Ch.1-The Boiling Rain

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I woke up still feeling pretty tired from crying a lot before finally falling asleep a little before dawn. My eyes were puffy and red from the good cry I had.

I sat up and started looking around to try and locate where I was, even tho this was a whole other world.

I was sitting near the edge of a cliff, I could see the house i was in behind a few bloody red colored trees. The sun was now up in the purpul ish dark blue sky and It was shining bright but I could see some clouds heading our way.

'Seams like its gonna rain soon' I thought to myself before hearing leaves rustles close to me. I turned to see a small creature, holding a bunny plushy heading towards me. The creature had yellow eyes with purple pupils and they had dark blue fur, they had 2 white horns and It looked like they were wearing some kind of skull on their head.

"Hey, there you are !" The cute creature said to me.

"Hey you cute littl-"

I was quickly cut off as I felt something burn my hand, it felt like acid so I looked up to the sky only to see that the clouds i saw earlier were already over us. I stood up to try and feel the first few rain drops as I always do when It rains in the human realm.

"Ahh... I love feeling the first rain drops !" I said to the cute creature who looked...


"GET COVER KID !!" I turned around to see the grey haired woman running towards me and the creature with a barrier on her head made of...

"MAGIC ?!" I screamed unintentially.
"Come on ! we dont want to get burned !!" Said the little creatur trying to pull me towards the running woman.

"Wait- YOU CAN TALK ?! A-AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN GETTING BURNED ?!" I yelled starting to panic.

The woman now got to us, scooped up the little talking creature and put a barrier on my head before pulling me the way she came.

"W-wait, what's going on ?!" I asked panic now completely setted in me.

"Welcome To The Boiling Isles, The Rain Here Is Acid, And So Is The Ocean. So Dont Even Try To Swim Or Feel The Rain !" The woman explained still running the direction she came.
"Now, Come on ! We dont want to die over here !"

"Okay, S-so, You are a witch, you have magic. That little creature can talk-"
"Oh Right sorry, I'm Eda the Owl Lady and That's Kind The Titan !" She cut me off.
"Sorry for cutting you off !"

"No probleme ? Okay Uhh-You are a witch that use magic, King is a titan which you still have to explain what it is. Please. And The rain and ocean are boiling ?! Is this why this place is called 'The Boiling Isles' ?" 

"Yep, You got it all right ! I'll let Luz explain the titan thing and the rest, or atleast wait till we get home."

I just nodded and continued running. We soon arrived at a weird shaped house, I just followed Eda inside as I most definitly didn't want to die from Boiling rain.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Dont Forget To Follow, Vote And Comment Adventures Or Stories You Would Like To See ! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                     Word Count : 532

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