27: gifts

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As everyone finished their foods, Kathiravani directed the maids to to brought back these food to the kitchen. The mood around her was relaxing, as she sat down to listen to their stories, Duryodhan stood up, followed by his ninety-nine brothers, made all of them frowned,

"when we went, Babhi asked us to give her gifts, she didn't specify which gifts, only said that we should find it beautiful, then Babhi, please accept this gift," he knelt down and placed a full bloom water lily near her feet, Kathiravani gasped, she looked at her husband who nodded encouraged her,

"we only offered flowers to Gods and Goddesses, Suyo, i am a mere human, i'm not worthy,"

"you have taken care of us like a mother should, Babhishree, and a mother is no less than a goddess to us, then you're a goddess to us, please accept it. I personally find this water lily beautiful and thought of you when i saw it, so i bring it for you,"

Gandhari and Rajmata Kunti teared up, they nodded at her,

"please accept it, Kaushalya," Maharani Gandhari said, Kathiravani nodded, her tears already made through her eyes, she touched Duryodhan's head,

"thank you so much, Suyo," she said with a smile, she then proceeded to look at his eyes, recognising the fact that he was not all that bad like every rumors painted him to be, he was not cursed nor he was incarnation of demon, in front of her right now was Duryodhan, a human who had heart, she rubbed his head with affection, "i, Kathiravani Yudhistira Kuruvanshi, vowed in the name of my honor, that i will never give up on you, it is a promise of a Raghuvanshi."

Thunder clapped out of nowhere, the whole universe knew about the Promise made by a Raghuvanshi, that their promise was meant to be kept, even if they must sacrifice their own life. 

Unbeknownst to all of them, that single promise would change the course of Aryavrat forever.


Meanwhile in a certain palace of Dwaraka, the abode of Lord Vishnu on earth, thunder clapping made loud noises as wind blew up with full force,  the best man on earth, many people called him, full of divine leelas, sat in a swing decorated with many flowers, his eyes closed while revealed a serene smile on his lips, 

"it's really changing, now,"

"what's changing, swami?" Vaidarbhi Rukmini, first Queen of Shri Krishna asked, her husband showed a mischievous smile,

"if i'm not mistaken, you're friends with the Yuvrani of Ayodhya, right?" he asked, he literally challenged his cousin, Chedi Yuvraj Shisupal for her, the woman which smile as auspicious as that of Lotus smiled,

"yes, we are!" she exclaimed, very excited to talk about her maiden hood friend, they were both students of Maharishi Durvasa in their childhood and served him, they also became close friends all these years and usually spent times together,

"what do you think if we visit Bua Kunti and her family in Hastinapur?"

Rukmini nodded, she sprinted away like the Chanchala she was to prepared the gifts for their visit to Hastinapur.


When Kathiravani's hand touched his head, something in Duryodhana changed. He felt that too, he, somehow felt lighter, and the bad things in the back of his mind slowly removed, he could see the world became brighter, he didn't know why and it seemed the Eldest Kulvadhu of the dynasty also didn't know anything.

He smiled then nodded, accepted her vows,

" Bhrata Suyodhan already gives Babhi the best gift surpassed all of us, then i am ashamed of my own gift!" Nakul said wholeheartedly, while the Elders laughed, Duryodhan felt like these Pandavas wasn't that bad or annoying, they were actually so hilarious, Kathiravani laughed too,

"come on, Devar Nakul, i'll accept every gift all of you will giving me, and you shall receive my blessings too!"

"blessings alone wasn't enough, Babhi, i need you to make more kheer and laddoo, for me, especially, your foods are amazing!" it was Bhima who interjected made the whole family laughed again at his silly comment, Duryodhan usually found Bhima annoying and wanted to chop of his tongue so he could stop talking, but for some reason, not only he didn't find him annoying, he also found his comment funny as well. 

"alright, alright, Devar, i'll cook foods for all of you, because all of you are the best Devar anyone could ask for!"

Kathiravani laughed so hard, her Devars were funnier than she remembered, and Yudhistira sighed in relief. He was relieved because at least, his beloved wife didn't feel isolated at this huge palace and being accepted by everyone here.


In the beautiful and serene mount Kailash, the abode of Mahadev and his shakti, Devi Parvati, both were overlooking the Yuga, where  Hari and HariPriya had taken incarnations, where many Gods and Goddesses had taken incarnation to established dharma, this time, Devi Parvati sighed,

"why are you sighing, Devi?" Mahadev asked his shakti, clearly already knowing what's going on but still choose to ask,

"she has, unknowingly changed the fate of many people in the whole Aryavrat, Mahadev,"

Mahadev nodded at his wife, "Devi, you know how she is, no one is able to touch her without her permission and if they touched her even one strand of hair, they will get burned, and if she touched someone willingly, even if that person is a demon with full of negative emotions it will cleanse immediately."

"i can't wait for her to realised her true self. It's been far too long for her, i'm sure Bhrata Narayan also wanting for it,"

"she will regain her memories sooner or later, Devi, we all just need to wait."


Everyone had retired to their respective chambers for the night, Yudhistira and Kathiravani walked together in the garden. The garden was lighted by torches and moonlight, as both enjoyed the feeling of tranquility bought by the sense of calmness around them, they talked a lot, especially how Yudhistira told her about the battle, vividly describing to her how valiantly they all fought and how Arjun dragged Panchal Naresh Drupad back to Kampilya and completely defeated him so he crowned Ashwatthama himself.

They entered their chamber as Kathiravani ushered him to take a bath, she cast a glimpse towards a dove who seated itself near the balcony, she didn't want anyone other than her trusted people knew about their ways of communication, it was a top secret even she would absolutely never tell her own husband about this.

Of course, Kathiravani felt guilty for not telling her husband about this, but she was the Yuvrani of Ayodhya and Queen of Ramaprashta first before she was Yudhistira-Patni, so when it came to interest, she would put her Kingdoms first before anything or anyone else, and she knew Yudhistira would do the same, between her and Hastinapur, he would put Hastinapur first, that was how they became a true monarchs, that was the price they would pay willingly.


A/N: many people will call me out on this but, y'all should put in mind that these two (Kathiravani and Yudhistira) only married for several weeks, and they might come to care or love each other as friends, and partner, but do they really IN love with each other? I also don't know🤣 vote and comment please!

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