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The town of Bonesborough was completely destroyed after the attack by the archivists. The hexsquad, along with the collector and the adults, met up in the Owl House, as the collector had some news for them.

The collector had fought with anger, sadness, and determination against the army of creatures. So everyone was worried, especially Luz, as she noticed Y/N wasn't around.

Everyone stood or sat in a circle around the collector, as he sat in the middle with tears rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. He barely managed to let the words out and announce the death of Y/N as he broke down.

Everyone was rather shocked, to say the least. Luz and the hexsquad were devastated, while the adults were very sad, especially Eda. King cried as he was hugged tightly by Eda, who was also letting a few tears roll down.

Hunter and Willow comforted each other, while Luz and Amity did the same. Raine was with Eda and King, while Darius was with Lilith and Hooty. Gus saw the collector alone, and knowing he was the most hurt one, he went to comfort him. 

Everyone was devastated and sad for the next 2 weeks. The town was rebuilt a bit, and most people had a place to stay until the rest of Bonesborough was rebuilt. A statue was built to honor Y/N, and she even had her own book telling her story. 

The collector decided to stay on the Boiling Isles for the time being; he stayed at the owl house with Raine, King, Eda, and Luz. After hearing the devastating news from her daughter, Camila decided to also stay on the Boiling Isles for some time, accompanied by Vee.

The hexsquad and the adults decided to host a funeral for Y/N, which they did a month after the attack. The collector gave a speech about how much he admired Y/N, and he regretted not telling her how much he loved her.

Luz also gave a speech, talking about how much she regretted ignoring Y/N when she was trapped in the human realm a few years ago and how Y/N was the best friend anyone could dream of.

Amity, Willow and Gus said how much of a great, caring and kind friend Y/N was. Camila was also devastated after hearing the news and decided to give a speech, saying how she looked at Y/N as her own daughter.

Everyone was devastated and there was a lot of crying and sobbing during the funeral. Her body had disappeared when she died, so there wasn't even a body to bury. All they could do was hope that Y/N was resting in peace in heaven.

A few years later, everyone was still not completely over Y/N's death. But each one had his own way to cope with it. The collector returned to the stars but visited often, and Luz moved in on the Boiling Isles but often visited Camila and Vee back in the human realm. Darius officially adopted Hunter, and Hooty went to live with Lilith.

Luz would visit Y/N's statue every single day, and so would the collector whenever he was on the Boiling Isles. Every day, new flowers would be added at the foot of the statue.

The statue was of Y/N, holding the book that told her story. Her story would be told to all children, either at school or at home. That's how her story kept on living.

King had grown to be nearly half the height of The Owl House, and the collector had grown to be the height of a teen and not a child anymore.

- - - - -

"W-where am I ? Collector ? Luz ? Help...Someone help, please !! Get me out of here !!"

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Story ! I am so thankful for all your support on this story, I wrote it with a lot of determination, fun, and love ! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                                 Word Count : 612

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