Ch.15-Back To The Isles

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'Weaving' is the power to control reality and fate. How ? Simple, With this power, you can travel in time, control time itself, control the weather, and even control the elements. The power of 'Weaving' represents the power to control Destiny itself. With it, you can do nearly anything. But with it comes a special power: to bring people back from the dead. Such power comes with consequences. The consequence being ĐÆŦĦ

"Huh? That's weird; what does that mean?" I curiously asked the collector.

"No idea..."" he replied, just as confused as me.

Me and the collector were now sitting on a couch on the balcony. He had been helping me control my powers for a few days now, and I was quickly getting the hang of it! We were now reading a book about my powers, trying to find out more about them and the consequences.

Every day for the past week or so, The Collector had been training me to control my power of 'Weaving'. From time to time, we would go back to the past, stop the time, or go to an empty forest on earth to control the elements.

"Hey collector ?" I called out.

"Yes ?" He replied.

"When should I go back to the islands?" I curiously asked.

"I..don't know..." He replied sadly, which I didn't notice.

"When I go back, I should also explain everything to everyone. It will take a lot of time." I was already tired just from thinking about how long it would take.

"Y-Yeah... "

"Hmm... Maybe I should go back today ?"I asked as I turned to look at the Collector.

"Ah, Yes. That's a great idea, I guess." He replied, quickly putting on a smile.

"Alright, i'll go pack up then !" I exclaimed as I got up and headed inside, towards the room that I was staying in. The Collector was following close behind.

I quickly finished packing, as I didn't bring much stuff with me to begin with. I took my bag and left the room to the front door. The collector was once again close behind. He then turned to me with a sad look on his face.

"Do you have to go?" He sadly asked.

"Collector... I would love to stay and play with you more. But I have to go back. The time is slower here, but it has still been a few days since they've received any news from me. They could be worried and looking for me." I explained as I turned to him, yet he was even more sad now.

"H-Hey... Don't be sad, please. I promise I'll visit soon. Or wait ! I have an even better Idea !!" I tried to comfort him but then got an idea. The collector looked at me with hope in his eyes. 

"How about you come with me, huh? How's that ??" I quickly suggested. His face quickly lit up as he looked at me and accepted my offer rather excitedly.

And here we are now, on our way back to the Boiling Isles. Thanks to my new powers, I could breath in space. So I didn't have to ride Destiny on the way back!


We soon landed close to the Owl House. We started walking and talking until we reached the door. I knocked, and after a few minutes, Luz opened the door. She was obviously confused. 

"Uhm, Hi ? Who-are you ?" She asked, confused. I couldn't contain my laughter and burst down laughing right there and then. Luz was even more confused now as she finally saw the collector, who was red from trying to contain his laughter.


We were now all sitting in the living room; somehow everyone was in the owl house. I started to think that they were having a sleepover without me-

"Where's Y/N ?" Luz said, glaring daggers at me.

"Yeah, Y/N went to visit the collector; it has been days since we didn't hear from her. Suddently, you come here with the collector? Who even are you ??" Willow said, doing the same as Luz. I could honestly feel everyone glaring daggers at me.

"I only let you in because you're with the collector." Luz growled. I was shocked at this point. Did all these people really care about me this much? ...

I looked towards the collector and saw he was holding in his laughter really hard. He looked at me and burst out laughing, causing me to be next. Now, after calming down, the collector tried to explain.

"Look, guys. Y/N is-"

"No, collector. We want HER To tell us where the kid is." Eda growled.

"Alright, alright. First, I would like to say that I am really touched and grateful to have you all caring about me so much." I said with a soft smile that everyone was looking at me like I was crazy

"We don't give a shit about you...We only care about Y/N." Amity growled at her turn.

"Calm down, damn. I'll explain everything. Y/N went to visit the collector; they were playing until Y/N's head started to hurt. The collector didn't know what to do, so he entered her mind, saw her memories and cleared them. The next day, The collector finally told Y/N everything that he saw in her memories, and as they hugged. There was a flashing light that blinded both of them and suddenly Y/N was looking like this." I explained, then pointed to myself. Of course, they started laughing like I was crazy.

"Yeah, right ! You're telling us you're Y/N !!" Eda snorted as she burst out laughing, the others doing the same, all except Amity and Luz.

"Amity, Luz? Why aren't you guys laughing?" Gus asked.

"Because it might as well be true." Luz said, looking serious.

"We recently discovered that Y/N actually has powers, and it was related to the God of Destiny. At least I think so." Amity explained. Eda, Gus, Willow, Lilith, and King were shocked.

"Indeed. I am the weaver, and the collector and I have known each other for forever! He was the god that gave me my powers, yet those came with a consequence that we still don't know what it is." I explained.

"One day, we were playing hide and seek. I was hiding while the collector was seeking. Suddently, we got attacked, and I was hit in the head. The collector found me and brought me to the human realm to keep me safe. Fate played her role and changed my appearance to look like a human, and then my parents found me and took me in." I explained again.

Everyone was shocked and took some time to actually believe it, but after a few minutes, they eventually did.

Everyone was overjoyed for me. The revelation sparked a mix of emotions as everyone still somewhat struggled to process the incredible truth. However, they were ultimately extremely excited for me, offering their support and excitement to help with my powers.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                          Word Count : 1140

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