Ch.17-The Archivists

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After learning about my power "The Pulse Of life", The Hexsquad has been using it quite a lot. Which I didn't mind, It's just that every time I used it, I felt weaker and weaker. After saving Luz, I used it 3 more times.

The collector had gone back to the stars; he said that his siblings were visiting him. I was still pretty tired from all the times I brought people back from the dead, but I was doing a bit better. I mostly spent the days sleeping and resting, trying to get my energy back. Which definitely took a lot of time, yet I still wasn't fully recovered.

I sat down on the ground, admiring the beautiful purple-orange sky. It was sunset now, and I always loved to come out, make myself comfortable, and watch the beautiful sun set and the moon rise.

Suddently, I saw something coming straight towards me. As it got closer, I realized it was star-shaped. I stood up and moved out of the way so it wouldn't hit me. The star crashed, and I immediately went to check out what it was. As I got closer to it, I noticed a figure lying on the ground.

"Collector ?!" I yelled. 

I immediately took him in my arms and hurried to the owl house. I barely managed to drag him all the way. As I ate, I saw Eda and called out to her.

"Eda ! Help !" I called out. Eda turned to me, and her eyes went wide when they fell on the collector. She quickly came and helped me.

"What in the world happened, kid? Wasn't he supposed to be with his siblings or whatever?" Eda asked as we both dragged him and put him on the couch.

"I don't know! He just crashed on his star where I was." I explained, tears forming in my eyes from worry.

"Hey, don't cry. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Eda worriedly asked. I just shook my head and sat down next to the collector.

I quickly realized that only 2 months ago, I was in his place and Luz was in mine.

- - - - -

I had my eyes closed, trying to relax as I held the collector's hand. I was worried sick about him, as it had now been 3 hours since the accident. Suddently, I felt him move. I shot my eyes open as I looked at him. He slowly started to open his eyes, then he shot them open as he frantically looked around.

"I made it!! Oh, god, I shouldn't have come!! They could have followed me !!" The collector cried out.

"C-Collector ! What happened? Who are they? Are you even okay ? " I asked, extremly worried at his outburst.

"I need you to call everyone here ! I need to tell you !!" The collector requested. I nodded and contacted everyone to come here.

Soon, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, King, Lilith, Hooty, Raine, Darius, and Eda arrived at the Owl House. Everyone somehow managed to fit in the living room as the collector and I sat in the middle.

"Collector, can you explain to us what happened ?" Luz softly asked. The collector nodded as he spoke up.

"The Archivist, my siblings, were the ones that killed all Titans except King. When they visited, I told them about the boiling islands and what a wonderful place it were. Except I accidentally mentioned King being a Titan, and they got super angry." The collector explained, and I swear everyone's eyes and expressions softened with sorrow.

"I heard them talk about a plan. "They want to attack the islands to find King and get rid of him too." The collector cried.

I looked at him, my eyes full of sorrow, as I hugged him and comforted him. The adults and hexsquad went upstairs to make a plan. I stayed with the collector in the living room on the couch, comforting him, until he eventually fell asleep.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                                Word Count : 656

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