Part 16: The secret

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Kathiravani made a herbal drink when she heard about Kunti who fainted during the battle between Arjuna and Karna. She felt worried towards her mother in law. She and Isha walked towards Rajmata Kunti's chamber.

Inside the chamber, they heard Rajmata Kunti's cried echoed, Kathiravani along with Isha shockingly looked at each other, their mouth parted but no words came out as they still heard the secret inside. Kathiravani took a deep breath then knocked Rajmata Kunti's door.

"Mata, it's Kaushalya!" she walked in, then gave a not so subtle glare towards Rajmata Kunti's maids who ducked her head down in fear, Rajmata Kunti sat in her bed, while Kathiravani took her hand, "after the ritual of welcoming bride has ended, i search for Mata, but then Jyesth Mata Ghandari said that you fainted during the fight, are you alright, Mata?"

Kunti softly smiled upon her, she cupped her cheeks, "i'm alright now, dear,"

Kathiravani, being always straightforward felt like she didn't need to conceal any truths towards her mother in law, that was why she decided to sent Rajmata Kunti's maid away, while that woman protested, Isha dragged Priyamvadha away.

"Mata, forgive me but i've heard something..." she observed Kunti who lose all colours on her face, "it was not my intention to overheard it, Mata," she quickly added, Kunti's eyes brimmed into tears while Kathiravani quickly hugged her.

"i miss him so much! He is my son! I missed all of these years i was supposed to spend with him!" Kunti wailed while Kathiravani rocked her back and forth, she knew this time Kunti only wanted her support, and she gladly gave her all the support she needed. Kunti sobbed again for quite sometimes, then after she felt a little more calm, Kathiravani gave her a honey water she made.

"Mata, are you willing to listen to my suggestion?" Kathiravani asked, a bit hesitated, she took Kunti's hand, Kunti nodded, at this point, she would do anything, as she saw Kathiravani as the only one who was willing to support her, "Mata, i'm not going to judge you or your actions because if i was in your place, i will do the same as you do, and that's coming from my heart. You're unmarried woman, a Princess at that, you have responsibilities, and i understand it perfectly well,"

Kathiravani wiped Kunti's tears, she didn't even close with the older woman but at this time, she felt like she was the only one Kunti could rely on.

"but, Mata, you make mistake is in past, and you should correct it now," she said, Kathiravani really convincing, sometimes she asked herself if she was a deceiver in her past life.

"but i'm afraid, dear. I'm afraid, what will my sons think? What will the society think? They will badmouth them,"

"who cares what society think, Mata? Let them talk, so what if they talk? They will still stop and salute to you when they meet you, it's not like they're going to do any harm towards you," Kathiravani explained, anyway, she was also faced many problems when her father, Maharaj Ranjeet, decided to make her the Crown Princess of Kosala, many were against it especially men, but none of them dare to said it in front of her, if they had ability, those people should tell her directly, she would not die just because those people badmouth her.

But Kathiravani quickly realised that Rajmata Kunti had different mindset with her, she was fearless, but Rajmata Kunti wasn't as fearless, she still succumbed to those destructive thoughts.


"Mata, today, the two sons of yours are fighting against each others like enemies. The elder brother is supposed to love his younger siblings, the younger siblings should worship their elder brother, but they are trying to unalive each other... I'm afraid Bhrata Karna and Devar Arjun are going to be enemies, do you want to see your sons become enemies?"

Anyway, she just only wanted to help, if Rajmata Kunti refused it then it up to her. Karna now was a Rajkumar of Ramaprashta as she declared, she wanted him to be the Senapati of Ramaprashta, but if Kunti recognised him, he shall be King of Kuntibhoj, as long as she could gained another strong allied for her husband.

"but... What will my sons think? I'm afraid that they will hate me, dear. It's alright if the society hates me but how am i going to live if they hate me too?"

In Kathiravani's opinion, Mata Kunti was the best mother when it came to her children, she just needed to be pushed a bit,

"you should talk to Bhrata Karna alone, and i will speak with my husband and Devars, my husband is wise, he will understand, it will be challenge to tell my Devars, but i can do it."

Kunti nodded, she embrace the girl who made her remember her past, she was also a carefree, warrior Princess like her too, but after married into this Dynasty and experience several turmoils in her life, Kunti forgot who she was.

"thank you, my daughter. I'm so thankful towards the fate for making you marry my son. You're not only my daughter in law anymore, today you prove that you're my daughter. I'm a bit mad, your mother gave birth to you not me, but it's alright, you come back to me again."

Kunti embraced her again and peppered kisses all over her face and head, that was when the Pandavas found their two most special women, hugging each other.

"wow, after you got your daughter, you forgot about your own sons?" Arjun came to them, touched Kunti's feet, while the older woman smiled contentedly,

"i'm afraid my position in Mata's heart has changed once her daughter is here!" Sahadev said while faked his tears, Kathiravani grinned towards her youngest Devar, she hugged Kunti's arms tighter,

"i am lovable after all. And i am Mata's daughter. I'm sorry but since olden times, daughters are more precious to parents than sons. One daughter can equal ten sons, so it's not my fault Mata loves me more than all of you combined, right Mata?"

The five of them opened their mouth wanted to refute but nothing came out, as they saw Kunti stroke Kathiravani's cheek,

"wah, Babhi, wah... I'm impressed!" Bheem shook his head, "i'm afraid, Jyesth, our position has really change!"

Yudhistira shook his head, his smile was soft especially his eyes when he gazed at Kathiravani, as if she was the best thing ever happened to him. And Kathiravani indeed the best thing, when he saw how close she was with his mother, he once again sent prayers and his thanks to the gods for making her his wife.

"it's alright, you can come and have a bit of hug, i don't mind," Kathiravani winked to them, Nakul was the first stepped and hugged Kunti, the rest following before Bheem shouted,



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