Ch.19-Love And Death

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The atmosphere above the Boiling Isles seethed with energy as a swirling tempest of deep purple and fiery crimson mirrored the turmoil unfolding on the ground below. Descending from above were the enigmatic and ageless figures known as the Archivists, their ethereal forms gleaming with an otherworldly light.

Their unwavering gaze was fixed upon King, the diminutive Titan, and their mere presence exuded an overwhelming power that even the enigmatic Collector, with his mighty but erratic magic, struggled to contain.

"I won't let you take him away!" The collector's voice reverberated through the chamber, filled with defiance. His ethereal form crackled with raw energy, an intimidating display of power. Yet, the archivists stood firm and resolute, their ghostly figures reaching out with spectral hands to seize King. With a firm grip, they pulled him relentlessly towards the swirling vortex they had conjured.

Y/N stood on the outskirts, and her heart raced with anticipation. She sensed a deep connection to the mystical realm and to the king, and she refused to remain idle as they faced the threat of being captured.

"I won't let you!" Y/N yelled defiantly, her voice filled with a newfound sense of power.

With a forceful sweeping gesture, Y/N unleashed a torrent of pulsating magic—a blinding, radiant white light that surged forward and engulfed the Archivists. Y/N was struggling to keep up with the intensity of this spell, but she knew that if she managed to do it, everything would be okay.The intense energy twisted and contorted them into a chaotic vortex of their own, and the archivists were helplessly ensnared and swallowed by the overwhelming void that Y/N had created.

The battered and dazed collector stared in amazement. He struggled to speak, his voice coming out in ragged gasps. "You..."

Y/N mustered a weak smile, her eyes betraying the overwhelming exhaustion she felt. "I believe... that I can save the realm," she whispered, her voice faltering, "but it will cost me everything. I... I love you."

As she fell to the ground, her body emitted a gentle, shimmering light that slowly began to fade. The collector hurried to her side, feeling his own energy dwindling as he did so. With a heavy heart, he watched as the lively sparkle in her eyes dimmed, witnessing the vibrant essence of life slipping away.

'No,' he whimpered, his voice breaking as tears welled up in his eyes. 'Please don't do this. You can't.'

With a final, whispered plea, Y/N mustered all of her remaining strength to transfer her life force into the Collector. As she closed her eyes and concentrated, the Collector felt a surge of energy coursing through him, the draining ache in his chest gradually replacing it with a warm, familiar glow. For a moment, he was enveloped in a sensation of wholeness and vitality, realizing that he was alive once more, all thanks to Y/N's selfless sacrifice.

"I promise," he whispered, his voice trembling with grief. "I will protect this realm with all my strength and courage. I will do it for you, for the King, and for all of the Boiling Isles. You will be known as the hero who saved the Boiling Isles for many generations to come."

The violent tempest gradually calmed, relinquishing its grip on the world and cloaking it in an unsettling quietude. The collector, devastated at the loss of the one he loved, took his promise to heart. He stood up, with a look of determination in his eyes, as he flew down to town to help the others defend the Isles against the army of creatures.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! This is the end; the next chapter will be the last and the epilogue. I'm so thankful to all of you for your support !! I can't believe this story has reached over 270 views!! When I started writing this, I just did it for fun; I really didn't believe it would go to this. So Thank you To All Of you. <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                                 Word Count : 586

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