Ch.12-Visit The Collector

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As I woke up, I was feeling super excited to actually go to the stars and visit the collector. I stood up and got ready for the day, I then went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Luz soon came and sat next to me. I could tell she was still extremely sleepy and tired.

"Morning, sleepy head." I teased.

"Morning," Luz tiredly said.

"Why are you up so early? You're usually the last one to wake up." I questionned.

"Huh ? Oh, yeah. I wanted to help you pack and get ready to visit the collector." She explained.

"Really ? That's nice. But you shouldn't overwork yourself, so go back to sleep; I'll be fine. " I said it with a soft smile.

"Noo~ I...need you..."  Luz said, As she drifted off to sleep, she leaned against my shoulder for support.

I just softly smiled at her as I struggled to pick her up. I thankfully still managed to, and I brought her to the couch as I covered her with a soft, fluffy blanket. I then went back to the kitchen, where I finished my breakfast before going back to the living room. As I sat down next to Luz, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked towards them to see Lilith; she was ready, probably for work, as she headed to the kitchen. I stood up and followed.

"Hey lily !" I said as I entered the kitchen that she was sitting on a chair, drinking her cup of apple blood as she enjoyed the sunrise, before turning to me in surprise.

"Y/N ? Good morning, what are you doing up so early?" She questionned.

"Ah, I'm going to visit the collector!" I explained.

"Is that so? You might need help to pack and prepare then." She said this as she finished her cup and stood up.

"Why would I need to pack and prepare if I'm just going to visit?"

"Ah, right, you never went there, did you? Well, you literally go to space—to the stars. It actually takes a few days as time is slower in space." She explained.

"I see. Could you help me then? I mean, you're the only one I can ask since everyone else is still asleep."I asked.

"Sure thing, come on now; we don't want to waste more time."

We then headed to the room where I kept my stuff. Lily handed me a bag where I put my PJ's and 2 outfits or so with my essentials. Afterwards, we went back to the kitchen, where I took another bag, and Lily helped me pack some food and drinks for the trip.

"Don't forget the water !" She said this as she handed me 2 water bottles.

"Thanks !" I exclaimed as I put those in the bag.


"Now remember, you will use your palisman to create a spell barrier around you so that you can actually breath. Your palisman should know the way already., and she will be with you during the trip. You can call for her whenever you want; just by holding your hand and thinking of her, she will immediately come to you, but that is if she's in her staff form." Lilith explained to me as we headed outside.

"Calm down, Lily. I got it; at least I think so. Heheh." I chuckled nervously.

Destiny then got into her staff form as I hopped on her and waved off to Lily before starting my journey to the stars.


I soon arrived in front of a crown castle, which was around a planet that looked nearly exactly like the moon. As I approached it, I saw some dark blue stars with red eyes coming my way. Thinking about it, they probably guard the place, so I didn't do anything. They stopped in front of them and then scanned me. Their eyes turned green, and they started heading towards the castle, with me close behind. As soon as I entered, I got rid of the spell around me since I could breathe in the castle, and then I saw the collector running to me.

"Heyya Y/N! How are you doing ?? Did you rest enough ?? Are you sure of what happened ??" The collector said this as he ran to me, hugging me and then asking if I was injured or tired.

"I'm fine; don't worry. Now how about we play?" I said playfully.

"Ooh !! We could play Hide and Seek! Or Tag!" He excitedly exclaimed.

"Yes, you can choose."

"Sure! Let's play hide-and-seek!" The Collector was clearly excited.

"Okay ! Who hides?" I asked

"You hide; I'll seek! He decided.

"Alright." I then went ahead and started looking for places where I could hide. I quickly found a couch and decided to hide behind it. I could hear the collector counting to 10.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ready or not, here I come ! " He counted as he started looking around for me. "Hm, it's usually easier to find her by now. Where could she have gone?" He asked me, which made me giggle.

"Wait, I can hear giggling—where is it coming from?"

"Over here !" I tried to hint, but I confused him at the same time.

"Oh, there you are! Hm. I guess it's easier to find them' by sound—I win!" He happily exclaimed as he found me.


"Hey ,collector."

"Mhm ?"

"You know, you're familiar, yet I can't put my finger on how."

"Hm, really? You don't know where you recognize me from?"

"Nope...I was found by my adoptive parents on a rainy day, and somehow I ended up on their doorstep. I was already six, I think. They took me in that day and legally adopted me the next."

"Wait, really? How odd..."

"Yeah... Ugh!" I exclaimed as my head started to suddenly hurt.

"Wha, what's happening to you?" The collector worriedly asked.

"My head hurts.."I explained as I put my hands on either side of my head, so try to minimize the pain. 

"That's not good. Can I check on you?" He softly asked, to which I nodded. He started checking if I was injured. "It doesn't seem like anything's wrong physically. But... your head still hurts, right?" He asked.

"Yeah," I stuttered, as the pain was getting worse.

"Hm. Hold on, can I touch your head?" he asked, to which I just nodded again. He put his hands on my forehead, and I could feel his aura of energy enveloping me.

"Hm, there's something strange in your mind; I can feel that."

"Ugh !" I exclaimed, the pain getting worse. Then it hit me. "It's getting worse the closer you get." I muttered loud enough for The Collector to hear me.

"Ah, uh, I don't mean to do that! I think the weird energy is coming from you. Can I
look into your mind?" He explained then asked, and I again just nodded.

No one's POV:

He peers into Y/N's mind. The collector sees himself and a small girl with white hair and green eyes playing as childhood friends. Suddently, there was an attack, and then everything went black. He then started seeing the memories as hers, seeing what she was seeing. As soon as she woke up, she heard lightening and rain. She was scarred and started crying. Until she heard someone, she looked up to see a young couple who looked worried as they hurried the little girl in. 

"Wait, what was that ? "And why was I there? I-I. Why was...She there ?!" The collector exclaimed as he backed away  and started to panic 

"I don't know! UGH !!" Y/N grunts as her headache keeps getting worse; she couldn't do anything about it. The collector looked at her as his eyes filled with realization.

"I think I understand what's going on now..."



* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                          Word Count : 1266

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