Part 8: Two awkward people

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Her three younger sisters invited the Pandavas to sit with them, Mirdhvi gave many sweets and foods to them and Bheem was very happy to accepted all of that as he ate it with content.

"so, what are all of you doing?" Arjuna asked, wanted to break the atmosphere, his eldest brother sat with a stoic expression, while his second brother focused only on foods, the Princesses smiled upon his question.

"we are preparing for Navratri and Dussehra, in Dussehra there will be festival to celebrates the victory of our Prabhu Ram Chandra against Ravana!" Mira excitedly explained, "our Vijayadashami always always hugely celebrated. Our Raghunatha Ram Chandra and Mata Sita are so loved by us!"

"every year we will celebrate it with puja, dancing and singing with our people, in every Vijayadashami, there will be no distinction between Royals or commoners as all of us love our Siyavaar so much," Mirdhvi continued, there clearly the showing of pure love when the Suryavanshi talked about their beloved Ram Chandra. And even the mention of his name alone could make the crying person smile in reverence in this Kingdom.

"our Siyavaar is very dear and special to us, Kumar, you know why?" Nagnajiti asked, she sat down and took the veena and passed it to her older sister, "when a Suryavanshi's born, from young age they were taught, to be like our Siyavaar Ram Chandra for boys and to be like Mata Sita for girls. All of us girls were educated to be like Mata Sita, the perfect daughter, perfect sister, perfect wife, perfect daughter in law and perfect mother. When doing so, we also do the penance to got someone like our Siyavaar as a husband. Jiji used to doing penance for Mahadev because of it-"


Nagnajiti stopped, she gulped, her elder sister was too frightening, she gave her a sheepish smile,

"anyway, we aren't introduce ourself properly, my name is Rajkumari Nagnajiti, my father is Uttar Kosala-Pati, Nagnajit, our eldest sister is the future Suryavanshi Maharani, Yuvrani Kaushalya of Ayodhya, and those are Rajkumari Mirdhvi and of course the youngest, Rajkumari Mira, both are the Princesses of Nishada Kingdom."

"my name is Arjun, the third brother, my eldest brother's name is Yudhistira, second brother is Bheem, then our younger brothers, twins, Nakul and Sahadev."

They joined their hands together, the Pandavas, especially the three youngest Pandava seemed very interested with their topic of conversation, the three youngest Suryavanshi Kumari entertained them well, tell them the stories about Siyavaar Ram Chandra.

Bheem enjoyed his food, while Yudhistira and Kathiravani sat quietly, none of them wanted to break the silence even, Yudhistira glanced at his future wife who appeared to be calm and dignified, the night breeze played her hair, he wanted to say something to her but he was too afraid, he did tricked her once by being a Brahmin and asked for food, thankfully she didn't pursue it with him.

The six of them looked at each other then at the two future couple who sat next to each other but refused to talk, Yudhistira may glanced at his future wife but Kathiravani didn't even look at him once, she sat there like a statue, so awkward.



The voice of Arjun and Mirdhvi broke the two of them from the trance.


They answer simultaneously, both look at each other then hurriedly looked back,

"i think, Jiji should show Eldest Pandav Kumar this garden!"

Kathiravani, despite appeared to be calm actually very embarrassed inside, she wanted to hide herself, because Jyesth Pandav Kumar was actually that Brahmin back then.

"what Kumari Mirdhvi said is right, Jyesth Bhrata should go with Yuvrani to see this garden, i think we all should!" now Sahadev was the one who supported Mirdhvi's words, Kathiravani clenched her hands, tried not to show her blushing side. She glanced at Yudhistira, who already glanced at her and quickly looked away, the Eldest Pandav Kumar hid his smile, then he nodded while Nagnajiti, Mirdhvi and Mira exclaimed in excited voice. Kathiravani shoot them a look, then walked together with Yudhistira, followed by their younger siblings few feet away.

The younger siblings walked behind them and deliberately let them walked away, and grinned.

Their situation was so awkward.



Kathiravani bit her lips, her hands clenched at each others, Yudhistira shocked at her sudden outburst,

"i... I... Mean, call me Y-Yuvrani is so f-formal between us," there was pregnant pause, Kathiravani then raised her head, "we didn't introduce ourselves properly, people called me Kaushalya, but my birth name is Kathiravani, you can call me that,"

Yudhistira smiled softly, Kathiravani's cheek burned, her tip of ears became pink,

"then please call me Yudhistira, i am my Father's eldest son,"

They walked together, Kathiravani seemed realised something, "calling you Yudhistira seems odd, i don't know why, why don't i call you Dharma?"

Yudhistira smiled to her, his own cheeks tinted pink, "sure, then you shall be my Dharmaa." Kathiravani bursted into a laugh, this situation is so absurd. "let's be friend,"

"of course, i don't know what will happen in the future but for now, you're my friend, Dharma."

As they proceeded to talk, the siblings behind them sweat dropping, because both discussed Dharma with each others like a long lost friend, the younger siblings look at each other, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev sighed,

"i think Jyesth finally have his soulmate, someone he can discuss dharma everyday without getting bored!" Sahadev muttered, then suddenly Nagnajiti laughed out loud, they looked at her weirdly,

"what happened, Kumari?" Bheem asked confused to why this Princess suddely laughed,

"i just remember something!" she said, then she glanced at Mirdhvi, "Mirdhu, remember when we were kids before Jiji went with Maharishi Durvasa, she always talked about Dharma this Dharma that? Then after quite some times we grew tired, and you actually gave her a pray in front of Mahadev's temple that she will have a husband that loves to discuss dharma with her? Now i think it's really happened!"

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