Ch.4-Decision And Discussion

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As me and King entered the house, we saw Luz and Eda quickly coming towards us with worried looks on their faces.

'That can't be good..' I thought to myself, seeing the look they gave me.

"Where have you been ?! We were so worried about you guys !!" Luz exclaimed

"Yeah, kid, never do that again. If you want to go on a walk, let any of us know; atleast then we won't be as worried !" Eda finished.

"Hey ! Don't blame her; I was the one who wanted to go on a walk and told her to follow me !" King said.

It felt nice to have someone stand up to you when you were being blamed for something that wasn't your fault.

"Its okay, King. I'm sorry, Luz and Eda. I won't do It again, or atleast next time i'll let you know." I apologized.

Eda just sighed, picked up King and hugged him.

"Hey Luz ? Can we maybe talk ?" I was ready to finally have a proper talk with her.

"Really ?!I mean Yes! Sure ! Follow me!" Luz said it somehow excitedly.

I followed her, and we soon entered what looked like the kitchen, but she didn't sit there as I thought she would. Instead, she went to the back door and went outside. I followed, and the fresh breeze of air felt so good in the dark night. The moon was shining brightly, and so were the magnificent stars.

Luz sat on the ground and patted a spot next to her, signaling for me to sit down, which I did.

"So, what did you want to talk about? Did you find something that would make you forgive me if I did?" She said it sarcastically.

"Actually, Yes."

"Wait-Really ?!"

"Mhm. Is your offer still available? The one where you said you would teach me magic?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! Well, kind of...I don't really know how I'm going to teach you magic since I myself don't really know."

"What ? Why even offer then ?"

"I don't know...I guess it was the impulse because I just want to make it up to you." Luz sounded sad—well,  sadder than just a minute ago.

"The glyph magic is the one I use, but their powers disappeared once the Titan died. The titans are the ones who use Glyph magic, so if they die, so does their magic. But every Titan has different Glyph symbols; since King is a Titan, he will also develop his own Glyph powers. He already discovered the light one, though it is pretty weak because of how young he still is."

"But It's a start, right ? Plus, we could still search for them together ?" I suggested 

"Wait-Really ? Yes ! That would be amazing !! Does that mean you forgive me ? Wait-No ! I'll do anything to make it up to you !!" At this point, Luz had gotten up and started happily jumping Up and down, which made me giggle.

"Calm down, bunny. Yes sure, we could learn them together. But I also want us to do another thing; if we can do it, I'll forgive you."

Luz now had stars in her eyes as she sat back down and took my hands in each of hers.

"Anything !"

"Well, I would appreciate if we could try to start all over again ? Be friends again, maybe ?" I shyly offered.

"Yes ! Yes ! Absolutly !" Luz had happy tears rooling down her face as she hugged me tightly.

"Too tight ! Too tight !!" She quickly let go, wiping her tears away.

I softly chuckled and turned to look at the beautiful moon, Luz soon did the same. I put my head on her shoulder to rest; all the walking I did with King had really made me tired.

"It's good to have you back, Luz." I said as I started to drift off. 

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Dont Forget To Follow, Vote And Comment Adventures adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                     Word Count : 641

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