grade because Y/N skipped 2 grades. She was very smart. They had grown up together and shared everything with each other, from their deepest fears to their most hidden secrets.

Over time, their connection had only grown stronger, and they knew each other like the back of their hands.

One fateful day, Luz disappeared without a trace, leaving Y/N devastated and desperate to find her. Y/N searched for her best friend tirelessly for five long months, but to no avail.
Eventually, after a long and agonizing wait, Luz returned. However, something was different about Luz. She avoided Y/N, which made Y/N wonder what was going on.

One day, Y/N decided to follow Luz home, and what she discovered left her shocked. Luz, Camilla, and another girl disappeared inside a house in the forest behind Luz's home, but to Y/N's surprise, the front door didn't lead inside the house. Instead, it was a portal to another world—the demon realm.

The portal was a terrifying sight for Y/N. She had never seen anything like it before. She was scared and confused, but she was also determined to find out what was happening. Y/N watched as her childhood best friend and the other girls disappeared inside the portal.
She knew she had to investigate and find out what was going on.

Despite her fear, Y/N decided to follow them into the demon realm. Y/N knew she was in for a rough ride, but she was determined to save her friend at all costs.

As soon as she crossed the portal, a bright light overwhelmed her vision, and she zoned out. When she came, she looked around and saw a group of strange people. They were all holding cake and decorations, and it looked like they were preparing for a surprise party.

However, something was off about them—they all had pointy ears. As soon as Y/N saw this, she let out a blood-curdling scream, catching everyone's attention, including Luz's.

As Y/N lay on the ground, trying to make sense of what was happening, she could see a group of people quickly gathering around her.She could hear someone trying to push their way through the crowd.

Suddenly, Luz appeared through the crowd and stared at Y/N in shock. She was accompanied by two girls, two boys, an elderly woman, and a dog.

 Y/N felt overwhelmed as all eyes were now focused on her. She hated attention and could feel herself getting increasingly dizzy. Her vision blurred, and she soon lost consciousness.

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As i woke up, i still felt a little dizzy, especially when i tried to sit up.
I slowly opened my eyes and felt someone holding my hand. I looked around to see Luz sitting next to me, holding my hand but looking away. There were also those same 2 girls and 2 guys she saw earlier, the gray-haired woman and Camila.

I quickly realized that what I saw wasn't a dream after seeing that everyone in the room had pointy ears except Camilla and Luz. I sat up slowly this time, as i was still shaken by the realization.

"Y/N ? Y/N ! MOM, Y/N IS AWAKE, BRING THE GLASS OF WATER, PLEASE !!" Luz exclaimed while looking at her mother, who soon brought and handed me a glass of water.

After calming down and drinking some water, everyone was now looking at me and whispering. I then realized that Luz was still holding my hand, I pushed her hand away from mine.

"Don't touch me." I whispered quietly but everyone still heard as the room was quiet. I looked at Luz and saw sadness in her eyes.

"Guys, could you leave us alone ? We kind of need to talk." Luz asked, and everyone nodded and left except a purple-haired girl who glared at me before finally leaving.

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"Y/N, what are you doing here ? Did you follow me or-" Luz asked a question but quickly got cut off.

"SERIOUSLY LUZ ?! AFTER ALL YOU'VE DONE TO ME, THIS IS WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT ?!" I yelled rapidly, getting frustrated.

"W-What ? Y/N What do you mean?".

"Once summer started, you just vanished; your mom was here but you weren't. She told me that you went to camp, and I believed her. 2 months after summer ended, YOU were still NOWHERE TO BE FOUND ! I KEPT SEARCHING FOR YOU IN HOPE OF FINDING YOU!"

I snapped and violently stood up.I knew that some of the people that were in the room earlier were now listening at the door, but I couldn't care less. Now that I started, I couldn't stop myself from letting everything I had bottled up inside of me for 3 years Out.

"After 5 months of not seeing you and looking for you, you just appeared back and finally joined school. When you did, I was so excited to finally see you ! 'My best friend is back!' I thought to myself. But you just ignored and avoided me." I said with barely a whisper but Luz looked like she still somehow heard it. Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Remember when we were still kids ? We would tell each other everything. We would act out 'The Good Witch Azura', and you would always be Azura. "Though I didn't mind, I just enjoyed seeing you happy." I started calming down a little as tears rolled down my face.

Luz just sat there, looking down at her feet in shame, She felt guilty and tears started forming in her eyes.

"How can I make it up to you ?" Luz raised her head, looking at me with hope in her watery eyes.

"How can you do what?"
"I know apologizing won't do anything, so how can I make it up to you ?" I just stood there, staring at her in shock. I didn't expect her to try to make it up to me.

"Um, How about I teach you magic ?" She offered.

"You have got to be kidding me, seriously, Luz ? After all this talk, you think that learning magic will make up for those 3 years without my best friend?"

I stared at her with disappointment. I stood up and walked up to a window next to the front door, I looked at the stars, hugging myself.

"You loved Azura and anything that was fantasy-related, especially witches. And now, here you are. You became a witch yourself !" I scoffed.

"But with that, you destroyed our friendship." I started silently crying.
"I just want you back. I want my bestfriend back !" I cried.

Luz stood up and walked up behind me. She reached out but quickly pulled back in guilt.

"I need some time alone." I quickly opened the door before running out as I sobbed.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 * 

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                                   Word Count : 1245

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