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"I think I understand what's going on now..." The collector said this to Y/N as his eyes filled with realization.

Y/N grunted more as she tried to look at the collector, but the headache was now also affecting her vision, making it blurry. 

"Y-you... I know... You are." The collector couldn't bring himself to say it.

Y/N looked at him with hope; he now had the answers to all her questions. She grunted more as tears started forming in her eyes from the pain; she couldn't bear it anymore. She started screaming for the pain to stop, but it only got worse. The collector was feeling guilty for some reason. He knew how to stop her headache, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Yet the guilt was too much for him to bear.

"I know how to stop it!" He yelled, trying to catch Y/N's attention through the screams of pain that filled the entire castle. The collector himself had tears in his eyes. Y/N stopped screaming for a second, looking at the collector with hope and telling him to do what he had to do.

"I'll have to enter your mind again." He said this as he again tapped Y/N's forehead, trying to enter her mind, which he successfully did.

 Once inside, he looks back through the memories.The memories are becoming more and more clear, as if a fog is being lifted.He continues to peer inside them, trying to see if there are any more childhood memories they can recover. Soon, they reach the earliest point of her memory. A bit before she even found herself at the doorstep of that young couple,.

There was an attack. There were some very violent actions, and then there was an image. A person. A young boy. 
He keeps watching; the boy was watching her, lying unconscious. His face wasn't visible, but The Collector already knew who that boy was.He finally reaches the point where she's unconscious after the blow to the head.He watches a little more, as tears roll down his cheeks. He then sees a flashing light. After the light calmed down, the white-haired girl was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Y/N lay there, unconscious. Then she woke up, started crying and the young couple came and took her in.

Then pieces are all coming together and starting to make sense. Finally, there's only one memory left—one that would reveal everything. He slowly opens that memory... The memory plays, and his eyes widen in both realization and disbelief. The boy he saw beside Y/N's unconscious body was him. And not only was he standing beside her, he was holding her hands with love.

He realizes that he and 'Her' have known each other since the beginning—from a time they both barely remember. But that's not the shocking part. The part that shocks him is the fact that he has really, genuinely loved her since the beginning. Not as a friend, but as something much more. He feels his heart race at the thought of that. He was in love with her—his childhood companion. His best friend. The energy in his mind grows stronger the more he realizes this. It takes all he has not to pass out from the intensity of it. All his feelings about 'Her', about their childhood, and about what happened to them—everything.

But that's not what truly shocked him. He was able to handle that. What made him the most surprised was the fact that she loved him too.
All that time, all the time they spent together, he was completely oblivious to the affection she had for him. She had been there for all of his most formative memories. She had been there when he needed her, and she loved him back. He hadn't known. 

The intensity was growing even stronger. The more he remembered, the more his soul cried out for her. He could still feel all the moments they spent together—every time they laughed together, every time they played hide-and-seek. 

It was true; all the memories he thought were just simple games were a lot more than that. They were a childhood romance—the love of two childhood friends. And he had never once known. He felt the true weight of their relationship—the love she had given him throughout their childhood. That love... that never was quite the same after they grew older, but the fact that it was there all still the same... He was so overwhelmed by this realization that it took every ounce of his willpower not to faint. They were so dear to each other in their childhood, and he hadn't even realized it. But he understands it now.

Back to Y/N's POV:

My head slowly stopped aching, and it was such a relief. The pain quickly vanished. I felt a tear, but I wasn't crying. I opened my eyes to see the collector in front of me, his hand still on my forehead and his cheeks stained with tears. But he didn't look sad; he looked almost...Relieved ?

He slowly opens his eyes as he looks at me, and he smiles softly as more tears roll down his cheeks. I look at him in shock and worry. I was worried; why was he crying? He didn't even look sad. Were those tears of joy? From what? Was it because of me? Did he see something in my head? What is going on? Why was my head aching? How did he get it to stop? Who am I? ..

I had way too many questions, yet the only person who could answer all of them was the collector himself. But it was clear he wasn't in the right state for me to interrogate him. I looked into his watery eyes as he tried to wipe away the tears. I couldn't bring myself to ask him anything. So I did the only thing I could think of: I hugged him and tried to comfort him. 

He slowly hugged me back as he started to let the tears roll down his cheeks. He began crying on my shoulder as I drew small circles on his back with my hand, trying to comfort him. Soon, he got quiet. I backed away from the hug and looked at him; he had fallen asleep. I picked him up and brought him to his room that he had shown me earlier when we were playing. I gently put him on the bed and went to the balcony. Thankfully, there was a magic bubble around the whole castle so that anyone could breathe, even on the balcony. I sat on a small couch there, looking at the stars as I let my thoughts roam freely.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment on adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                               Word Count : 1109

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