Ch.9-The Library Incident P.2

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As our eyes adjusted, I looked around and realized we were no longer in the library. Instead, we found ourselves in an old manor with ornate furniture and dusty chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"Uhm, where are we?" I asked, scared.

"I have no idea," Amity then said in almost a whisper. I guess she was also pretty scared.

As soon as I stood up, the chair I was sitting on disintegrated into dust. I was shocked, but decided to just ignore it for now. I looked around as Amity too stood up, and her chair also disintegrated into dust.

"We should probably look around." Amity said, to which I just nodded, and we started exploring the old manor.

I was Confused and disoriented, I wondered how we had ended up in this strange new place. As we explored the manor, we stumbled upon a room filled with even more books than I had seen in the library. But these books were different—they were old, leather-bound, and adorned with intricate gold lettering.

I decided to check one out. I picked up one of the books and opened it, only to find that the pages were blank. I was surprised, to say the least.I continued looking around until something caught my eye, It was a book titled ' The Weaver.' I took it, but as I was about to open it and read it, Amity called out to me.

"Hey, Y/N! I think I found something!" She exclaimed.

I quickly put the book in my bag and went to her. In Amity's hand was a book, It wasn't like the other ones in this library. This book was not only clean, but it was also golden.

'Probably fake gold.' I thought to myself before Amity talked.

"Should we read it to see if there's anything that might help us?" She asked, to which I just nodded and let her read.

She read till suddenly there was a small earthquake, then a bigger one. Suddently, a huge beast came out of the floor in front of us. I stood there, frozen and terrified, while Amity immediately lept into action, trying to defeat it with her abomination powers.

There was only one problem, It was obvious that Amity stood no chance to that beast. Thankfully, I remembered the invisibility glyph Luz taught me. I quickly grabbed the nearest book and a pen, then tore a page from the blank book and drew the glyph. I ran to Amity and showed it to her; thankfully, she understood and came to me. I put the glyph on us and held my breath as we ran away.

The beast was faster then us, but we were smarter. We reached a point where we lost it. I finally let myself breathe, and so did Amity. I pulled the book I found earlier out of my bag and showed it to Amity.

"What are we going to do with that?!" She yelled, whispering.

"Look closely ! Under the big title 'The Weaver', there's written 'The God of Destiny'! Its the title on the page that brought us here!" I explained whispering.


"Maybe there actually is something that can help us get out of here." I said, opening the book.

I began reading, but nothing seemed to help. Until I arrived at a paragraph that was titled 'How To Awake The Weaver's Powers'. I turned to Amity for a confirmation to read it, to which she nodded. I started reading the paragraph, and at first, everything was normal.

Until my heart started to ache. It was a small pain at first, but as I continued reading, it only got worse. Amity noticed and decided to take the book from me.

"A-Amity, please continue reading.." I said in pain.

"What-No ! Are you dumb? It's obvious that reading this is affecting you."

"T-that's not possible; It only affe-" I realized..

"T-there's no way !" She yelled, whispering.

"J-just please! If there's even the slightest chance, just read!" I pleaded.

I could see the look of shock and sadness in Amity's eyes as she sighed before opening the book and continuing reading. From then on, the pain only got worse, so much so that I fell to the floor on my knees. But as I did, I felt the rumbing. The beast was coming straight our way.

As soon as Amity finished reading, she closed the book and kneeled down next to me, trying to calm me down. Which wasn't working; the pain was extreme, and I had tears rolling down my cheeks. The beast soon found us. Amity stood up and made a spell circle to create an abomination. Yet again, she stood no chance; she ended up being thrown to the wall.

The pain suddenly calmed down until there was none left, but then I felt a rush of energy. I stood up and tried to make a spell circle, as I saw Amity do moments ago. Then there was a flashing light, and I felt myself being thrown back. I fell and hit my head, falling into darkness.

Amity stood up once the flashing light was gone, only to find the beast defeated and me on the floor. Then another flashing light, and we were back in the library in Bonesborough. Amity quickly came to me and saw me unconscious.

She immediately took me back to the owl house, where Luz and Eda took care of me. 

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                       Word Count : 882

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