Part 35: Conspiration

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As Shakuni watched the way his nephews and tools to destroyed the Kuru dynasty became closer to the Pandavas - as he loved to call them, he became frightened. He wanted to destroy this wretched kingdom, especially the hope fadrd in that wretched Gangaputra who killed his brothers and father, who forced his only sister to marry a blind man and blindfolded herself's eyes. He wanted his revenge. At first, he didn't know about the betrothal that been spoken between the late Maharaj Pandu and Ayodhya-Pati Ranjeet for their children. And after he found out, he definitely didn't expect that Kaushalya, who hailed as Yuvrani of Kosala in her own right would be very capable, now Yudhistira gained a strong ally in form of his wife. The entire Suryavanshi Kingdoms in Bharatavarsha would support him, no wonder he could take a vow for not taking another wife.

And that foolish Kaushalya. How he hated that woman and wished to skinned her alive! She was smart, cunningly smart, and he admitted it, he would love to have a daughter or perhaps a daughter in law like her, but it was a shame, none of his sons could marry a woman like her, with that brain of hers, she would surely be the greatest Queen, Ghandhara ever had, but she married Yudhistira, thus she needed to be killed.

And Angraj definitely had the same mind as him, the Pandavas and Kulvadhu needed to be gone, quick. So both of them - now occupied the position of the trusted aid of Maharaj Dhritarashtra - came to his chamber. They began to worked their sprout of lies around him, and he easily accepted for he wanted his son, Duryodhana to had the throne, completely forgot the words he spoke with his Kulvadhu.


The sons of Pandu got the message of Maharaj Dhritarashtra on dinner time. Where they savoured the food made by Kathiravani,

"so suddenly?" the Kulvadhu couldn't help but ask, as she moved to put more food for Pitamah Bheesma,

"it's not sudden, Putri Kaushalya," replied Maharaj Dhritarashtra, "Yudhistira has become a Yuvraj for some times now, it is time for him to pay his visit to Varnavrata, as what my beloved brother Pandu did when he was alive."

He was tearing up and wiped his tears while talking about his younger brother, Kathiravani didn't have a heart to always questioned him.

"people in Varnavrata loved Pandu a lot when he was alive as he always visited them once a year, i hope Yudhistira can continue this small tradition made by Pandu,"

Yudhistira nodded, "Tatshree is right. Then we need to prepare for the journey to Varnavrata. After Duryodhan and Bhima's return from Dwaraka, we will go to Varnavrata."

"right!" Kathiravani exclaimed, "i almost forgot about the returning of my two Devars. I'll let the servants preparing for our journey and their welcoming,"

The elders smiled at her, she was the only young woman in this palace after Dushala got married.


Days later, Bheem and Duryodhan returned, Kathiravani noticed that both of them became closer. It was not a shocking, as both of them were closer in age, and more importantly, they had the same hobby, Mace fighting. After Bheem and Duryodhan greeted their Elders, they both ignored their elder brother Yudhistira and practically ran towards Kathiravani who winked at her husband, they almost touched her feet but she quickly caught their hands,

"aayushman bhava, keertiman bhava," she blessed both of them, they grinned at her,

"we missed you so much, Babhi!" Duryodhana said, holding her hand, "bhrata Bheem practically drooling at the thought of your kheer!"

"i am so hungry, Babhi!" Bheem complained, "it feels like thousand of years when i don't taste foods made by your own hands!"

Kathiravani and the elders coughed to hide their exasperated feeling at how dramatic these men were in front of their Sister in law.

"Suyo, Bheem, go greet your elder brother Yudhistira first, he looks so lost when both of you ignored him like that," Kshatta, their uncle reminded them, they gave a sorry smile to Yudhistira and quickly asked for his blessing, he hugged them both, then rubbed their head affectionately,

"no need, Kakashree, they love their sister more than me,"  Yudhistira acted sad, made Kathiravani giggled,

"what can i say, Natha? I am very lovable after all."

She laughed, while Yudhistira couldn't help but smiled at her laugh, she always had this effect on him. Every single time without fail, her laughter alone would make him forget his burden. Mahamantri Vidura watched him closely, then he sighed contentedly,

"you are so in love with her, aren't you, son?" he asked, already knew the answer but still wanted to tease his usually serious and dull nephew,

"what?" came his reply, Yudhistira was caught off guard at that sudden question,

"don't answer. I see it in your eyes, the way you look at her, that kind of look," Kshatta smiled at his nephew's smiling face,

"what kind of face, Kakashree?" 

"like she is the center of the universe. Like she is the piece that makes you whole, the one that become the reason why you take a breath everytime, i notice all of that,"

Yudhistira knew he was falling in love with her, faster like a stone fallen from a mountain, and down deeper, but he didn't notice that it was obvious in his face,.


Kshatta laughed, he patted Yudhistira's shoulder, "go and tell her, son, because if my eyes are not betraying me then she also reciprocate your feelings."

That was only encouragement he needed.


He found his wife sat in the swing, immersed herself in the company of Chandra dev, her long, beautiful silk hair left open, and she didn't use any other jewelry and yet for Yudhistira, she looked absolutely stunning. He came to her, and sat beside her, botj admired the moon for some time, before Yudhistira glanced at her,

"you know, Priye? I've never been good at telling people how i feel but you make me want to try it with you,"

Kathiravani's heart skipped, red hues decorated her cheeks,

"what is it, Natha? Is something happened?"

Yudhistira shook his head, "nothing. I just realised something," he said, while looking deep into her eyes,


"you know, before i met you, i never know what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason," he answered her, "i fell in love with you, priye, i don't know why, i don't know how. I just did."

Hearing those words made her tearing up, her lips quivered, yet no words came out,

"you remind me of home. Before you, i didn't exactly understand what home is, but then, i understand it after i know you," he rubbed her lips, "so i want to take another vow, let Chandra Dev and Vayu Dev be witness, i will love you, i will cherish you, i will respect you, forever, in every lifetimes i will have,"

By then Kathiravani was so moved, she broke into tears, she nodded, "i vow to you too, let Chandra Dev and Vayu Dev be witness, i will always be in your side in everything. I will love and support you unconditionally, this is i promise you."


A/N: hello, everyone! How are you guys? I hope you enjoy this chapter. Have a good day/night! Bye-bye.

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