Part 18: Brothers

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Kondal vannanaik kovalanayvenney
Unda vayan en, Ullamkavarndhanai
Andar kon ani arangkan enamudhinaik
Andar kon ani arangkan enamudhinaik
Kanda kangal marronrinaik Kanave



Kathiravani woke up in Yudhistira's arms around her, the next morning, ChandraDev hadn't even went back to his abode yet, but she was already entering her bath.

She came out with a simple pink saree drap around her, Yudhistira woke up to find his wife did her shringar, he always found it amazing when she did all of that. The way she took care of her hair meticulously, he dared to bet that no one did it like her, her long hair fallen while she wiped them softly and with care, after it all dry, she put ointment, it smelled like Lotus with a hint of vanilla, every strand, then she braided her hair. He got up and hugged her, placed his head on the crock of her neck, smelled that divine scent,

"good morning," he murmured lazily, his voice laced with sleep, Kathiravani giggled, she was the only one in the world who could hear the lazy voice of DharmRaj Yudhistira.

"Good Morning," she replied with giggling voice while Yudhistira kissed her neck lovingly,

"you're up so early," he hugged her to him, while she placed her hand on his cheeks and rubbed it softly,

"i need to offer puja to Suryadev, helping Jyesth Mata Gandhari tend to her jobs, after that, i should prepare to cook for everyone, anyway, what are everyone's favorite foods?"

Yudhistira still hugged her tightly, "everyone eats anything here. As long as it's delicious, also, you can make more kheer, i think everyone will love it."

"i need to go, the sun almost rise, Natha," Yudhistira whined as he loved the warm skin of his beloved wife, but he couldn't waste more of their time as he also had other responsibilities to do like attended the sabha now, for Guru Drona had something to tell them. Kathiravani hold out a small container for him, it was full of red vermilion powder, Yudhistira took a small part of the powder and applied on the part of Kathiravani's hair, she close her eyes and savour the feeling of fullness, complete and serene that only he could gave her. She opened her eyes again, and smiled at him, he kissed her forehead with so much love and devotion,

"I'll see you around, Pathi Prameshwar!" she teased him, Yudhistira blushed furiously, he didn't even say anything when she sprinted out from their chamber.

To say Kathiravani was gorgeous was not exaggerating, she was splendid in everywhere. Many people said that in different times of a day, when light of Surya Narayan fell upon hee, they could see the soft light surrounded her and the divinity shine bright around her body.

Isha met her halfway near the shore of river Gangaa, as usual she waited for her. Isha noticed there was another person, not far from them, Mahamahim Bhisma also did his morning ritual.

The first ray of sunshine fell upon Kathiravani, she closed her eyes to relish it, then muttered, "Good morning, Surya Dev." then finished her morning prayer.

She opened her eyes again and came out from the river, she saw Mahamahim Bheesma, then walked into him,

"Pranipat, Mahamahim," she greeted and touched his feet, the older man gave his blessing.

"you also doing your puja, Putri?" he asked, Kathiravani nodded,

"it's a habit,Mahamahim." she answered, smiling up at the elder of Kuru dynasty,

"please, putri, do call me Pitamah," Pitamah walked with her, "you're the first and eldest Kulvadhu of our family in your generation," he murmured, then he joined his hands, not long after, a very beautiful woman emerged from the river, hee clothes were all white, her long hair fallen into her side, "Mata,"

"Devavrata," Ganga greeted her son, Bhisma smiled,

"Mata, kindly bless her," he indicated towards Kathiravani, "she is the first and eldest Kulvasdhu. She is the daughter of Suryavanshi, Raghu Clan, and the wife of Panduputra Yudhistira,"

Kathiravani came forward and touched the Goddess's feet, she held out her hand, and bless her, "may you always find happiness in your life, and your life should always prosperous,"

Goddess Gangaa then went back to her abode.


As Kathiravani walked with Isha, they came across the sons of Gandhari who wanted to walked into the sabha,

"pranipat, Babhishree," one of them greeted her, Kathiravani couldn't even remember all of their names, one of them came and touched her feet, she instantly blessed him,

"what are you doing here, Bhabishree? Pandavas's side of the palace is not here," it was Dushashan, Kathiravani remembered his name,

"i come, especially want to find you!" she said excitedly with smile,

"and may i ask for what, Babhishree?" one of hundred sons of Dhritarashtra asked again, she smiled at them with twinkle in her eyes,

"i come to ask what food do you all like and i shall cook it for all of you," she answered them, her tone was soft and there was hint of kindness there, the sons of Gandhari stilled, they looked at their eldest brother for confirmation, Duryodhana had calculation look in his eyes,

"are you playing with us, Babhishree?" he finally spoke, Kathiravani shook her head,

"why are you thinking so? I just want to know what kind of foods, all of you like,"

Duryodhana dumbfounded, well, almost every elders in this palace favour those Pandavas to the core, and also, since they were kid, even their mother never asked for their favorite foods to cook, well, how could she, she couldn't even see.

"well, all of us loves sweet foods, Babhishree, you can cook all of the sweet foods you can," Before Duryodhan could say anything, Vikarna already piped in, making him slightly glare while the younger could only sheepishly grinned.

Kathiravani smiled, her eyes twinkled again, she nodded excitedly, she didn't know that the mighty Kaurava Princess actually loved sweets.

"alright! I will make sweets for all of you!"


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