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As we quickly entered the house, I saw Luz sitting in the couch cuddling with the purple haired girl while talking to the other green haired girl.
She quickly looked at me and Eda and stood up and went into what looked like the kitchen. I just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what I should do next.

Luz soon came back with 2 glasses of water and handed one to Eda then came towards me.

"Here, thought you could use some water after running." She simply said while handing me the glass of water with a small soft smile.

"Uhm..Yeah, sure. Thanks, i guess." She nodded then went back on the couch with the 2 girls.

I looked around and saw a brown wodden stool by the front door, meaning it was near me. I walked over to it and sat down then shugged down the water. I was very dehydrated, so the glass of water made me feel much better !

I just sat there, having absolutly nothing to do. I could have gone out for a walk or something, if it wasn't for the BOILING rain ! I just sighed and looked out the window that was next to me. Eda was outside doing a protective spell around the house to protect it from the boiling rain.

It was fascinating watching an actual, living, real witch do magic ! I suddently felt a tug on my leg, I looked over to see King.

"Can I cuddle up with you ?...Luz is busy with her friends.." He said somewhat saddly.

I softly smiled at him and nodded, picked him up and put him on my lap. I just petted him while still looking out the windom having nothing better to do. He soon fell asleep.

'God he's so cute !' I thought to myself.

I heard whispers and turned around to face Luz who quickly looked away and went back to talking with her friends.

"Who even is she?"

"My childhood bestfriend, Y/N, we were inseperable.."

"You should try to befriend her again, she looks like someone nice !"

"Trust me, I want to. But I dont think she will ever forgive me..."

"Well you shouldn't blame yourself !"

"She honestly doesn't look like she derserves you..."

"Amity ! Don't be rude, you don't even know her yet !"

"No, I'm the one who doesn't deserve her.."

I heard them talking and could make out a few sentences here and there. I honestly felt bad for being so harsh on Luz, but I couldn't simply forgive her..

I started to think of how she could make it up to me, how we could be bestfriends again, how to fix our friendship. That's when I had the idea !

' i'll ask her to teach me magic and to be my friend again ! ' I thought to myself.

Now that I knew what to do, I still had to wait as I prefered that this conversation stays between us. Even tho I know that everyone or atleast some of these people were listening behind the door last night, when I confronted Luz about everything.

Once again, I didn't have anything to do, so I just looked around the place.

The living room includes a fireplace, two couches, candles, a wall of artifacts and Eda's wanted poster, and artwork of an owl creature on the ceiling. It felt somewhat cozy and comforting.

I kept looking around till my eyes fell on King, who is peacefully sleeping on my lap while hugging a pinkish-beige stuffed bunny toy with a black bead for its right eye and a light blue button for its left eye. 

I went back to looking out the window. Seing that the rain seemed to slowly come to a stop, I let my thought flow freely.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Dont Forget To Follow, Vote And Comment Adventures Or Stories You Would Like To See ! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                     Word Count : 612

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