Ch.16-The Consequence

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Luz, Eda, King, The Collector, and I went on a picnic in the woods. We enjoyed the shining sun and the beautiful weather; it was a really fun day. I was a bit sad when we started packing up to head back home, but it is what it is. We started walking back to The Owl House.

Suddently, out of nowhere, came a star. It was just like those in the books that told the story of the boiling islands; it was one of the guards of The Collector. But it was out of control; unfortunately, at that moment, The Collector and King had gone wandering; Titan knows where.

So it was me, Luz, and Eda. Eda had lost her powers because of her curse, so she could only cast spells with her staff, Owlbert. Luz just couldn't do any more magic when the magic of the glyph stopped working. So it was mostly me against the star.

"Back off; I'll take care of this." I quickly said this to Luz and Eda.

"W-what ? No ! We're going to help you!" Luz exclaimed.

"LUZ ! You can't do magic, and Eda can't do magic without Owlbert! It's too risky to keep you 2 here!" I explained.

"Luz, that kid is right. I also really want to help, and I don't want to leave you alone. But it's best for all of us." Eda said, quickly getting on Owlbert.

"Luz, ride with Eda on Owlbert, and you guys search for the collector and king!" I explained as I got into the fighting position.

I saw the star about to blast a moon; it was too sudden, and I couldn't stop it. As I saw it quickly coming to me, I shut my eyes and waited for the impact, which never came. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a puppet, Luz.

"LUZ !!" Eda and I cried as I kneeled down next to her.

"E-Eda ! Just go look for The Collector and King quickly! I'll take care of this!" I quickly said to Eda, as tears started forming in my eyes. 

Eda stood up and went back to Owlbert. She got on him and flew away. I stood up, Luz in my arms, as I quickly did an invisibility spell so I could put Luz out of the fight. I started slowly walking away, trying not to make any noise. Suddently, Luz was pulled out of my hands. I quickly looked up to see the star somehow holding Luz.

My eyes widened as I got into the fighting position, wanting to protect Luz from any harm. I accidentally lifted the invisibility spell, so I was now visible to the star. I quickly jumped into action and made a fire spell, but the star used Luz as a shield, so I had to quickly cancel the spell. It took quite some energy from me, but I was still able to fight.

"STOP HIDING YOU, COWARD !!" I yelled at the star.

Suddently, the star held Luz with one of its 'hands?' and then turned to me, looking at me with a menacing glare. I was scared; I didn't want Luz to get hurt! I didn't budge, though. The star slowly but surely grabbed Luz's leg with its other 'hand.

My eyes widened as I was scared of what it would do to her, but I wasn't actually imagining what it would do. After glarring at me for about a minute, it just started pulling Luz's leg.

"Luz !!" I yelled, quickly jumping at the star, but once again. It threatened me with Luz as it continued to pull her leg. I stood back, not wanting to hurt Luz but also thinking of a plan at the same time. Suddently, just as the star continued pulling Luz's leg, it got tore apart from her body. My eyes widened as I teared up. I was so thankful that she was a puppet at that moment. 

Soon, the star moved the hand that had the leg to her right arm and again started pulling.I was horrified and blinded by anger as I attacked the star. I quickly made an ice spell on its 'feet?' so it couldn't budge anymore, then I made vines to attach it. I then made 5 fire spells, all around the star so they could shoot her from everywhere. But before activating them, I quickly pulled Luz out of the star's grasp, tearing her arm off her body in the process. Afterwards, I immediately activated all 5 fire spells as they started attacking the star from every side.

I quickly laid Luz gently on the ground, and The collector soon arrived with Eda and King close behind. He was horrified to see Luz in that state; he quickly kneeled down next to me and started a spell. Then I realized something.

"WAIT ,COLLECTOR ! DON-" I was cut off with Luz coughing blood.

She was obviously tired, and blood was all over her torn-off leg and arm, and her mouth as well, from the blood she was coughing. At this point, I was sobbing and worried about Luz. She grunted as she tried to sit up but couldn't.

"W-where's my-*cough cough* L-leg and a-arm *cough cough*?" She kept coughing more and more blood; her voice was shaky, and she couldn't talk properly.

"L-Luz ! Don't talk!! Y-you're going to be okay!! P-please !!" I cried out to her. "K-keep you're energy!! Y-you will be alright !!"

Eda and The Collector were still processing, while me and King were sobbing hard. Luz looked at me and gave a soft smile. She then mouthed, "Thank you for everything,"  before going numb and cold. She stopped moving, not even breathing; that's when Eda finally processed what was happening.

"LUZ!! N-NO N-NOT AGAIN !!!" She cried.

"What have I done?" The collector quietly whispered to himself as he looked at his hands in guilt, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"W-wait! We can still save her!" I exclaimed, getting up. Everyone just looked at me with a bit of hope, but I could see that they were all devastated.

"T-the pulse of life!" I exclaimed, looking at the collector. A wave of realization hit him as he also stood up and held my hands.

"N-No ! Y/N, you never tried that before!! That could be dangerous!! What if it doesn't work? What if we ended up losing you too?" He cried.I looked at him in shock, then I smiled softly.

"Collector, I'll be alright. I promise to not leave you." I said.

I gave his hands a gentle squeeze before pulling away and telling everyone to back off as I proceeded to start the spell. 

"Pulse of life, the power to bring back the dead. I, the God of Destiny, the Weaver, call out to you. I will take whatever consequence comes with it, but I call out to your power." I murmured.

As I proceeded to make a spell circle all around the cold body of Luz,. I started to feel extremely weak, but I didn't want to give up, so I continued. I was feeling weaker and weaker by the second, but it was worth it. After a few minutes, I clapped my hands together and then tapped the circle of magic, activating the spell. Suddently, a green and white flashing light engulfed Luz, levating her body into the air before gently putting it down.

When the light calmed down, I saw that Luz had no more bruises or cuts; her arm and leg were still attached to her body. Suddently, Luz started moving; she slowly woke up as she sat down. King and Eda were shocked, but quickly hugged Luz, happy to have her back. I quickly fell to the ground from exhaustion. The collector quickly came to me and hugged me tight.

After our happy reunion, we made it back to the Owl House. I immediately told everyone that I would be asleep for a few days, probably over a week. They were a bit worried but didn't really say anything.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Sadly, this story is soon coming to an end, and I won't spoil anything unless you want me to. (Let me know if you want spoilers; I'll leave some in the next chapters.). Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                               Word Count : 1330

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