Part 11: Mehendi Ceremony and Guru Dakshina

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Mehendi ceremony started later in the day, Kathiravani changed into more luxurious clothes, with dupatta in her head, her hair decorated with flowers and jewellery, Isha applied kajal on her eyes. She looked gorgeous. They entered the hall again, now she seated, royal mehendi artist came and bowed to her, they started rituals and now finally it was the time for them to paint mehendi into her hands.

Long hours, Kathiravani seated for three hours straight, she huffed, Maharani Shruti came and fed her with morsel of foods. They waited for the henna to dry, as the music and dancer played.

Kathiravani jolted on her seat, she got up quickly, she glanced at Isha, "bring the aarti thali here!" everyone around her looked at her worried,

"what happened?"

Kathiravani squealed, she didn't even answered her mother but took the thali from Isha and walked outside excitedly.

She went outside follwed by female family members, they waited with her, didn't know what was the reason why the only Crown Princess in Aryavrat acted this way. After a few minutes, the smile on her lips went away, she blinked a bit,

"Yuvrani?" Isha inquired, Kathiravani didn't even look at her,

"am i wrong? I can't be wrong, i always know! How can i be wrong?" she muttered to herself but could be heard by Isha and Nagnajiti,

"what is it, jiji?" Nagnajiti questioned, "let's go inside," she held her arms but Ranjeethi shook her head,

"wait for a bit more, i can't be wrong about this, Satya,"

"Kaushalya, let's go inside, your henna is not even all dry," Maharani Indulekha said but Kathiravani shook her head, no, she would never wrong especially regarded this thing, but after all waited for a while, her spirit dimmed, did she really wrong? They prepared to head back, but when Kathiravani walked back, a voice suprised all of them.

Like a majestic thunder, Maharaj of Kosala accompanied a man with complexion of excellence, long beard and white hair all over, he carried an axe, every step he took, like a thunder rumbling through every stairs, Kathiravani let out a biggest smile, her eyes twinkled, she walked towards them.

She stood in front of the mighty Bhagwan Parashuram himself, Kathiravani performed the aarti, then she squatted down and touched his feet,

"Gurudev!" she greeted, Bhagwan Parashuram, blessed her,

"you know," he said, Kathiravani smiled towards him,

"i always know, Gurudev."

Kathiravani could feel the steps of Bhagwan Parashuram from distance, she had this special abilities, but could only felt two people, one was her Gurudev and the other was her brother Shyam.

"i come here to ask my Guru Dakshina," Kathiravani joined her hands together, Maharani Shruti frowned,

"tell me Gurudev, what should i give to you?"

Parashuram smiled slightly, "the Kingdom of Asurashta is ruled by a tyrant Maharaj, you should go there and freed the Kingdom from him by asking him on a duel, then ruled that as the Maharani, after that i considered your Guru Dakshina to be settled."

Kathiravani nodded, accepted all of that but three Suryavanshi Maharani were worried,

"Gurudev, i know your Guru Dakshina is important, but as a mother, i can't help but worried about my daughter, she is to be married in a short time, how can she go to a war?"

Renuka's son nodded at her, "you shall believe in your daughter's might and valour, Vaidehi, your daughter is my disciple, across Aryavrat she is the only Yuvrani in her own right, she shall always victorious," Parashuram then produced a weapon, he gave it to Kathiravani, "take this weapon, this weapon is called Jayamaya, it can help you with everything."

After that, without further ado, Bhagwan Parashuram turned over and left. Kathiravani looked at her mother and saw the worried on her gaze, she held her face,

"Maa, don't you believe your daughter?"

"how can i not believe in you? You are the blessing from Trimurti, but how can a mother not worried about her own child? You are to be married too," Maithili replied, her eyes brimming with tears, Kathiravani quickly wiped out the tears,

"Maa, it's my dharma to pay back my Guru, please understand. I am after all Vaidehi Shruti's daughter, i'll be victorious in everything, you don't have to worry."

With reluctance, Maithili nodded and blessed her daughter, Kaushalya clapped her hands, "Isha go and tell Antarasena to prepared, i will take one Akshauhini to go Ashurashta, and challenge this King," she then went to prepared herself.

Atirathi Kunala was one of the mighty general in the Antarasena, he was trusted by Kaushalya and very much well versed in politics and strategy of wars. He was the one who Yuvrani Kaushalya, the Commander in chief of Antarasena dispatched to brought information to the Kuru family. Dronacharya and Kripacharya frowned,

"they want to postpone the wedding?"

Kunala shook his head, "Acharya comprehend it wrong. Our Yuvrani, will only challenge that King of Ashurastha for duel, after she emerged victorious, she will marry the Kuru Kumar Yudhistira,"

"how do you know the Yuvrani will emerged victorious? She can be killed, i hear the King of Ashurastha is very powerful Ashur named Tandak,"

Kunala smirked, "Guruputra, our Yuvrani is the only sishyi of Bhagwan Parashurama himself, she can be regarded as your father's Gurubaghini, she is Vijayani after all, always victorious."

Ashwathama bit his lips, he wanted to argue but stopped after he saw his Mamashree Kripa's glare, Kunala saw it all but he chose to remained silent.

"ah, i almost forgot," Kunala smirked again, "our Yuvrani is a Raghuvanshi, for a Raghuvanshi like us, our promise is more important that our lives. Yuvrani told you she wants to marry Kuru Kumar Yudhistira, then she and Kuru Kumar Yudhistira shall be married in fortnight, no question asked, so please don't doubt her."

Dronacharya nodded, Kunala bid his goodbyes, then went back to prepare accompanied his Yuvrani, while Dronacharya sighed in the Palace for foreign guest, he looked at all of his disciple,

"we are going to prepare for the wedding, and wait for Rajmata Kunti to arrive,"

"but Guru, what about the bride? Surely Brother Yudhistira can't be married without the bride?" Duryodhana with a slight smirk asked, her friend Ashwatthama and his brother Dushashan nodded in support of him, none of them really wanted Yudhistira to marry the Yuvrani of Ayodhya and became Yuvrani-Aarya or worse a Yuvraj himself!

"you heard Senapati Kunala, Yuvrani Kaushalya is a Raghuvanshi, their promise is meant more than their own life, that's their teaching. I believe in her, she will definitely marry Kurava Yudhistira."

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