part 7: first official meeting

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The wedding date finally set to two days after Dussehra. Just two days after her birthday. She was now in the more secluded place of the palace's garden, with her sisters, ministers's daughters and maids picking up the flowers for garlands for tomorrow's puja, some of them were dancing and some of the maids's daughters were having fun by decorated her hair, she left her long thick wavy hair open, and devoid of any jewellery as she just finished her training with Antarasena, the army of 7 Akshauhini, created by her with the help of the entire Suryavanshi clan. When she heard about the valour of Krishna's Narayani Sena, she wanted one for her dynasty as she shall be the next Empress to rule over all the Suryavanshi, and united them under one banner, of Ayodhya. She was the student of Bhagwan Parashuram himself, and won several wars, her Antara Sena was blessed by Lord Shiva himself, including Kathiravani who was a maharathi herself, there was also six other Maharathi appointed as Generals and obeyed her commando.

The children laughed and played with each others as they continuously decorated her hair with many flowers they could reach, this was their favorite things to do, their Yuvrani was very nice, always let them played with her hair and listened to them without get temper, she always spoiled them with stories and sweets, even when their mothers told her not too, that's why every children in Ayodhya loved to play with their Yuvrani.

The five Pandavas walked together in the garden, truth to be told, they were lost, it was Bheem's fault, he was still hungry after ate the foods in the dinner, as he claimed that the kheer was the most delicious kheer he ever tasted.

"now, bhrata Bheem, we are lost, we don't know how to get to the kitchen nor we know how to go back to our rooms!" Arjun said while Nakula and Sahadeva nodded,

"i didn't know that the Palace is so confusing like this!" Bheem replied, clearly annoyed as his belly kept making hungry sounds and his younger brothers kept complaining. Then they heard the noise of laughters and veena accompanied by drums,

"you hear that?" Nakula asked, trying to listen again,

"we should follow the sounds, maybe there is some maids who can help us!" Sahadeva muttered to his elder brothers, Yudhistir nodded as they walked towards the sounds.

The floral scents were heavy in this garden as there was lots of flowers bloomed, they walked towards the high bushes, and found the guards stationed there, the laughter and movements could be heard stronger.

"Rajkumaron, Pranipat!" one of a guard greeted them, with that the voices stilled, it became silent.

Not long after, there was movement, the bushes opened by a beautiful girl, she smiled at them joined her hands and bowed,

"pranam, Rajkumaron, i am Rajkumari Mira, what can i help you?"

"pranam, Rajkumari," the five of them greeted back,

"my brother is quite hungry, and we want to go to the kitchen and cook something, but we are lost," Nakul explained as Mira nodded,

"we are very sorry if we disturb you, Rajkumari," Yudhistira said politely, Mira gazed at him with excited look,

"ah! You don't have to worry!" she shook her head, "we are to be family after all, no need such formalities. Come in, there's foods inside!"

The Pandavas marveled at the place, it felt like they travelled to another place, this place filled with many flowers who bloomed beautifully as the scent felt heavy and fresher.

"it's so beautiful!" Arjuna whispered, while others nodded in agreement,

"of course it's beautiful. This garden bestowed by Indra Dev to Rajkumari Dasharathi, daughter of Maharaj Dasharata and sister of Raghunatha Ram Chandra. It said that this garden is the embodiment of Indralok's Nandana Vana." Mira explained, "this garden is solely belongs to the Suryavanshi daughters, no one can entered this garden without our permission."

They walked towards the open place surrounded by varieties of sweet scented flowers, the moon reflected to the surface of the lake, as the lotus flowers of various colors let out a faint glow as illuminated by the moon. Several women and men sat there, several of them had drums and veenas on their hands, while many of them were dancing and some of them made garlands. The most eye catching one was the one sat comfortably in a swing, her long hair casually reach ground and many children around her, decorated her hair with several flowers.  

"what does Abhiram wants, Mira? I keep tell him that this garden is off limit yet he keeps coming, i'm going to beat him the next time he comes here!" Kathiravani said, observing the dance in front of her, "move your feet, and bent a little bit, wait, isn't it supposed to be Jai Raghuvanshi Ayodhya-Pati Ram Chandra ki Jai?"

They laughed together. That was how the Pandavas along with Rajkumari Mira found them. Laughed together because of the silliness. Yudhistira could see the way she treated people around her, strict yet so kind. Even when she corrected people, she never show any anger instead with soft, motherly voice.

"jiji, look, who is here?" Mirdhvi grinned, Kathiravani frowned, she turned back, her eyes collided with the softest eyes she ever saw. It felt like everything around her became blank, as she could only saw him. She blinked, repeatedly to confirm if he was real or not. Then it hit her. He was there, in front of her!  Gazed upon her, with soft eyes, she wished he looked upon her like that for the rest of her life!

She unknowingly tightened her hand on her dupatta, she could hear songs around her, and the colours around her seemed brighter, then sudden shock came to her, she recalled the conversation she had with her Sakhi Radhika back in Braj, in Vrindavan. Her Radhika Sakhi said that when she saw her Kanha, the world became void as he was her light, after that the colours became brighter and the sounds became melodious, everything would be centered around her Kanha, that was how Radhika Sakhi described how she fell in love with Kanha bhaiya, Kathiravani didn't understand back then because Kanha bhaiya was her brother, and the love she had for him was familial maternal love, but Radhika Sakhi said that she would feel it one day with the person whok she would fallen in love with... And now she did.

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