Ch. 8-The Library Incident P.1

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I woke up and got ready for the day. Today would be the day I would finally have a proper conversation with Amity, who has been glaring daggers at me ever since I arrived here, other then that, she kind of ignored me the whole time.

As I sat at the kitchen table eating cereals I had found, Luz entered the room.

"Morning, Luz!"

"Ah, morning, Y/N! How'd you sleep ?"

"I slept great, I wanted to ask you where I could find Amity ? I want to go to the library."

"Oh, that's great ! I don't know where she currently is, but I can text and ask her ?"

"Sure, that would be great. Thanks !"

"Of course."

Luz then sat in front of me and took her phone out of her pocket. She then started texting someone, whom I assume must be Amity.

 She then started texting someone, whom I assume must be Amity

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"So ?" I asked as Luz looked up from her phone.

"She's coming in 5 minutes! You can ask her then." Luz exclaimed.

I smiled and nodded before getting up. I washed my dishes and decided to take a quick walk outside.

5 minutes later, Amity indeed came. I was outside through the back of the house, so I didn't see her. But I heard her voice inside, and that's when I entered the house and saw her. As soon as she saw me, she began glaring daggers at me, as usual. Luz was talking with her when she noticed that Amity was looking behind Luz. She turned around and saw me.

"Hey, Y/N! Amity is here!" She exclaimed.

"Heheh, I... can see that? Nice to meet you!" I said nervously, and I reached for my hand, but she just ignored me and turned towards Luz.

"So, what did you want me to come here for?" She said it with a smile. And damn, she was really different with Luz.

"Oh, well, I actually was wondering if you could help Y/N!! She wants to go to the library." Lus explaimed.

"Uhuh, and why should I do that ?"

"Come on, Amity. She's my friend ! Please~" Luz pleaded.

"Luz, darling, I really love you and would do anything for you, but I don't even know her?!"

Luz made a sad expression, but I could tell she was acting. I mean, hey, she got better at it a bit.

"Oh...A-alright then.." She started slowly walking towards me, still acting sad.

"Luz, sweet potato. Please don't be sad; you know I wouldn't forgive myself if I ever made you feel any negative emotion." Luz stood in front of me, back facing Amity.

"I-I...Alright ! I'll help her; please don't be sad!" Amity finally gave in.

Luz immediately stopped acting and ran into her girlfriend's arms, who hugged her tight. 

"Thank you!! Now you guys can spend the day together and get to know each other !! " Luz exclaimed happily.

"Ehh...Finee." Amity said, looking a bit annoyed but happy that her girlfriend was happy.


Me and Amity were now at the library. No one else was here because it was Sunday and the library was closed. We still had access to it because the owner knew Amity and gave her a spare key. We started talking while looking around the library.

"So, what exactly are you looking for?" Amity asked.

"Well, there are many things I want to look for!" I explained.

"Which are ?" She asked, a bit annoyed.

"I want to search and know the story of the boiling isles; I want to search about the collector. I want to know the different auras that exist." I exclaimed

"Why would you want to know the different auras that exist ? There are way too many!" Amity said she was confused. 

"Well, the collector said something about my aura; it kind of stuck with me, and I would like to look more into it." I explained

"Huh ? What did he say?" 

"He said that my aura is different; apparently, it doesn't seem human. It's familiar to him, yet he doesn't know how." I explained

"Mhm...That's something.. I'll help you look into it." Amity said, feeling a bit bad.

"Thanks," I said, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was extremely wrong.

As we searched through the dusty tomes and manuscripts, we were beginning to feel disheartened. We both had been searching for hours, and yet we still hadn't found anything that could help me.Just when we were about to give up, Amity stumbled upon an old book hidden away on a shelf.

"Hey, look ! This book apparently talks about all the beings that ever existed." Amity exclaimed, holding up a book that was bound in worn leather; its pages were yellowed with age.

Excited, the two of us eagerly began searching through the book for any information that could help me.But as we were flipping through the pages, I noticed something that caught my eye. There was a page talking about "The God of Destiny." The text was extremely weird; it looked like mostly symbols. Yet somehow, I could still read it, so I did.

I read the pages till I reached the last paragraph, which seemed even weirder. Yet, I still read it. As I finished reading it, the shelves that had once been filled with books were now empty, and the walls were beginning to fade away. At first, we thought it was just our imagination, but as the library continued to disappear around us, panic set in.

"A-Amity ? W-what's going on?!" I asked panicked.

"I don't know !!" She explained as she also started panicking.

 We clung to the table and chairs we were sitting on, hoping that we wouldn't be swallowed up by the void that was quickly consuming the library.But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the darkness was replaced by a blinding light.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                       Word Count : 960

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