Part 34: Marzi teri jee bhar le aa

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A few days later, Kathiravani along with the Kuru Princes were in the training garden. She clad in a simple clothes with minimum jewelry vut still use fresh flowers, her hair was braided by Isha.

Everyone long forgotten their training as they watched the Yuvrani and Rajkumar Arjuna competed with bows. Both were hailed as great archer by people, and it was not everyday Kathiravani could find a time to tested Arjuna's power.

Kathiravani nodded when she saw how Arjuna could string bow with both hands, "i didn't know that you are an ambidextrous, Arjuna," Kathiravani smiled, impressed with his skill, "Savyasachi, then?"

"this is also the first time i see Babhishree's skill, can string a bow with four arrows simultaneously is amazing, no wonder Babhi also wanted to challenge me back then."

The Jayamayadhari grinned but shook her head, she knew, for talent, Arjuna had it and combined with hard work, that man would probably be the best Archer in the whole Bharatvarsha, while for her, she may proficient in Archer, but she also was proficient in swords and blades, and well versed in Ksatriya dharma, Arjuna was born to be the Senapati while she was born to be the Maharani, those were the differences between them.

"Babhi, i also heard you got the divine shashtra from Bhagwan Parashurama, if you have time, kindly teach me some, i'll worship you as my guru."

"no offense, Arjuna, but Dronacharya is your guru, he will not be happy if his favourite student wants to worship me as his guru," she teased him, Arjuna laughed a bit as they put down their weapons, then they saw Dushashan and Nakul climbed the mango tree while Sahadev waited for them,

"gather those mangoes in basket first, Sahadev!" Dushashan told him, Sahadev munched one of the mangoes,

"don't worry, bhrata Dushashan, these mangoes are enough for all of us. Bhrata Bheem isn't here, he will not eat all of our foods!"

They all laughed together. Made fun of each others.

"anyway, did you know, when i was a kid, i lived in Vrindavan. We always played and guarded our cows in the forest near mount Govardhana," that look on her face was amazing, the Kuru Princes never saw their Babhishree looked like that, the way she spoke of Vrindavan with so much fondness, one may argue that she didn't speak of a simple village but her lover.

"then, the Gopalas of Vrindavan would fallen asleep because of bhrata Kanhaiya's flute, that melody, devars, is the best melody in the whole world,"

They were intrigued by the stories, Kathiravani smiling to herself, as she remembered many memories that she created during her childhood

"there were a lot of mango trees in the forest. One day when they woke up, they were surrounded by mangoes, probably the work of Dadiloba!"

"who is Dadiloba, Babhi?" Vikarna asked, Kathiravani opened her mouth then close it again,

"Dadiloba is-"

"Pranipaat Yuvrani, Rajkumaras!'

That voice cut her words, Kathiravani narrowed her eyes, that man was a stranger fot her, she never saw him before,

"pranipaat, Angraj," Arjuna was the one who greeted back, Kathiravani sensed all the hostility that these brothers had towards that man, and she also felt a terrible feeling, she never felt this way, this strange man made her uneasy, she hated the way that man gazed towards her, so unkind, Dushashan also sensed that, he walked towards Angraj Thandak, with forced smile on his lips, he stood in front of Kathiravani, never let that man's wandering eyes touched her,

"AngaRaj, what are you doing here?"

"i met Maharaj, then i saw all of you here with Yuvrani, and i ought to introduce myself to her,"

He wear a smile on his lips, but Kathiravani shuddered. Everyone was tense, the Princes around her nonchalantly gave him their famous glare,

"really? Then you should go, Angraj. This training garden is a part of inside Palace, you're not immediate family so please don't come near here. It's the place for the women in our family."

Angraj stopped smiling, how could he not smell the hostility of the Princes? But he quickly smiled again and that made Kathiravani disgusted. She didn't know why she hated that man so much. Her eyes kept wondering around, trying to see if something could help her runway from this situation, she smiled when Dharma came their way,

"what happen?" he asked, clearly not confused about the hostility his brothers  showed towards the new confidant of His Majesty, however he needed to maintain those false courtesies in order to not aroused Maharaj's displeasure.



"Jyesth Bhrata!"

Yudhistira nodded at them, he gave his hand to Kathiravani which she happily took, he smiled at her then touched the flowers in her hair, Kathiravani blushed at the blatant public display of affection. The Kuru Princes groaned at that,

"bhrata, must you steal our babhi away as soon as you come?" Dushashan protested, Kathiravani giggle, now she didn't have to fear that Angraj because her husband was here, he gave her the protection she needed and beyond.

"what? My wife, can't i steal her away?" Yudhistira teased him, he emphasis on 'wife' as a sign of warnng to the Angraj who looked at his wife with lewd eyes, he slightly glare at him, Arjuna coughed,

"i think, bhrata Dushashan, you should ask Jyesth Mata Gandhari to search for a bride to you," Nakul teased him, while Dushashan pouted,

"we need bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Duryodhan to marry first beforehand, duh." .

They laughed, completely ignored Angraj.  


A/N: hello people!!! How are you guys? I hope all of you are doing well. I am sorry if this story had dragged, and we reached chapter 34 without even entering the main story yet😭 i am so sorry. It's not my intentions to dragged it like this (or was i?) *wink*

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