Part 14: competition

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They entered the border of Hastinapur, but they stopped there as Sanjay came to them and informed them that Guru Drona wanted to show off his disciples's skills in front of many people, so the grand welcome of the Kuru Princes and Kulvadhu of the dynasty were halted. Kathiravani could only hid her displeasure, but Yudhistira noticed it, he quickly calmed her down. That was the reason why Kathiravani, along with her guards and Isha sat in the stand with many resident of Hastinapur, all of them were excited to see the progressed of the future of this Kingdom.

Kathiravani were uneasy, she felt a bad premonition, something bad would happen, but Yudhistira quickly calmed her down again and said that she probably was too worried.

She sat there, with guards around her and Isha, Isha obviously displeased as the way they seated, Kathiravani was the eldest and currently only Kulvadhu of this Kingdom, but she didn't even welcomed properly nor she seated in royal stand, but Kathiravani shushed her as not to bring unnecessary attention towards them.

Isha snickered at the way Guru Drona acted, he didn't even resembled a Brahmin with how proud and haughty he was, but Kathiravani didn't eve bat her eyes, Guru Drona after all only counted as her Guru Bhaiya, but her Gurudev didn't even had any particular memory about him, because he only asked for the knowledge of weapon, but Kathiravani only wanted to meet Mahamahim Bhisma, the great Devavrata, the one Bhagwan Parashurama always talking about with pride, the one he announced as the greatest among all the greats in the world.

Kathiravani saw him, in the royal stand, he was as extraordinary as everyone described, his aura was full of authorities, he was as greatest.

The competition began, Kathiravani took a deep breath and clutched Isha's hand tightly as she saw the way Duryodhan defeated Nakul, Sahadev and now her husband.

"anyway, i just noticed that that GuruPutra Ashwathama gave the sons of Maharaj Pandu new name, Panduputra, that's weird. They are supposed to be called Kauravas too,"

"Isha you talk too much, i should leave you to rule Ramaprashta instead of brought you along here," Kathiravani annoyedly told Isha who bit her lips,

"i'm sorry my Maharani, i'll shut up now but please don't left me in Ramaprashta to rule it, you know how i hate politics!"

Kathiravani clutched her hands worriedly as Duryodhana also defeated Yudhistira which in Kathiravani's opinion was cheated. Her husband clearly walked away from Duryodhana, Isha wanted to say something but Kathiravani gave her the famous glare making her shut up immediately.

The competition were intense, it didn't feel like a friendly competition between Brothers anymore but to prove something. Kathiravani disliked it. Also, she remembered that Isha told her about how cursed the Kuru lineage was. But Kathiravani just shrugged it off, she knew Isha was just joking.

The match stopped abruptly when Kaunteya Bhima injured Duryodhana and immediately got disqualified.

Now it was the time for Arjuna, Kathiravani sighed contentedly at her younger brother in law, she knew that everyone would admire him.

As he walked by, Guru Drona's arrow latched and made the stone of elephant statue fallen into him, everyone gasped, Kathiravani worriedly looked over there,

"he's not even entering the arena yet he already died, killed by his own Guru?" Isha muttered while Kathiravani pinched her hand, but suddenly an arrow split into two, one went to Kunti's place and saved her tears from falling, the other towards Kathiravani's seat, it exploded upon her and immediately lotus flower fallen upon her, as everyone around her and her guards gasped in shock. But she remained very calm, only a soft smile on her lips, they watched how dramatics Arjuna's acts were and how everyone adored it.

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