25: News

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A/N: Today (12/05) is my birthday. So here's the chapter for you guys! Happy reading. Radhe Radhe🙏🏻❤


The next three days were essential, Kathiravani sat in the temple of Mahadev everyday, for outsider words, she was praying for her husband and his brothers's victory, but Kathiravani in the position of gambling, with destiny.

If her husband came back victorious this time, he would be Yuvraj, no one would questioned him, for her understanding of him, Yudhistira was a person who valued his vows, he vowed to never took another wife other than her in this life, and it was her job to make sure he will be the chosen heir of the Kingdom.

She looked at the linga in front of her, she joined her hands,

"Mahadev, with your blessing, everything will do according to my wish,"


"Maharani! Maharani! Mahamahim Bhisma has asking for you! Quickly! The news of the Rajkumars is coming!"

Kathiravani nodded calmly, she took a deep breath, tried to appear calm and collected. No one knew her palms were sweaty because of nervousness. She and Isha walked towards the hall, she stood near the balcony overlooking the hall with Maharani Gandhari, Dushala and Rajmata Kunti, the later already came back two days ago with the news of Karna became Yuvraj of Kuntiprashta and heir to King Kuntibhoj.

She greeted the two elders, then she sat beside Dushala to watch and listen to this sabha, when other ministers were present. Not long after, the footman who bearing the news entered the hall, to announce the news, Kunti clutched Kathiravani's hands while she could only appease her mother in law.

"after the arrest of a hundred sons of Maharaj Dhritarashtra by Panchal Naresh Drupad, the five sons of Maharaj Pandu went and fought against Panchal army. Rajkumar Arjun broke the formation and dragged Panchal Naresh to Kampilya. Panchal Naresh was defeated, and he agreed to separate Panchala to two Kingdoms. Southern Panchala with Kampilya as capital is ruled by Panchal Naresh Drupad, and Northern Panchala with Ahichchhatra as Capital, is ruled by Dronacharya's son Ashwatamma."

The Footman furthermore told everyone the story about the braveness of the five sons of Pandu. Kathiravani maintained her calm posture while Kunti already shed tears, Dushala was smiling but Gandhari felt troubled. Kathiravani could sense the disappointment of the Queen, only her mother in law and sister in law were unaware.

Kathiravani could see the joy in the face of ministers, Mahamahim Bhisma and Mahakantri Vidura, only Maharaj was seemed to lost.

"dear? Kaushalya dear?"

Kathiravani woke up from her trance, she glance at Rajmata Kunti who looked at her with concern,

"do you need something, Mata?" she asked, her mind seemed lost, Kunti shook her head,

"Mata Kunti has calling you for several times, Babhishree," Dushala piped in, then she smiled mischievously, "or... Are you missing bhrata Yudhistira so much, you lost your mind?"

Kathiravani shook her head, but facing the attention of the three Kuru women made her flustered, especially the knowing smile of both Maharani and Rajmata.

The sabha ended, everyone walked with joyous smile, Kathiravani stood up,

"i'll go to the kitchen and prepare laddoos, we can distribute them to the people!"

She suppressed her excitement, after the two elders nodded, she dragged Dushala to the kitchen.

The kitchen filled with many maids and cooks, all wear happy smiles on their faces, after they saw the eldest Kulvadhu, they came up to her,

"congratulations, Rajkumari! We heard the news! All of the Rajkumars are so brave, you are so blessed!"

Kathiravani nodded, "Isha, i like their words. Reward! Give everyone here rewards!"

Isha smiled, she quickly went out to take some coins from Kathiravani's personal treasure, then came back to award them all. Everyone was happy.


Kathiravani wanted to call Maharaj Dhritarashtra for dinner, she could send a maid, but she decided against it. She walked into Maharaj's chamber, she saw how Maharaj sat, he looked small,

"Pranipat, Tatshree," she greeted, Maharaj quickly looked at her direction,

"Kaushalya? Putri, come in,"

She walked into the chamber, Maharaj Dhritarashtra already got up and went to her,

"are you alright, Tatshree?" she asked, but Maharaj only shook his head and forced a smile, Kathiravani frowned, "are you not happy with the victory of the Princes, Tatshree?"

"of course i am happy, dear, how can i'm not? Hearing the news of Kuru Princes filled myself with joy," he replied, Kathiravani sighed,

"don't lie, Tatshree, based on your face, you seemed to disappointed," Kathiravani pointed out, "you're happy with the victory of Kuru Princes, you just dissapointed that PanduPutras were the one who gained victory not your sons?"

"how can you say that?!" he raised his voice but Kathiravani remained calm,

"Tatshree, do you ever heard of saying among common people, All that glitters aren't gold, do you know what that means?" without even waiting for his response, Kathiravani continued, "are you feeling disappointment as a Father or Maharaj, Tatshree?"

"i am Duryodhan's father, Ranjeethi, how come i am not feeling sad? My son's dream shattered, just like that he must let go of his dream of becoming a King!"

Kathiravani smiled, "i may not a mother yet, but i am also a monarch like you, Tatshree. I will be disappointed too if my son halo has been overshadowed by his cousin, but, i am also a Monarch. It is a Monarch's job to ensure the continuity of his or her line, the safety and comfort of the people, and peace among all. Like All the Glitters aren't gold, just because you as his father say that your son has a dream of become a King, doesn't mean that he will be a good King. Let's be clear, Tatshree, Duryodhan just not a King material."

Upon hearing the Kulvadhu's words, Dhritarashtra seemed to be in a trance, while Kathiravani stood up with serene expression,

"Yudhistira on the other hand, is a ready made perfect heir. He is knowledgeable, full of dharma, compassionate, and a brilliant warrior too, not to mention others, even i want an heir like him,"

Dhritarashtra shocked upon hearing her words, kathiravani was bold, and fierce,


"i am talking to you as the ruler of Ramaprashta, and yes. Compared with Duryodhana who has a bigger ego than his head, and a thick skull, it was better for Yudhistira to be the Crown Prince. You, as his father maybe sad, but are you sure you wany to gamble the future of your Kingdom and Dynasty for your own son? Are you still having a face when you meet your ancestors if you make Duryodhan the crown Prince?"

Dhritarashtra went silent, Kathiravani still stood up, regal like a Queen she was. Her gaze fixated upon him. While Dhritarashtra sat down shakily, Kathiravani thought maybe she went too far this time,

"i apologise for my rudeness, Tatshree," her soft voice echoed through this chamber, the King took a deep breath,

"no need," he answered shortly, Kathiravani walked closer to him and knelt down,

"come to eat, Tatshree. You're the Maharaj of Hastinapur. I believe you can make a good choice."

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