Part 19: Their Guru Dakshina

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Kathiravani let Isha took notes on everyone's favorite food, she walked towards Jyesth Mata Gandhari who sat in the balcony overlooked the sabha with Dushala and Mata Kunti. She greeted them with enthusiasm, Dushala took her hand and make her sat with her, the girl was lovely, especially her smile. Had a hundred and six brothers made this girl felt lonely, and Kathiravani gladly let this girl attached to her.

The sabha began, while they hear of a lot of things, Maharani Gandhari asked her to make notes about arrangements, as she was the only Kulvadhu, and Maharani Gandhari would gladly let her helping her. As they heard everyone discussed, all of them stilled when they heard what Guru Drona wanted for his Guru Dakshina.

"b-but... How is that possible? Jyesth Bhrata Yudhistira and Babhishree just get married, how come he left his bride and go to war?" Dushala questioned, her voice wasn't loud so only the royal women heard it, Kathiravani sat with calm face, but Kunti felt sorry for her daughter,

"Putri..." she whispered, Kathiravani smiled to her,

"it's alright, Mata,"

The sabha finished, Kathiravani got up quickly, she flashed everybody a grin,

"me and Dushala are going to the kitchen right now, i still want to hear her stories about Kanyakul," she said, then she bit adieu to the two Queens, and quickly pulled Dushala with her. The girl followed her elder sister in law, Kathiravani wanted to avoid everyone, but she also curious about Kanyakul, as she only in Gurukul for her training, she wanted to know what else that other royal Princesses experience.

"my friend Subhadra is coming here from Dwaraka, Babhi, i'm sure you'll like her!"


Dushala excitedly look at her sister in law, "Subhadra is the daughter of Dwarkadeesh Vasudev, brother to Mata Kunti, and sister of Rajkumar Balram and Rajkumar Krishna!"

"really?!" she opened her mouth, hearing these two's names making her missing her home more than she expected. "when does she come again?"

Kathiravani and Dushala were followed by bunch of maids, they entered the royal kitchen where many maids already prepared the ingredients for her to cook,

"Babhi, what are you going to cook?" Dushala asked, while Kathiravani let her sat and watched her, but the only Princess of Kuru Dynasty was curious,

"just see, dear."


The foods completely finished before dinner, Kathiravani washed her hands then smiled at all Dushala and maids who looked at her dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that the Kulvadhu could cooks lots of types of foods, not to mention those Laddoos, Kheer and gullab.

"Rajkumari, dare i say, you're amazing!" one of the maids exclaimed, she applauded Kathiravani's brilliance.

Isha hated when they called Kathiravani as 'Rajkumari', in this palace of Hastinapur, aside from the servants who followed Kathiravani from Ayodhya, all of them called her 'Rajkumari' why? Because her husband was just a Rajkumar, women followed the title of her husband in her husband's house, if her husband was a Raj then she was a Rani, if the husband was a Maharaj then she was Maharani, if the husband was a Samrat then she was Samragyi, Yudhistira was only Kuru Rajkumar, then she also a Rajkumari, even if outside, Kathiravani was more known as Maharani Pragati of Ramaprashta in the whole Aryavrat, and being called Ayodhya ki Yuvrani in Kosala.

Isha ushered them to went to their respective chamber so that they could prepared for the feast tonight. It was for family, Kathiravani bathed then washed her long, applied scented oils and everything.

After that she wear a whole set of green and red saree, with gold embroidery, she was decked in gold from head to toes. Isha even decorated pearls in her hair, she was magnificent, Isha applied kajal and lots of red paste on her lips, even Isha was stunned when she saw her.

"even when i see Maharani everyday, i can't help but still stunned by your beauty!" she exclaimed made Kathiravani laughed, "i'm serious, Maharani!"

"alright, i know you're serious, Isha," she snickered, while Isha pouted,




They were both came out from Kathiravani's chamber and saw Karna stood tall, Kathiravani let out a smile,

"Bhrata!" she said, bent down and touched his feet, he blessed her. Karna still couldn't believe how years didn't eat up her innocence at all, she still the same old Chandrika in Guru Parashurama's ashram.

"Chandrika, i really want to meet you soon," he told her, Kathiravani nodded,

"i'm sorry for making you Rajkumar of Ramaprashta so suddenly, and without consulting you first. When Dronacharya declared Devar Arjun to be the best archer in the world, i wanted to challenge him, but you were there first, so in order to make you equal to him in status, i gave you the title, do tell me, Bhrata, you are not mad, right?"

Karna shook his head and sighed, "i'm not... And you probably know what Mata Kunti told me at night after that... She said you persuaded her,"

"i overheard her, Bhrata," Kathiravani walked with him, followed by Isha,

"now she wants me to come with her to Kuntirashtra, she says that Matamaha Kuntibhoj is eager to recognise me as his heir and Yuvraj, i ought to hear your opinion about this because i know between me and you, you're the one who has mind of politics,"

Kathiravani smiled, "i think you should go with her. I'm sure Mata already told you the circumstances of your birth, you cannot counted in Kuru's line of succession, Bhrata, so it's better for you to be King of Kuntirashtra as it is your right."

Karna nodded, Chandrika was intelligent strategist and her mind was immense in politics, combined with how powerful she was in divine shastras, it was completely deathly combination. Even though many in Kosala objected of her being the future Queen at first, but she shut them up by prove the fact that she could be Maharani, she even had her own Kingdom to rule now.

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