Ch.3-The Boiling Isles

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After some time, the rain eventually stopped and I decided to just ask King about what has been going on my mind.

"Hey King ?"

"Hmm ?" He hummed still slighly sleepy.

"Can you tell me about yourself and this realm and stuff ?" I asked akwardly.

"Sure ! Well- Uhm, where do I start ?... Oh ! I know ! I'll start when Luz came here !" He then got off my lap and signaled for me to follow him, which I did. We went outside and just went on a walk .

"Luz first came to this realm when Owlbert stole her Azura book and she followed him to get her book back, she met Eda first and helped her with her business. Eda eventually came home with Luz and we made a deal, she would help us retrieve my crown and we would send her back to your realm ! That's what we did, but then when we came back home, Luz decided to stay for the 3 months when she was supposed to be at this 'Summer Camp' thing that I still don't know what it is." He explained while walking, I followed close behind carefully listening.

"Her mom told me that she went to camp 4 years ago ? I guess that's when she came." 

"Yes. Then Luz wanted to learn magic and she learned her first glyph went fighting Eda !"

"She fought Eda ?! Why ?!" I asked shocked.

"Oh yeah because of Eda's curse, Luz thought she was some kind of demon !" King snorted.
"Anyways, She then met Willow and helped her out, in exchange she got to see a witch's school !"

"First, who is Willow ? Second, THERE IS A WITCH'S SCHOOL ?! Can I see It ??? Pleaaase !!" I pleaded.

"Willow is the green haired girl and lucky you, here is the school! Its called Hexside !" He exclaimed pointign at the magnificent building in front of us.

I didn't notice that we were walking so much as to arrive infront of a building, which we couldn't see from the owl house. I just looked at it, dumbfounded at how gorgeous it looked.

"We will not see the inside, That's for Luz to make you visit it !" King said walking away, I quickly picked up my pace to match his.

"At school, she also met Gus the black haired boy and Amity her girlfriend, the purple haired girl ."

"How did the two end up dating ?" I curiously asked.

"Long story ,short. Enemies ,then friends, then crushes and finally lovers thanks to Hooty for now nearly 4 years ." He answered.

"Anyways, Eda then did a lot of chores to inroll Luz at Hexside. Luz then got to know that she needs atleast 2 spell to be in a normal class instead of the baby one, she only knew the light glyph, so she panicked and told Eda to teach her another spell. Eda took her to the knee to let her connect with the isle."

"The Knee ?"

"Oh right ! Well the Boiling Isles are actually a dead Titans body ! More specificly, My father..."

"Oh King...I'm so sorry ! I didn't know..." I saddly apologized.

"Weh, It's okay. Luz once met him and I got to know that he had been watching over me for years.. Right ! You also don't know what a titan is, do you ?"

I awkwardly shook my head in response.
"Titans are a near-extinct colossal species hailing from the ancient past of the Demon Realm. Right now, I am the last living titan. Titans are incredibly powerful creatures with near-omnipotent magic, and are widely considered among the most powerful beings in the Demon Realm.."

"Wow....So you cute little pie will grow to be as big as the Boiling Isles ? That's hard to believe !" I scoffed.

"Yes, anyways. Luz then learned her second glyph, the ice glyph, by helping Amity save her siblings and Eda from a Slitherbeast, a snow monster on the Knee. Then she learned the plant glyph on her own. And finally, she learned the fire glyph while playing grudgby with boscha who is a bully at Hexside, boscha had put a fire spell on the ball and Luz saw the glyph in it and learned it."

"Is there only 4 glyphs ?"

"No, I mean yes those are the basics. But if you combine the glyphs, you can do a lot of spells, such as invisibility, gravity, petrification, teleportation and more !"

"That sounds cool ! But we should probably head back, don't want to worry anyone since its getting dark." I suggested.

"Okay, Can you hold me ?" He asked.

"Of course ! Who could say no to this cute face of yours !" I picked him up.

"To The Owl House we go !" He said pointing towards the way we came.

"To The Owl House we go !" I repeated heading back with a smile plastered on my face .

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Dont Forget To Follow, Vote And Comment Adventures Or Stories You Would Like To See ! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                     Word Count : 810

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