Ch.10-The God Of Destiny

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As I woke up, I immediately jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Running sometimes causes you to fall, especially in the staires, and that is exactly what happened to me. I rolled down the stairs and grunted when I stopped at the end.

"Ugh," I grunted.

"Y/N !! Are you okay?!" Luz and Amity both said. Luz came to my right while Amity came to my left, and they both helped me up. I couldn't stand up for some reason; my legs were numb.

"I'm fine, guys; don't worry." I said this as I remembered everything that happened. "Do you guys happen to know how I can contact the collector?" I asked.

"King has his star tablet, which he uses to talk with the collector. I'll see if he can lend it to you," Luz says, getting up and heading to the kitchen, where I assume King is. Luz came back with the tablet in her hands.

"Here ! You can talk to him, but I'm curious. Why do you want to contact the collector?" Luz curiously asks as she hands me the tablet.

"It's about what happened; I want to tell him because he might know what happened." I explain, but Luz just looks at me with a confused face.

"Didn't Amity tell you?"

"Nope, Amity?? What happened ??"

"I'll tell her everything while you just focus on contacting the collector, okay?" Amity finally said, to which I just nodded and looked at the tablet.

The tablet itself was star-shaped. It looked like it had 1 application with every star corner. I opened the one that looked like it was made for texts, and thankfully I was right. I then went to the collector's contact and texted him.

"Wait, Y/N, is what Amity said all true?" Luz asked, turning to me

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"Wait, Y/N, is what Amity said all true?" Luz asked, turning to me.

"Yep," I said

"AND I WASN'T THERE?!" She yelles.

"I'm pretty sure you weren't!" I exclaimed.

Luz then started to dramatically cry while hugging Amity, who just patted Luz's back for comfort.

"Alright, you lovebirds, I'm going to the library." I said getting up and putting the star tablet away.

"Nope, you are staying to rest!" Both girls exclaimed, getting up and pinning me down to the couch.

"What-Why ?"

"Because of what happened? You literally did something unexplainable; you are a human, yet somehow you could do magic." Luz explained.

"And since It was obviously the first time you did it, you will have to rest. It's always exhausting the first time someone does magic," Amity explained.

Luz then grabbed a blanket, while Amity grabbed some pillows. Amity put the pillows under my head while Luz put the blanket on me.

"So you are staying to rest!"

"And if you need anything, you just let any of us know!" Luz exclaimed.

"Aww, thank you guys. But I want to go to the library," I said.

"No problem, the library will come to you! Just tell us what you need to search for, and we will bring the books to you," Luz explained.

"Alright, alright. I want to look more into The Weaver, The God of Destiny," I said

Both girls nodded before grabbing their jackets and heading out. I was then stuck on the couch alone with nothing to do, so I took a nap. About an hour later, the girls finally returned with a pile of books each—even an abomination carrying 2 other piles of books. They put the books next to me, and Luz nudged me away gently.

"Ah, you guys are back. Thank you for the books!" I thanked them.

"Yes, we are, and it's no big deal. Let us know if you need anything else," Luz said as she went to the kitchen. Amity then sat next to me as we each picked up a book. Then there was silence, until Amity broke it.

"So, you want to look up more about The Weaver because of what happened?"

"Yes, it might be weird, yet I have this feeling that I know The Weaver. I don't know how, when, or where, but what I know is that something is relating to me and The Weaver," I explained, reading the book in my hands.

"Wow, that's really serious, then. Should we tell Luz?"

"I don't know yet. I'd prefer not telling anyone until I'm sure of everything," I explained, hoping she would understand. Thankfully, she did.

"I understand. So, need any help looking for information about this godlike being?" Amity said with a grin.

"I would love to, thanks!" I accepted her offer, and we began reading as many books as possible while writing down anything that could be useful.

We soon found many informations about The Weaver:

The weaver is a godlike, powerful being. They alone control destiny and fate, yet that's not the only power they have. Their main power is known as "weaving," which allows them to manipulate reality and the strands of fate to weave it into any shape that they want. This has allowed her to change the course of history multiple times, but there are also events that she has left untouched, for reasons known only to her. Their second power—not many know about it. It's known as "The Pulse of Life," which allows her to bring back mortals from the dead.

Then there was another paragraph, but someone scribbled on it, so it wasn't readable anymore. There was also a book telling the story of how The Weaver actually became a god.

Before the Weaver became a god, she was just a common mortal like any other. She was a quiet, smart, and kind person, but she had always felt like there was something missing in her life. But one day, one of the Lesser Gods noticed her kindness and empathy and was touched by her character. The Lesser God chose to visit the Weaver, and they struck up a friendship, leading to the Lesser God showing her the wonders of the immortal realm...Over time, the Weaver gained knowledge about the world around her from the Lesser God, and eventually, the Lesser God decided to elevate her to godhood.With her new status, the weaver gained the powers of weaving and life-weaving. But, unfortunately, the lesser god could not grant the weaver her powers without consequences, as that was reserved solely for the higher gods. Till now, no one knows who this lesser god was or what the consequences are.

A few hours later, me and Amity were exhausted. After finding out about the Weaver's powers and how they got them, we couldn't find anything else, yet we still kept looking. It was now pretty late, so we agreed to go to sleep and maybe continue looking for more information about The Weaver tomorrow.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                          Word Count : 1107

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