Part 33: Kaatun kaise raataan, o saawre

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In the blink of an eye, one month had passed, swiftly without hindrance. Yudhistira had arrived safely to the palace of Hastinapur, leaving behind his wife in her own Kingdom, as the two of them had their own responsibilities.

Yudhistira easily fell in the rhythm of life he had prepared for his whole life. But nothing prepared him for this!
At first, it was not subtle, as he only noticed the lack of presence of his dearest in their room, yet he brushed it away like it was nothing. The other time he felt that the bed was too wide for him alone, then it was as simple as not smelled her fragrance. His beloved smelled like a lotus flower. So he ordered the servants to brought her the flowers from RamaSita temple yet, it lacked everything and it was so scary for him.

And it became physically hurt without her by his side. Only when he did his job as Crown Prince, mainly reviewing every scrolls and petitions that he could set his mind off of her, but when he did nothing, the thought of her came running into his mind.

That was how Duryodhan found him, in the garden near RamaSita temple, holding a lotus flower, Duryodhan came near Yudhistira,

"bhrata Yudhistira?" the elder brother glance at him, and Duryodhana opened his mouth, his jaw dropped, "what's wrong with you?"

Yudhistira sat there with swollen eyes, he wiped those remaining tears, "i miss her so much it hurts..." he whispered. Duryodhana didn't know what to do, he sat beside him in astonishment, this was the first time he saw Yudhistira cried, a grown man could cry for his wife without any shame like this. He weep uncontrollably, while Duryodhan couldn't help but patted his shoulder.

"babhi will come back, bhrata Yudhistira," he said, already sympathise yet so encouraged by the love the man had for his wife, he vowed that he also would love his wife the way bhrata Yudhistira loved babhishree Kaushalya.


With that conversation, three months had passed, Yudhistira didn't even bother to concealed, that everyone in the palace knew about his conditions. That three months felt like thirteen years without her. But that thought of her flew away when Maharaj Dhritarashtra came back to the palace from a pleasure day he took himself and Shakuni, as Duryodhana couldn't go because he and Bhima went to Dwaraka to learn Mace fights from Balaram.

When they came back, there was another person who came with both of them. A man, they called him Angraj, the newest King of Anga, under Kuru kingdom, who was appointed by Maharaj Dhritarashtra because of a life-saving grace, he helped Maharaj Dhritarashtra who almost getting killed by a rakshasha in the forest, and because of that, Maharaj appointed him as the ruler of Anga.

Maharaj Dhritarashtra seemed to trusted him so much, especially with Shakuni's encouraging words. With that he blindly trusted the two of them even went as far as rebuke his son, Duryodhana and said that Duryodhana's mind was poisoned by the sons of Pandu and that he had no will of his own.

Fortunately, Duryodhana and his hundred of brothers were firm and believed in Kathiravani. Most of them, found nothing to do really ran and went to Ramaprashta, to find her.

Kathiravani was amused, the devars of hers couldn't come to Kosala because that was where the in laws lived, but they could come and go to Ramaprashta, because this was the kingdom of their own Babhi.

"babhi, since you've been gone, and Pitashree and Mamashree brought that Angraj into the palace, we can't find any peace there!" Dushashan said while munched over a sweet mango,


"i swear!" he brought over his hundreds of brothers to Pragata, so that they would not be subjected into scorching eyes of that scary Angraj, "Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev wanted to come here too, but they also need to guard bhrata Yudhistira. Mata and Choti Mata Kunti don't even want to cross steps with that Angraj."

"what bhrata Dushasan said is true, babhi, Mata and Choti Mata Kunti even went to Kunti Kingdom to take care of Vrushali Babhi!" Vikarna added, "Hastinapura has changed a lot!"

Kathiravani found it amusing and funny when her Devars complained, they divided their time between Hastinapura and Pragati, five days in Hastinapura and two days in Pragati, said that they should do that or else they would going crazy, she didn't take it to the heart as she knew her devars were dramatic.


She set her foot in the kingdom again after six months, the citizen of Hastinapur showered her with love, welcoming their Yuvrani to the city, when she entered the palace, many maids, male servants and guards seemed relieved.

Jyesth Mata Gandhari and Mata Kunti hugged her, they relied on her a lot, that with her here finally Hastinapur could finally gained their breath. Kathiravani felt really strange. The Palace hall was the same but had different vibes on it.

Yudhistira kept himself calm despite wanting to reach out and hugged her, he gazed at her lovingly, Kathiravani unable to met his heated gaze, made the maids who followed them blushed, they walked into the RamaSita temple, they stepped in, Kathiravani immediately noticed the fresh flowers and diyas full of oil,

"i always make sure the maids to light up the diya and collected fresh flowers," Kathiravani smiled gratefully, she knew that Kuru dynasty worshipped Mahadev, and her husband himself also worshipped Mahadev,

"thank you," that all she could mustered up, she thanked him for everything he ever done to her. She thought her marriage would be full of courtesies, she even prepared herself to live a loveless life, but then, he did care for her, a lot.

Yudhistira frowned when he saw tears in her eyes. He even felt his heart hurt when he saw those tears, "why are you crying, Priye?" cupped her cheeks and wiped those tears,

"nothing," she answered, "it's just i'm so glad i marry you not anyone else."

"i'm also glad i marry you and not anyone else."

They both unaware of the fact that something darker creep out and watching them intently, waiting for a good time to strike and broke everything.


A/N: today my young cousin asked, "what is your dream job?" and i was like... I never dream of having a job, i only dream of getting rich. 😭😂

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