28: a plan

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Kathiravani hastily read the letter then burned it, she gave some crumbs to the dove then walked over and pulled the brush and paper, carefully wrote for her people in Ramaprashta, she carefully tied the letter and let that dove flew away.

"what are you doing standing alone in the terrace like this, Priye?" Yudhistira's voice made her jump,

"hmm?" that was her reply, Yudhistira frowned and repeated his question which made Kathiravani more guilty, "nothing. I just think the moon is particularly pretty tonight," she lied without even blinked, Yudhistira nodded, watched her took all of her jewelries and entered the bath,
leaving him alone with his thought.

Kathiravani came after she finished her bath, the scent of lotus heavy in the room, her long hair let loose as Yudhistira admired her hair so much.

"i trust you're good here, right?" he finally asked, laying down on their bed, his wife absentmindedly looking over at distance, "Priye? Priye!"

Kathiravani blinked, she glanced at her husband, "i'm sorry, Natha, but what is it?"

"are you alright, Hridaya?"

Kathiravani face palmed then blushed, she furrowed her eyebrows towards her husband,

"since when do you call me with various names like that, Natha?"

"Various like what, Kantaa?"

Yudhistira grinned, he came to her and hugged her from behind, he placed his jaw on her head, and smelled the lotus scent which calmed his mind, with her alone could he became completely different person, more open and playful,

"calling my lover various names, is that wrong?" he kissed her cheeks, Kathiravani giggled,

"am i your lover? Really?"

Yudhistira followed her, laughed at their weird antics,

"do you think, how many children should we have?" Kathiravani asked after both of them laying down on the wide bed, they looked at each other,

"how many do you want?" Yudhistira replied making her sighed,

"four? Five? I don't know, but i'm thinking we should have a daughter at least one!"

Yudhistira kissed her nose, "i really want our daughter to be like you more,"


"if she's like you, then i will not have to worry she will silently suffer in her husband's household."

"Natha," she giggled, "our daughter will be the Rajkumari of Hastinapur, Kosala and Ramaprashta, who has the guts to bullied her? I'm afraid she is the one who will making her husband suffer!"

They were both laughed at the thought of that. Then they fell asleep contentedly.


The beautiful morning came, Kathiravani already dressed in her attire with many jewelries and fresh water lily decorated her hair, she and her entourage entered the women's side of the sabha, in the balcony as she seated herself with Dushala, they heard morning sabha where Maharaj Dhritarashtra announced the day of Rajkumar Yudhistira became Yuvraj of Hastinapur, no one voiced their opinion as Gandhar Raj Shakuni appeared shocked why his nephews didn't even uttered a single protest against the words of Maharaj.

"Maharaj is wise, Bhrata Yudhistira is fit to be a Yuvraj. With him being Yuvraj, our Kingdom surely be prosperous!" they saw Duryodhana said, the elders shocked, especially Shakuni,

"i think with Suyodhan being Advisor of the King, Kuru Kingdom will be unconquerable," Kathiravani muttered, only the other three women heard her,

"what is it, Kaushalya?" Gandhari asked, Kaushalya shook her head,

"nothing, Jyesth Mata, i just think about the future of Kuruvanshi."

The Rajpurohit quickly put scribe down the days of Rajkumar Yudhistir would become the Yuvraj of Hastinapur, after he calculated then it would be the next seven days. Kathiravani sighed in relief as many maids and servants came and congratulated her, the assembly dispersed by the order of Maharaj, as several ministers along with Mahamantri Vidura began to planned to sent invitations towards neighbouring Kingdoms.

Dushala was so excited, she cheered in happiness, while Kathiravani smiled,

"my parents sent a letter, confirmed that they will come here in a few days," she informed them, while smirked towards Dushala, "and they'll bring my brothers who, hopefully, shall got dear Dushala's heart," she said playfully while the girl bashfully ducked down her head,

"babhi!" Dushala whispered, red contained her cheeks, while Kathiravani giggled in delight, made two older women laughed along,

"we need to prepare for the arrival of our in laws, i trust Kaushalya can arrange everything, yes?" Gandhari was full of smile,

"don't worry, Jyesth Mata, i'll arrange all of it, you all just need to sit and smile," she answered while Gandhari nodded,

"the best thing to have a daughter in law is like this. She's helping us at every turn, Kunti," Kunti proudly smile because of that,

"Jiji, you're right. In the whole Aryavrat, only our Kaushalya can be like this!"

Kunti and Gandhari could agree, since ancient times, relationship between Mothers in law and Daughters in law always been weird one, not a lot of mothers in law could opened their arms and receive their daughters in law with so much love, and not every daughters in law could be like Kaushalya, even when Kunti and Gandhari first came, they had their awkward moments, but Kaushalya managed everything properly, that was the reason why these Kuru elders claimed that she was not daughter in law, but a daughter who came back to her home.

"Dushala shall learns a lot from Kaushalya," Gandhari said but Kathiravani shook her head,

"what is it, Jyesth Mata? It makes me seems like some mighty, while i only treat all of you sincerely because you're my family and you treat me sincerely too. Kauravi Dushala will be loved in my parental home, you don't have to worry." she glanced at the girl, then took her hand, "not only she will be loved by the family, her future husband will be absolutely the best out of the best!"

"Kaushalya, you should tell us more about these Suryavanshi Princes, i want to hear about my potential son in law," Gandhari excitedly told everyone, as she was ready to welcomed his future son in law, the only son in law of the Kuru dynasty.

Kathiravani smiled, told all of them about her younger brothers.

"Dushala should choose between Abhishek and Siddarth, these two are the best warrior and have the same age as Dushala. I hope you can find one of them pleasing to the eye."

She found it was really good to tease her sister in law, because her sisters had teased her before now she found satisfaction in this teasing moment.


A/N: you can think anyone as Kathiravani Suryavanshi lol. But i actually love the look of Shivya Pathania in the series LavKush and LakshmiNarayan series. But if you can suggest me other actress that YOU think can represent Kathiravani more? Thank you❤

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