Ch.7- The Collector

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It had now been a little less than a week since I came in through the portal. I had become great friends with everyone except Amity. While for Hooty, he has been bugging me all the time, so I know nearly everything about him.

I was now sitting on the couch talking with Luz, knowing her girlfriend was glaring daggers at me from the corner of the room. 

"So, you've met everyone, right? You still haven't met the collector, though?" Luz asked.

"Uh, that's right." I responded.

King was doing something on a star-shaped tablet while walking past us before Luz called out for him

"Hey, King!" King looked at Luz, then walked towards us.

"Hey, Luz. Need anything?" King asked with a smile.

"Nope ! I just wanted to introduce you to Y/N!" Luz said it with a big smile.

"Ah, we already met, Luz." I explained.

"Ah,is that so? Well, what are you doing, King?" Luz asked King, who was back to doing something on his tablet.

"Oh, just talking with the collector by chat, using this star tablet he gave me!" King excitedly exclaimed.

"That's great. Do you know when he is visiting next?" Luz asked.

"Nope, but I could ask him." King suggested.

"Alright then, try to convince him to visit soon. I want him to meet Y/N! I'm sure they would be great friends." She exclaimed.

"I'm okay with all that, but who is the collector?" I asked.

"Ah right ! The collector is like a god; he's a child from the stars! He's really powerful, and while he was just a kid, he went through a lot." Luz explained sadly.

"Oh..That's something..Uhm, so where is he now?"

"He's exploring the stars, he said, saying that he needed some growing up to do. So he decided to explore the stars while doing so."

"Guyss ! The collector said he can come tomorrow !!" King exclaimed.

"That's great ! Let's get ready for his arrival then !" Luz said getting up


We were now outside, waiting for the collector to come. He said that he would come around this time, so he could arrive at any moment now.

"Everyone, look!" Someone exclaimed, pointing to the sky. Everyone looked up to see a star coming our way. As it came closer, it slowed down before finally landing safely.

On the star platform stood a short teen with white hair and yellow skin. A side of his body had blue skin, and he had red eyes.

"Hello, everyone! King, hey buddy !!" The small child exclaimed, getting off the star and running towards King with his arms open.

"Collector ! It's so nice to see you ! I missed you !!" King happily exclaimed, hugging the collector.

"Is that the collector?" I whispered to Luz, who was standing next to me.

"Yep, that's him. Let me introduce you!" She said this before calling out to him.
"Hey collector! We missed you; how have you been?"

"I've been great ! The stars are such a beautiful thing to explore ! " He exclaimed before turning to me. "Huh ? Luz, who is this?" He asked.

"Ah, this is Y/N, a friend of mine.She's also a human from the human realm, just like me!"Luz exclaimed."Collector, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet collector!"

"Its nice to finally meet you, collector! I hope we can be great friends." I said it with a soft smile.

"Woah ! A new friend!! Can we play together? Pleaaaase !!" He pleaded with puppy eyes, to which I couldn't say no.

"Sure, sure. What do you want to play?" I asked.


We had now been playing for hours, and I was exhausted. We had been bonding over the time we were playing, so we were now really great friends. The collector had told me everything, from the start to the end of his story, while we were playing.

"Say, Y/N? What are you?" The collector asked curiously. We were now lying on the grass, stargazing, with King on my left and the collector on my right.

"She's obviously a human collector." King said, looking at him.

"Maybe, but I feel a different aura coming from her. It's different from Luz's." The collector explained. I looked at him, confused.

"Huh ? You can even sense auras. That's amazing ! But how is mine different from Luz's ?" I curiously asked.

"I don't really know. It's familiar, yet I can't put my finger on how. But it's totally different from Luz's aura!"

"Maybe it's because Luz was turned into a half-titan." King said

"Maybe.." The collector said he was turning back to look at the stars.

I was now extremely confused. Luz turned into a half-titan. When ? No one told me that. I had a different aura than her. I am human, right? My head started to hurt from all these questions. So I did the only thing I could do: I turned back to look at the stars.

After awhile, The collector and King had both fallen asleep. I picked them up and brought them inside, then I saw Luz.

"Hey, Luz!"

"Hey, Y/N! Need anything?"

"Ah, well, King mentioned something about you being turned into a half-titan? Is that true?"

"Ah, right. Sorry, I didn't tell you; I honestly had forgotten about it myself. But yes, It is true. It is how I defeated Belos, after all! I don't want to bore you with the whole story, but I'm pretty sure there are a few books in the library if you want to know more! I'd recommend asking Amity to take you there; she used to work there after all." Luz explained with a big smile.

"Alright ! Thanks; I'll ask her about it tomorrow. I'll go to sleep now; I'm pretty tired. Good night ! " I excused myself

"Okayy ! Well, see you tomorrow. Good night, Y/N !!"

I smiled before heading to the couch where I usually sleep, except King and the collector were now sleeping there, and I most definitely didn't want to wake them up. It's not my fault they look so cute when they're asleep!

I sighed before deciding that I would just grab a few blankets and a sleeping bag and sleep next to them on the floor. I went to the bathroom and took what I needed for the night, then went back to the couch. After preparing my 'bed', I laid down and nearly immediately fell asleep. I was exhausted.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter! Something Changed, Can Someone Guess Or See What It Is ?? Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                     Word Count : 1038

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