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I woke up feeling a bit tired; I probably feel asleep, but I didn't sleep well enough. I sat straight as I looked around me. I had fallen asleep outside on the balcony, sitting on the couch. I was in a very uncomfortable position, so my whole body felt a bit numb and hurt.

I stood up and walked back inside, as I remembered everything that had happened yesterday and decided to go check on the collector. My memories were back. I knew that I had known him for a very long time, but I could only see my memories through my eyes, so I didn't know anything about myself. I sighed, defeated, as I walked inside the collector's room.

I saw that he was still asleep, and he honestly looked somewhat tired. I decided to let him sleep some more. I went out of the room, closing the door behind me, and went to the kitchen. As I entered the room, I went to the fridge and opened it. It was full of frozen pizza bagels. I rummaged a little more and, thankfully, managed to find some eggs. I took them out, and while rummaging through the cabinets, I found some cereal and bread. 

I cooked some scrambled eggs and put the bread in the oven, I then prepared 2 bowls of cereal, but I didn't add milk to it yet. I soon heard a beep. The bread was ready! I took out the bread and put it on a plate, then I divided the scrambled eggs on 2 different plates. I put everything on a tray and went to what looked like the dining room. I set the table down and decided to go check on the collector, but before I could do so, I heard some footsteps.

"Good morning.." The collector tiredly said this as he walked to the table and took a seat.

"Good morning, collector. "How are you feeling?" I asked, a bit worried after what happened the day before.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired overall." He said this as he started eating his breakfast, and I did the same.

"We need to talk," he said, taking a bite of his scrambled eggs.

"How about after breakfast? We could relax on the balcony watching the stars while talking," I suggested, to which he just nodded.


We were now sitting on the balcony, both silent as we admired the stars. At least I did. It was probably a common sight for him.

"W-Y/N." The collector stuttered. I looked at him, confused, waiting for him to continue.

"I...I should tell you everything... Shouldn't I?" He asked with a slight chuckle, but I could tell he was happy but somewhat sad. I slowly nodded, still confused.

"Let's start from the beginning then, shall we?" We made ourselves comfortable as we knew this talk would last quite a while.

"The weaver, you know about them. You read about them with amity, right?" I nodded.
"They were a she. She had white hair and green eyes." I looked at him, confused.

"How do you know that? There weren't any pictures in any of the books in the whole library."

"Me and The Weaver were best friends. She was also a god, but before all, she was a human. You probably read about this in one of the books, right?"

"I-I did.."

"The lesser god... It was me... With great power comes great responsibility, right?... Her receiving such powers has consequences, and I know that I was the one to give her the powers. Yet I don't know what the consequences are." He was starting to tear up as I looked at him in shock.

"I-I... One day, while we were playing, it was actually on the planet that my castle is around. We were playing Hide and seek while she was hiding; I was seeking for her. Suddenly, there was an attack. I tried to look for her, and I found her unconscious; she was hit in the head. I thought about any dimension that was safe for her, I then thought of the human realm. I picked her up and opened a portal to the human realm, where it was currently raining. I quickly looked for any house that looked like it could have nice owners, I found one and put Weaver on the doorstep. Then there was a flashing light."

It was obvious he couldn't hold back his tears, but I didn't do anything about it because I was too shocked by what he was telling me. It sounded so...Familiar... The collector started crying as he was trying to say something.

"I-I... Y/N....Y-you're...The....You're....I-I.." He said it between sobs. This time, I actually got up and hugged him, trying to comfort him. He calmed himself a bit and finally managed to say what he was struggling to say a minute ago. I was shaken to the core.

"Y/N, you're the weaver. Y/N, you're the weaver."

It finally all made sense; my memories were now all clear, and I remembered everything. He looked at me with tears still rolling down his cheeks as he gave me a soft smile.

"M-My bestfriend..." He whispered as he hugged.

I hugged back, but suddenly, a flashing light blinded both of us, causing us to let go of each other from the hug. As the light calmed down, the collector looked at me with shock, but I could see a blush spread on his face. He looked away before making a spell circle, making a big mirror appear in front of me.

 He looked away before making a spell circle, making a big mirror appear in front of me

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I looked at myself in awe.

"IS THIS ACTUALLY ME?!" I yelled, a little too loud, causing the collector to cover his ears. He chuckled before wiping his tears away and standing up next to me.

"It is. You're still as beautiful as that day." He whispered the last part, but I heard it.

I smiled softly as I blushed at the compliment before looking back in the mirror. The collector stood next to me, looking at my reflection with loving eyes, which made me blush even more. We stood side by side, looking at each other's reflection in the mirror.

* A/N: I Am Sooo Thankeful For The 236 Views !! I really apreacte all your support, thank you guys so so much !! Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                               Word Count : 1036

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