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Hello Fandomers, I'll start by apologizing in advance. I will be taking a break and not posting, probably not writing too for who knows how long.

My laptops charger has stopped working because of a electricity problème(?). My laptops battery stopped working a few years ago.

So I basically can't use my laptop for who knows how long. I already have a few chapter ready right now, but I want to leave some suspense. I hope y'all fandomers will wait for me !

I also want to thank you all for your support on this fanfic, thank you @fiomoonshire for your votes.

Another thing.
Fandomers, get ready because I have A LOT Of ideas for more TOH fanfics, just not the time to write all of them. Especially with my final exams coming up next week.

I'll let y'all know as soon as possible when the problem is resolved.

To summarize, I'm really sorry for the break I'll be taking that will last who knows how long, Thank you for the support on this fanfic, And finally BE READY FOR ALL THE IDEAS I HAVE !!

P.S : Love you all Fandomers, take care 💛✨

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