Part 31: It's a Coronation day!

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The next day, the palace bustled in different kind of excitement, Kathiravani woke up before everyone else and after tidying up, she went outside to oversaw the preparations.

Life as the only Kulvadhu was as hard as its easy. For others Princesses in Aryavrat who became Kulvadhu in other Kingdoms, it was hard for them to acquire power from their Mothers in law or sisters in law, but Kathiravani was vastly different, her Mother in law was a widow and her other Mother in law couldn't see. She was the eldest Kulvadhu of Kuru dynasty and Bhrata Karna's wife was in Kuntiprashta.

The servants who saw her smiled, today was also her joyous occasion, finally she could be called as Yuvrani here. Her husband would be a Yuvraj now. After everything settled, Kathiravani joined Royal Women on the balcony to overview the sabha, their men were in the sabha where Yudhistira would be crowned.

They saw how Yudhistira was marinated - that was the word of Dushala not hers, using paste made of tumeric and lots of herbal, then rajpurohit and kulguru Kripacharya washed him with milk before they washed him again with water from seven rivers. He changed to new angvastram and finally was crowned as Yuvraj of Hastinapur.

Many hailed the name of the new Kuru Crown Prince, along with that, Kathiravani also was being congratulated by Royal Women around her. She was pulled into a hug by Princess Rukmini in excitement.

"congratulations of being Yuvrani, Sakhi!" Princess Rukmini smiled, Kathiravani mumbled a quick thank yous as several Royal women from different Kingdoms who were invited came to them and congratulated her, they were the daughters in law of Gandhara Kingdom, Bahlika, Kunti Kingdom, and many branch of Chandravanshi Kingdoms.


The celebration of Yudhistira's coronation ended, everyone began to leave one by one. Many of the Kingdoms took notice on the only Princess of Kuru, the beautiful girl always accompanied her sister in law, the Kurukulvadhu, Kaushalya, as Kaushalya was an expert in diplomacy and politics, she was popular among the Kingdoms, far before she was married, so she had friendship with many daughters in law of these Kingdoms.

Watched everyone leave, Kaushalya turned her head towards her only sister in law, the only Princess of Kuru Kingdom, she took her hands,

"so, have you choose your groom, Kauravi?"

Dushala blushed, she looked down, "i don't know, Babhishree, the two Suryavanshi Princes are of good qualities, both are great warrior, i don't know who to choose between them,"

"my brothers, Abhishek and Siddarth are great of each own, my dear. Whoever you choose, i shall ensure you that he will treat you with utmost respect and kindness you deserve," Kathiravani said, she clutched her hands tighter, "they have different personalities but i assure you, they are good people. My family will also treat you good,"

As Kauravi knew that both Princes were great people, she was also grateful towards her sister in law, she sighed, but still couldn't decide. Kathiravani still smiled,

"Abhishek is a fun lad, he is friendly and always loves to talk. If you wish to have a partner that fun then choose him. Siddarth on the other hand was more quiet. But he is also steady and serious. If you wish to have partner that is steady, then he is good. The choice is all yours."

Dushala nodded, "give me more time, Babhishree,"

"you have every times in the world to choose, Dushala."


Kathiravani sat in the swing near the balcony in her room she shared with Yudhistira. She overheard the conversation between Kunti and Vrushali, the later was the wife of Bhrata Karna, in Kunti's chamber. At first she was supposed to spent time with the two women as Vrushali would back to Kuntiprashta, but then she overheard them talking. They were talking about her, not in bad intention of course as she was so sure her elder sister in law and mother in law weren't that kind of people, they were talking about how many unmarried Princesses of powerful kingdoms now interested of being Yudhistira's wife. Kathiravani didn't know but the thought of him being affectionate with another woman left her uneasy. She reminded herself that it was probably because of the oath he took when he carried her to walked in those thousand stairs, he would only have her as his wife in this lifetime, but that oath also wasn't binding, Yudhistira was a man, and now a Yuvraj, if he wanted to married another woman, who was she to complain or saying 'no', at most, she would let that woman called her jiji and treated that woman as her younger sister, the woman's children with Yudhistira would also called her mother and she must treated them with care.

"what made you think so deeply like this, Priye?"

That words made her jump with fright,

"Natha!" she complained, "you scared me..."

Yudhistira laughed, he took a seat beside her, "sorry, Priye, but you look so deep in thought. What makes you thinking like that? Not to mention, you are frowning."

"i only thinking about what i heard from Mata and Vrushali jiji, Natha,"

"what did you heard, Priye? Seems like you overheard a lot of things these days," he teased her making her pout, Gods, Yudhistira thought, she was beautiful, even with that sweet pout, Yudhistira couldn't help but lean in and peck that red lips, made her blushed in deep shade of red,

"nathaaaa," she protested again, while his eyes twinkled in love and adore,

"yes, priyeee," was his response, he thought to himself that he probably would never be at ease like this if he had married another woman instead of her, he clasped their hands together and bring his lips to kiss her knuckles,

"i am serious!" she said, Yudhistira nodded and gave her a soft smile that only reserved for her,

"alright, my beloved. So, what did you hear?"

"they had talked about us, you specifically," Yudhistira kept silent as he urged her to continue, "they said that many Princesses of other Kingdoms are interested of being your wife now that you are a Yuvraj,"

"yes, and?" was come out from his mouth, he didn't see any problem with thay, because he didn't even think of took another wife other than his beloved who already became his wife. She already completed him, why should he jeopardise his own happy life by taking another woman? It would arouse discomfort from his wife and would reduce his happiness.

"they admire you and want to have you as their husband," Kathiravani said, "and i think you are admirable, i mean of course you are! But i cannot help but feel uneasy, Natha, i mean, of course you are amazing, handsome and valiant warrior, who would not want to marry you? Don't get me wrong, i'm not jealous, of course, a woman should not feel jealous of the prospect of her husband marrying another woman, but-"

Yudhistira didn't even listen to the other words she had to say, but only caught one line, that she was uneasy of the prospect of him being married to another woman, did he got it wrong... Or she said it wrong, because in his opinion, she actually reciprocate his feelings, or at least feel something to him, it was not love yet but at least, she felt something, strong enough made the usually tranquil lady in front of him uneasy...

He stopped her babbled by gave her another kiss on her lips, Kathiravani immediately shut up, as Yudhistira cupped her cheeks lovingly,

"i took the oath in front of GauriShankar that i only have you as my wife, and i intend to follow that oath until my last breath, Priye," he said, then kissing made her breathless, with a swift movement, he scooped her into a bridal style and brought her into their bed, "now, my beloved, how about we gifted our kingdoms the heir they always wanted?" he whispered huskily on her ear, and after saw her nodded in affirmation, it would be a long night for both of them.


A/N: hello everyone, how are you guys? I hope you always healthy. I know some of you may think that the plot is so slow, but i really want to brush the presence of Kathiravani in everyone's lives you know? But after this, i promise we will have the time jump as many of you want. Don't forget to drink water and see you in next chapter.

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