Ch.18-Ready For Battle

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As the collector fell asleep, I slowly put his head on a pillow and a cover to keep him from the cold. After doing so, I walked up to the staires, shooting a last glance at the collector before going up. I found everyone in Eda's room, trying to make a plan.

"We could just take them by surprise? I mean, we do know they are coming." Amity suggested.

"But we don't know when or where exactly; that could end up really badly." Raine explained.

"Maybe distract them and then attack all at once?" Willow suggested at her turn.

"No, let's not forget they are extremely powerful beings, nearly gods." Lilith spoke.

"Then what do we do?!" Hunter asked.

"We can't fight without a plan!" Luz exclaimed.

"I have a plan." I said, walking up to them.

"Y/N, weren't you with the collector?" Eda asked.

"I was, but he fell asleep. Anyway, as I said, I have a plan." I spoke. Everyone looked at me, waiting for the plan to be explained.

"The archivists are just like the collectors, except they are probably more powerful and older. So they could also be trapped by a Titan or me. Luz, you were once a half-titan, right? So if King gave you some of his powers, you should be able to be a half-titan again?" I asked.

"Uhh, That's right ? I think so. But how can you trap an archivist?" Luz asked.

"I'm not sure; I just remember trapping the collector a few times when we were playing as kids. Don't ask for reasons that I don't know. Anyway, that way we will have 3 people who could trap them; I think there are 4 of them. They most probably will bring an army of creatures with them, which should also be able to be defeated with Titan powers or me. So I suggest that you all take care of the army creatures, while me and King, with the help of the collector, will take on the archivists. How does that sound?" I explained. Everyone looked rather shocked.

"How did you get all that planned out?" Darius asked, speechless.

"I don't know; it just came to my mind. Anyway, who is for this plan?" I asked.

Everyone raised their hands except Luz. Luz looked deep into her thoughts as everyone looked at her, wondering what the reason was that she wasn't for this plan. I looked at her, just as confused as everyone else. She then turned to me and spoke.

"Are you sure you guys will be able to handle them? We don't know how strong they can be, and what if we lose one of you?!" Luz questioned.

"Luz, I promise that everything will be okay. Now, do you trust me ?" I asked, looking at Luz with hope. After a minute, Luz looked back at me and nodded with a soft smile. I smiled back at her.

"Alright, well, we got a p-" Suddenly, I was cut off by explosions.We all looked at each other in confusion and worry before we hurried to the window to see what was going on.

"Oh Titan, it looks like someone's here early." I spoke nervously.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! 2 MORE CHAPTERS AND ITS THE END,  NOOOOOOOOO !! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                                 Word Count : 515

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