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I woke up and got up from the couch. I guess I must of fallen asleep. I go to the bathroom, where I wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get ready. I change out of my PJ's and wear my usual outfit. I go down to the kitchen and make myself breakfast. After eating, I go back to the living room, where I find Luz playing with Stringbean, her palisman. I smiled as I sat down next to her.

"Good morning, Luz."

"Morning, Y/N!"

"That's stringbean, right?"

"Mhm, didn't I tell you about her?"

"You did; I just never met her."

"I see. Well, here you can meet her then." She exclaimed, handing me her cute paliman, who came and nudged me softly. I chuckled.

"She's so cute !!" I exclaimed

"I know, right! She's perfect !!" Then there was a moment of silence while I petted the stringbean.

"Hey, Y/N." I looked at Luz, listening to what she had to say. "When you talked to the collector, what did he tell you?" She curiously asked me.

"Oh, he told me to go see him as soon as possible, but only after I rest. Now that I think about it, I should maybe go today, but I still don't know how I'm going to go," I explained.

"Oh ! I know exactly how you can go !!" Luz exclaimed excitedly as she stood up, and a stringbean went around her neck. I just looked at her with a look of confusion.

"We'll get you a palisman !!" 

"WHAT?" I said, but then I noticed that I wasn't the only one who said it. I turned around and saw Eda standing next to the kitchen with a cup of apple blood, and even some spilled on the floor.

"Oh, hey, Eda!" Luz said.

"Excuse me ? What do you mean get Y/N a palisade?" Eda asked.

"I mean, she should get herself a palisman, don't you think? She has been here for, I think, 2 weeks now; she wants to learn magic, and she needs a palisman to go visit the collector." Luz explained.

"And why does she need to visit the collector?"

"Because he said so ? Y/N explained to him everything that happened, and he told her to go see him as soon as possible, but only after she rested. She said that she would go today, but she didn't know how. So I offered to get her a paliman !" Luz explained. They were now talking as if I weren't even there with them.

"What happened? and when?" Eda asked, a bit worried.

"It's a long story; I'll explain later. But it's really important for her, please, Eda~ !!" Luz pleaded.

Eda took some time to think before finally giving in. "Fine, fine. You kids, get ready; we are going to see the bat queen." Luz squeeled in excitement. I was also pretty excited, but overall, I was a bit confused.

Luz and Eda went upstairs to get ready, while I just sat on the couch playing on my phone, waiting till they came back, as I was already ready. They soon came back down, and we headed outside as their palismen turned into their staff. 

"Come on, kid. You're riding with me." Eda said, patting the spot behind her.

I did as I was told and rode behind Eda, as she then took off with Luz close behind. I was still pretty afraid of the height and speed we were going at, so I tightened my grip around Eda to not fall off.

"Woah, calm down, kid. I can't breathe if you tighten your grip that much around me." Eda exclaimed. I quickly softened the grip and apologized, which she just shrugged off.

We soon landed near a forest and got off the staff, who turned back to their pagan forms as we started walking deeper into the forest. We came to a stop as Eda put a hand in front of me and Luz protectively.

"Someone's coming.." Eda whispered, sending shills down my spine.

Luz came behind me as Eda came in front of me. I still didn't know how to use magic, so I was defenseless. Suddently, I heard leaves ruffle, and I looked there only to see a blond boy coming out from behind the trees. He seemed familiar, then it hit me—he was there the first day I got here! Luz turned his way, and she suddenly looked excited as she ran to him. Eda relaxed.

"Hunter !!" Luz exclaimed as she ran into Hunter's arms for a hug.

"Luz !! What are you guys doing here ??" Hunter asked with a big smile.

"It's so good to see you again!! We're here to get Y/N a palisade!!" Luz explained.

"It's good to see you too, and who's Y/N?? I don't think I met them."

"Ah, really? Well, it's alright; you can meet her now !!" Hunter gave Luz a confused look when she called out to me. I went to her side and smiled nervously.

"Hunter, meet Y/N, my best friend!! Y/N, meet Hunter, my brother !!" Luz happily introduced us.

"You have another sibling ?! And a brother at that ?!" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Hehe, yeah." Luz nervously said. "He's not by blood !!" She quickly explained.

We then started walking again in the forest, me and Hunter side by side, getting to know each other. Apparently he was Willow's boyfriend and Luz's 'Brother'. We soon came to a stop as I looked around me, amazed and, at the same time, horrified. There were a lot of small animals playing around the place, some on the trees and others on the ground. What terrified me was the HUGE bat-like creature that soon came towards us. 

"Ah, Hunter, you're back. I see you brought some guests ?" The Bat Queen said.

"I sure did, Meet Y/N! You already know Luz and Eda. The three of them are here to get Y/N a palisade!!" Hunter explained.

"I see. Well, my dear Y/N, follow me." I did and we started walking again. "To get a palisman, you must say out loud your deepest wish, and the palisman that shares a connection with your dream will come to you." The Bat Queen explained, and we then came to a stop. This place had a lot more of those small animals then where we were a minute ago.

"Go on, then." The Bat Queen said, nudging me towards the pets.

I kneeled down to them as I looked at how adorable each and every single one of them was. I looked at the bat queen who nodded, and I started thinking,What is my deepest wish ?' I kept thinking for a few moments before coming to a stop. I opened my eyes and had a look of determination as I sighed before stating out my 'deepest' wish.

"I wish to have my bestfriend back !!" I exclaimed determinedly, but nothing happened. I looked at the bat queen, who just shook her head. I started thinking again.

"I wish to help people." Nothing.

"I wish to learn magic ?" Again, nothing.

"I wish to see my parents again ?." Still nothing; I was starting to get desperate. The bat queen had a look of pity on her face as I sighed and went back to thinking.

"I wish to know who I am." I saddly said this as I myself realized I didn't know who I was.

Nothing happened; I was lost now. I had tried everything, yet nothing worked. I stood up, ready to head back without a palisman, until I felt something on my leg and heard a soft purr. I looked down to see an adorable white fox with green eyes, I took her in my arms as I started petting her. 

"Hey there..."

"Her name is Destiny; we don't know where she came from or who made her; we only know she had a rough past." The Bat Queen spoke, making me look at the little fox in my hands with sorrow. "Please take good care of her." She pleaded with sadness in her voice.

"I promise you, I will." I said, and I started walking back to Luz and Eda, who had stayed behind. As I went back to the owl house, it was already pretty late, so I decided to go visit the collector tomorrow.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                          Word Count : 1361

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