Part 12: Akshauhini

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Akshauhini: one akshauhini had 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 1,09,350 soldiers and 65,610 horses.

Kathiravani, along with Isha and Senapati Kunala rode chariots, this time she only brought one akshauhini of the mighty Antarasena, every citizen of Ayodhya were amazed, her gold armor was shining when the light of Surya Narayan fell upon them, everyone could see the Suryavanshi symbol carved there.

As the crowd amazed, they didn't notice the six people among them who had extraordinary aura, the five Panduputra and Dhritarashtra Putra, the younger brothers glancer at Yudhistira who kept looking at the procession with worried and longing eyes, Arjun was the one who coughed so he could get the eldest brother's attention,

"Babhishree is just so awesome, Jyesth doesn't even go to any war yet Babhishree already going several times, this one even to fight an Asura king,"

"i think in the future, we should curry favor towards Babhishree, least she will be mad to us!" Nakul piped in, sent teasing smile to his eldest brother but the later just continuously stare even after the procession were gone and the crowds dispersed.

"let's go to the temple," Yudhistira finally said, the brothers glanced at each other and shrugged, chose to followed their eldest brother to the ShivParvati temple, the first place they met Yuvrani and her sisters.

They entered the temple and Yudhistira began to did his prayers to Mahadev and Mata Parvati, he asked for their blessings to Kaushalya, he hoped that she could stayed away from any harm.


The mighty warrior of Suryavanshi went straight to the border of Pragata, the capital of Ashurashta, Senapati Kunala came to Kathiravani while she and Isha observed the map of the whole Ashurashta. This Kingdom was great, alas it was ruled by Thandakasur, an Asura who devoted towards Surya Dev, he had a boon that no one would be able to kill him except a woman whose bear the resemblance of the sun, Kathiravani shrugged, her name was literally mean the Sun, and she was a Suryavanshi, in the whole Aryavrat, many probably already regarded her as the future killed of this Ashura.

"Yuvrani, should we attack them now or send message first?"

Kathiravani followed the map of this Kingdom, "just sent letter to Pragata-Pati, tell him that Yuvrani of Kosala wants to challenge him in a duel," she had her own reason for this, usually in wars, only small helpless people were the victim, mothers would lose their sons, wives lose their husbands and children lose their fathers and brothers, she came here to freed them from that tyrant King, if she was the reason for their suffering again then what was the difference between her and that Thandakasur.

"i'll go deliver the message right now, Yuvrani," Kunala bowed, her eyebrows rose,

"sent it via bird, if that Pragata-Pati doesn't respond in three hours, we'll attack,"

She wrote the message herself and tied it on the feet of a dove, then let it flew away, now she, Isha, Kunala and Nara, one of the head of cavalry, discussed the attack plan.

"remember, these people are suffering under this tyrant King, we should not adding their misfortune, we only want them to have a good life," Kathiravani said while overlooking the map, she played with the weapon Bhagwan Parashurama gave her, it was a bow with lotus carved on there, and light weighted.

"Yuvrani! Yuvrani! He is coming!" a guard ran inside the tent, Kathiravani nodded, she tied her long hair, her temperament changed, she didn't look like the usual Kathiravani with calm and kind,

"let's go."

They walked outside, Kathiravani smirked when he saw the Ashura King along with his armies, she climbed her chariot with Isha as charioteer, they entered the field, under the watchful gaze of everyone.

Thandakasur, his name was, got the boon from Suryadev that no one shall penetrated his armor and killed him, only a woman born in Vijayadashami, and had the resemblance of the sun could kill him, at this point he was immortal because none had that in them much more a woman, and when he got the message, he thought that Yuvrani of Ayodhya was a foolish woman, she was just a teenager who wanted to challenge him in a duel, but when he saw her appearance, his pupil dilated.

The appearance could change but the soul couldn't!

He couldn't recognise many people but how come he couldn't recognise her?! She was practically the one his soul craved since the beginning of his time, she was the one he wanted for as long as he could remember. She was the only one Lord Shiva had promised him.

That woman was the incarnation of his beloved!

"ah, You're the Pragata-Pati, Thandakasur?" Kathiravani asked, the way she stood on her chariot, and wind blowed towards her face, the way sun shined upon her, Thandakasur felt like his soul had left his body,

"i am, and you're Yuvrani of Ayodhya, tell me, child, what do you want?"

Kathiravani smirked, her eyes twinkled with blood thirst, "i need to pay for my Guru Dakshina, Thandakasur, so i challenge you to duel, if i can defeat you then i'll rule the Kingdom, if you can defeat me then i'll go back to my Kingdom,"

"why the need for it, Yuvrani? Why don't you just be my Queen and ruled beside me?"

Kathiravani snorted, "why don't i kill you then ruled this kingdom as its Queen, alone?"

Thandakasur smiled, ah, his Padmi was still as feisty as she used to be, appearance may be changed but the soul still the same,

"fine. I accepted your challenge."

Now Kathiravani and Thandaksur were in the middle, their armies step aside, Kathiravani swing her sword, while the Ashura King in front of him prepared his attack.

They fought each other like no other, despite Thandakasur's emotional turmoil for his Padmi, that one in front of him wasn't Padmi, with a swift motion, Kathiravani thrust her sword forward, Thandakasur's armor glow like a sun and protected him, but then that armor broke, Thandakasur disappeared like sand.

Thw crowd erupted into cheering, all the soldiers of Thandakasur knelt in reverence, some of them even cried, finally they were free from that tyrant Ashura. They hailed her name, welcomed her into the city of Pragata.

She spent two days more, for her coronation as the ruling Queen, she changed the Kingdom's name to Ramaprashta, in honor of Bhagwan Parashurama, she left Kunala as Mahamantri and Nara as Senapati, and then she came back to Ayodhya, it was time for her wedding after all!


A/N: hello everyone! Your author is here. This is the first time i write about Mahabharata, so bear with me please. So, Kathiravani is a Yuvrani (Crown Princess) of Ayodhya as the only child of Maharaj Ranjeet and Maharani Vaidehi Shruti, Princess of Videha. She is also called Kaushalya as a Princess of Kosala. So she had many names, but Kathiravani was an intimate one. Thank you for the reading.

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