Ch.5-A New Day

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I woke up on the couch in the living room, where Luz probably put me to sleep after I fell asleep on her shoulder last night.

I slowly opened my eyes while sleepily sitting up. I looked around the room to find no one; the house was silent, but I'm pretty sure I could hear someone snoring upstaires.

I was still pretty tired, but I managed to stand up and walk around the house looking for the bathroom. I stumbled upon the kitchen, where I saw the sun shining brightly. I decided to go out the back and enjoy the sunrise. I hadn't noticed how early I had woken up, which was a first.

I went back inside after a small walk just around the house. I put my hand on the doorknob to close the door after I entered.

"Good Morning."

"AAAAAAAH ! WHO ARE YOU?! IM SORRY, I DIDNT MEAN TO DO ANYTHING!" I jumped and turned around, startled.

"Woah! Calm down! I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm Lilith Clawthorn; you can call me Lily; I'm Edalyn's sister."

"Eda has a sister ? Wow- Uh, Okay ? I'm Y/N nice to meet you, lily." I started calming down a little 

"Its nice to meet you. I haven't seen you around before, Are you new here ?"

"Kind of, Luz was my bestfriend back in the human realm when we were kids. Then she disappeared and when she came back, she was acting weird, so I decided to follow her, which wasn't my best idea and I ended up here. But how haven't I seen you before ?" I explained.

"Oh well, its true that I live here, but since I have work, I sometimes just spend the nights working and those 2 last nights were the case. Would you like some breakfast ? I was about to make some for myself."

"Oh-Uh sure. That sounds great Thanks!"

"Mhm, you are human, right ? So you should be able to eat what Luz can eat?"

"Yes, unless she just got used to food here that is weird, then I might not be able to eat that." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh yes, of course. Is eggs with bread a good breakfast in your realm?"

"Oh well, its kind of average, nothing special. I actually really enjoy it somehow."

"That's great to hear then; here your breakfast is ready!" Lilith said she was handing me a plate of soft scrambled eggs and a piece of toasted bread.

"Wow ! That smells great, thanks!"

I took a bite and immediately melted.

"Lily ! This is amazing! I never tasted something this good." I said I would finish my plate in a matter of bites.

"Oh, you flatter me. But I'm glad you like it that much." She softly smiled, sitting next to me to eat her own breakfast.

"Say, may I ask what's your job?" I curiously asked.

"Well, I'm working on a project to rebuild Hexside. They must have told you about it, right?"

"Oh, yes. King told me about it and showed me what it looked like, though I only saw the outside."

"Hmm. Would you like to accompany me to work today and see the inside of Hexside?" She offered it with a soft smile.

"Wait, really? I would love to !" I excitedly said.

Lilith chuckled before finishing her breakfast. As she did, we soon headed out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Me and Lilith were now walking back to the Owl House from Hexside.

"Wow... I still can't believe you were the one to get all the ideas for New Hexside !" I exclaimed.

"Well, yes, I did get a lot of ideas for this project. But it wasn't all me; Amity, Raine, and Matt helped too!"

"Wait, I know about Amity, but I don't know about Raine or Matt!"

"I'll let Gus tell you about Matt since they are ''secretly'' dating, though everyone actually knows. Now for Raine, I should also let Eda tell you about him since they are dating and have a pretty interesting past together."

"Ooh ! I love backstories ! Tell me more !" I eagerly asked.

"Ah, you reminded me of Luz when she was 14 years old. She, too, loves backstories. And as I said, Eda will tell you more about Raine if you just ask her. Plus, we arrived home. "

"Yeah...Thanks. I should let you rest up now; I'll go on a walk. Please let Luz or Eda know so that they won't freak out."

"Oh, is that so ? Alright then, have a great walk." Lilith said before going in the Owl House.

I just started walking away, back into the woods, to relax a little. Suddenly, I heard someone talking. I walked towards the sound and hid behind a bush when I saw a green-haired girl doing plant magic while talking to a flower she accidentally stomped on.

"Oh, I'm sorry, little friend. Here, let me help!" She then drew a magic circle above the flower, reviving and blossoming it.

"Wow..." I exclaimed a little too loud, causing the plant witch to turn around and look directly into my eyes.

"Who's there?"

"Hey ! Uhh, I'm sorry; I didn't want to scare you. I was just walking in the woods and heard you then came to check it out." I explained.

"Oh. Hey, you are Y/N, Luz's friend! Right ?"

"Huh, yeah, that's me. You must be Willow, right? Nice to meet you!"

"Yep, that's me! I hope whoever told you about me only told you good stuff."

"Oh yeah, King didn't say much. He just explained the history of the Boiling Isles and mentioned you. I asked, and he told me you were Luz's friend."

"Shout, I'm late! I'm so sorry; I have to go. I'm meeting up with Gus!" She quickly said as she summoned her staff in her hand.

"Nahh, Its okay, don't worry! Enjoy your time with Gus!" I waved and was about to start walking away before she talked again.

"Hey ! You could maybe join us if you want to. I'm sure Gus would love to meet another human, knowing how obsessed he was with humans and their stuff." She suggested it while hopping on her staff.

"Wait, really? That would be awesome, thanks!"

"Of course! Now hop on; we don't want to be even more late than we already are." Willow said, patting her staff behind her for me to sit.

I gulped, knowing how afraid I was of height. But I didn't want to be a burden, so I just hopped on and wished for the best. And for me to land safe and sound, and most importantly, alive.

* A/N: I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter ! Dont Forget To Follow, Vote And Comment Adventures adventures or stories you would like to see! <3 *

P.S : The Word Count Doesn't Include This Or The A/N !                     Word Count : 1164

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