Part 32: Tere main Hawaale

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Nearing the end of six month after Kathiravani and Yudhistira got married, the Crown Princess of Hastinapur and Kosala, finally prepared herself to went back to her own Kingdom. As been agreed by Yudhistira and Maharaj Ranjeet that the Crown Princess shall did her duty as Kulvadhu, but she also shall did her duty as Yuvrani of Ayodhya.

Three months after they were married, Kathiravani successfully made her only sister in law married Abhishek, her younger brother. With that, everyone in Kuru dynasty loved her, the people adored her, as with her in the charge of treasury, and administration, their condition of life improved to be better, because she could not be cheated by bad minister who wanted to corrupt something.

And also, Mahamahim Bhisma gave her a gift worthy of his name, after hearing that she worshipped Raghunatha Rama Chandra and Mata Sita, Mahamahim Bhisma took out his own money to build a temple, the one and only temple of her beloved Raghunatha and Mata in Hastinapura.

The news of Vrushali, wife of Karna was expecting a child came, of course everyone overjoyed because of this, the family didn't say anything about her, but many people were also expected Kathiravani's joyous occasions which made her speechless.

As she greeted the elders and took their blessings, she prepared to boarded her chariot but stopped when she saw the look in her brothers in law's faces which made her sighed,

"what is it, Devars?"

"Babhishree don't go, we don't want you to go!" it was Dushashan, his eyes were red, the others also nodded in agreement,

"if Babhi go then who is going to make kheer and laddoo for us?"

"bhrata Bheem is right, babhi don't leave us!"

Kathiravani opened her mouth wanted to speak but not a word came out, she was partially speechless and partially amused, these boys were attached to her more that she thought, they acted like her sons than brothers. Yudhistira and the elders saw that chuckled, Kathiravani became integral part of their life, it was hard to let her go like that.

"alright, your Babhishree is only going for six months, she will come back, don't cry like that!" Yudhistira couldn't help but pacify them, after that he watched his younger brothers took blessings from Kathiravani and finally let her boarded the chariot. He would accompany her to Ayodhya and planned to stayed there for a month before came back.


The journey to Ayodhya filled with conversation between newlywed, as they reached the city, many passerby who saw them cried, their faces elated as they showered them with flowers. The chanted of Yuvrani and Yuvrani-Pati were heard, the citizen of Ayodhya really happy, as they hailed her as their Purnima. The same way the people of Ayodhya waitee for their Lord RamaChandra's return, they also patiently waited for their Purnima's return. While seeing her the people became so refreshed like floweres were watered by rainwater after long time. Kathiravani smiled so big as her people showed her with love, that kind of love were unmatched for it devoid of any adulterous, these people deemed hef as their child and sister respectively thus her return was very much waited by them all.

Yudhistira saw the whole love and joy of the people when they saw her. He was so proud of her, she was loved by everyone who encountered her or took a glimpse of her. There was something in her that made her so likeable by people.

They were welcomed by the Royal Family, mainly Maharaj Ranjeet and Maharani Shruti and also the Ministers. Kathiravani was the only child of this couple so her family wasn't that big compared to his. Yudhistira noticed the lack of siblings immediately. The Palace of Hastinapur may be grand, but it filled with residents, the member of Royal family was quite many so it lively, here in the palace of Ayodhya, only maids and guards were around, and the Royal family only consisted of four people including him so it felt so wide and tranquil.

He noticed immediately, that Kathiravani's quarter consisted of the whole wing, it fascinated and also made him feel bad for Kathiravani. She probably felt really lonely growing up.

Yudhistira also noticed his new hobby, which consisted of him teasing her. Yudhistira simply wasn't that type, he was always the mature one, looked after his younger brothers and let them teasing each others and laughed along, but because of her, he found out that he also had mischievous side that no one knew about, no one, only her. He loved to see her cheeks grew red, or how she stammered in her speech if he subtle gave her a wink without anyone really knowing, it was their ways of intimacy with each other.

He found his wife sat in the swing one night as she overlooked the city, truth to be told, Ayodhya was a splendid place, it was magnificent during the day as the sun shone upon the buildings studded with precious gems that sparkled and it was especially gorgeous during the night, it had that splendour and mythical aura on it.

"Priye?" he called, sat beside her, she hummed, silently asking question, "i remember that you trained the daughters of ministers to dance for Navratri before our marriage,"

Kathiravani nodded, her gaze focusing on him, "yes, what happened?"

"i am thinking, why do i never have the privilege of seeing you dancing?"

Kathiravani giggled, "what? You want me to dance for you, Natha?" while Yudhistira nodded excitedly,

"can i?"

Kathiravani giggled in delight, "well, to see me dancing depends on your performance, Natha. How good you are towards me, then, if i am satisfied, i will reward you with that," hearing that Yudhistira couldn't help but laughed out loud, so he shall improved himself then in order to see her famous dance, the dance that even Maharaj Ranjeet didn't see it yet.

"i'll try harder, Priye," he said, hugged her waist, and pepperred a kiss on her nose, Kathiravani placed her hands around his neck,

"for now, you can only enjoy my voice." she hugged him, then hummed the song in his ear.


A/N: how's your week this far? Enjoy the chapter.

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