26: the coming

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A/N: happy reading!
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Early in the morning, as Kathiravani woke up with the help of Isha, they went to do her daily pooja, then did her work as administrative of state in Maharani Gandhari's seat. The news of Kuru Princes's victory and Ashwatthama's ascension to the throne of Northern Panchal travelled fast, and today was Kuru Princes's return.

She instructed the servants to did all of the welcoming ceremony neatly and quickly as possible. She was excited, to see the Princes and obviously hearing their stories. She was also a bit impatient to know the battle formation of the war and how they broke them.

"Maharani, come quickly! It's time for you to dress up! Rajmata Kunti has send over some jewelry and fabrics for you,"

Isha dragged Kathiravani to her chamber, they entered and saw Rajmata Kunti along with several maids carried over trays after trays.

"Kaushalya, you're here. Come, dear, see these jewelries and fabrics, do you like it?"

Kathiravani smiled, she nodded, "these are beautiful, Mata,"

"now, you choose some and wear it, alright?"

"but, Mata, these are too precious... I can't..."

Kunti rubbed Kathiravani's hands with affection, "these are mine, and i am a widow so i don't need these anymore, i also have no daughter born to me so i can only give these to you,"

Kathiravani looked over at the jewelries and fabrics, all precious things, it was dowry from Kuntiprashta, bought to Hastinapur when Rajmata Kunti married the late Maharaj Pandu.

"all of the Devars and Bhrata Karna will be married one day, if i take all of these, then in the future, they will have nothing to take from you, and i will be blamed," she chuckled, Rajmata Kunti smiled softly,

"then you take all of these to safekeeping. When your Bhrata Karna and Devars get married, you can let them take their shares from you,"


Kunti rubbed her hands again, smiling at the young woman, the daughter in law she loved as her own daughter,

"you're still the first Kulvadhu of our family, Kaushalya," Kunti said, "no matter who your Bhrata Karna or Devars married one day, you are still the first Kulvadhu."


Kathiravani clad in red blood saree with many jewelries, she, Dushala and the Elders were waiting for the arrival of Kuru Princes. Kathiravani checked all the things needed for the welcome ceremony again. Many Elders's attention went to her, as the Kulvadhu couldn't sit still in her place.

"Maharaj, Mahamahim, the Princes are entering the capital!" a servant announced, Kathiravani's eyes lit up, as everyone stood up to wait for them in front of the palace. She let everyone walked first, but Dushala took her arm and they both walked,

"Dushala, how do i look?" she asked, unconscious about her appearance, Dushala smirked in a teasing way,

"you look absolutely beautiful, Babhishree, i'm sure Bhrata Yudhistira will be so captivated by your beauty!"

Kathiravani blushed, "i didn't mean it like that!"

"mean it like that or didn't mean it like that, i think, Babhishree knows the best,"

As these two young women had their banter, the sound of horses finally made them quiet. They both overlooked at the gates, the Princes in their majestic aura rode their respective horses, flowers were showered upon them and the people chanted their names. Kathiravani's attention focusing only at the one in front, his serene smile, soft eyes, upon laid gaze on him, Kathiravani felt relieved washed oved her, for some reason, she wanted to cry, tears already brimmed in her eyes but she blinked quickly as to avoid it smeared her kajal.

"Kaushalnya, come and do their welcoming ritual,"

Kathiravani's eyes widened, she looked around and everyone nodded in encouragement, really let her did this ritual. The Princes climbed step by step, she took the tray from the maid and began the ritual.

Yudhistira was the one who came in front of her first, he saw her, how could he not, it was her figure and her face he kept dreaming over and over again since he was away from her, and she was the only one his eyes kept looking for when he was in his horse, her figure clad in a blood red saree and jewelries which enchanted him more.

He sighed in relief when he did not find any wrong in her, he was thankful that she was being able to live a good life in this palace, when he was in the battle camp, only one thought in his mind, he was afraid that Kathiravani would not feel comfortable lived in the Palace with his Elders.

Their eyes collided when she placed tilak on his forehead, he could see the way her eyes lit up, relief, longing, and some other emotions he couldn't depict surging in those mesmerizing eyes of hers. And it hit him, this was his wife, the one he walked seven steps with and the promise of lifetimes, it was her right to feel his love for her, it was the right thing to love her with all his heart, she was his as he was hers, she was his Ardhangini,  his other half. Those realisation hit him like a brick, he really wanted to hug her. As Kathiravani bent down to touch his feet, Yudhistira stopped her midway, his hands were placed on her shoulders, he smiled at him with love, respect and devotion, made Kathiravani's heart trembled. Silent promise was exchange between them, as Yudhistira moved towards the elders to greet them, while Kathiravani finally gained her focus only to locked eyes with the youngest of the Pandu's sons, Sahadeva who gave her a teasing look, she swore her youngest Devar knew the future or at least the art of it, because he always one step ahead of everyone in everything!

She shook her head, then placed tilak on her other brother in laws, he had a hundred and five brothers in law, a hundred and four of them were Devars, it made her head a bit hurt as they touched her feer and she blessed them one by one.

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