Ch.6-New Friends

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We soon arrived in front of what looked like a cafe. As I hopped off of Willow's staff, I saw the black haired boy from That night sitting in a table near the entrance.

"Hey, Gus ! Sorry I'm late." Willow said as we entered the cafe.

"Nah It's no big deal, I also just came like 5 mins ago. I see you brought company ! Hi, I'm Gus nice to meet you !" Gus then said.

"Oh I'm Y/N, nice to meet you too." I said sitting down next to Willow and infront of Gus.

Gus and Willow soon began to talk about random stuff, and I didn't want to intrude as I just nearly got to know them. So instead of listening or joining the conversation, I looked out the window, towards the purpulish orange sky.

"So, Y/N, you are a human just like Luz right ?" Gus suddently asked.

"Huh ? Oh yeah, that's right. I come from the Human Realm." I answered.

"Were you friends with Luz before...All this ?" Willow bluntly asked.

"Oh..Uhm yeah... We were inseperable.." I said quickly getting uncomfortable.

"Do you mind telling us what happened ?" Willow curiously asked.

"Sure, I guess..Me and Luz were neighbors and bestfriend for as long as I can remember, we would do everything and anything together. Especially acting out 'The Good Witch Azura', Luz would always be Azura, and I didn't mind as all I wanted was to see my bestfriend happy.."I explained.

"Anyways, we both had that love for fantasy and magic, even growing up, we just kept getting closer and closer. Until one day, when summer started, she just dissapeared. She wouldn't answer my calls or texts which eventually got me worried, I decided to go see her and check in. That's when her mom told me that she left to go to summer camp for the whole summer, I was sad to hear that, but I couldn't do much about it so I just left." I sighed before continuing my story.

"She came back 5 months later, but when she did, she had completly changed. She ignored me, an whenever I tried to talk to her, she would say that she doesn't know me..That honestly hurt me, but I decided to give her some time. 4 years later, I've had enough. So after graduation, I followed her home, which led to me following Luz through the portal to this world.." I finished explained and now tears where threatening to roll down my cheeks, but I somehow managed to hold them back.

After a moment of silence, Gus finally spoke up and broke it.
"Wow..I'm sorry Y/N, that must have really hurt you emotionally when Luz ignored you.."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for pressuring you into telling us. I know that its a sensible subject..." Willow apologized.

"Hey, It's okay guys. Really, I made up with Luz now, so everything is great dont worry ! Plus, It feels great to finally let everything out, and talk about things." I reasured them.

Both Willow and Gus looked at me with a small smile, but I could see sadness in their eyes.
'Do they really feel that bad for me ?' I thought to mysef.

Suddently, there was a notification sound and Gus made a spell circle in the air and a scoll appeared. Gus then took it in his hand and started typing something before finally explaining to me and Willow what was going on.

"Shoot ! I have to run, my dad needs my help for an interview. I'm sorry. But, hey ! It was nice meeting you, I hope we can meet again !" Gus said as he stood up and started walking away at a fast pace while waving his hand towards us Goodbye.

I waved back before Willow got my attention back to her.
"Hey, need a ride back ?" She offered with a smile, to which I just nodded and we both stood up and went out the cafe.

Willow then summoned her staff and got on it, I got behind her and we soon took off towards The Owl House.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Dont Forget To Follow, Vote And Comment Adventures Or Stories You Would Like To See ! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                      Word Count : 668

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