20: VasudevKanya

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Kathiravani and Karna greeted Rajmata Kunti, then Kathiravani left mother and son duo to observed the foods.

"we will go to Kuntirashtra after others go to war against Panchal Naresh Drupad," the smile on Kunti's face faltered, she was worried about her sons, Karna took her hands,

"Maa, i'm sure my Anuj will emerged victorious. They have valour and courage, you don't have to worry."

Kunti sighed, "in this place, the saddest person is Putri Kaushalya. If something happen to Yudhistira-"

"nothing will happen to Yudhistira, Maate, my brothers are amazing warriors, they will bring glory upon Hastinapur."

Kunti nodded but still sighed, but that worry became forgotten when Dushala merrily walked towards Kunti and Karna,

"pranipat, Mata Kunti, pranipat Bhrata Karna!" she greeted, "Mata Kunti, look, i have something for you!"

"what is it, Dushala?" Kunti questioned, Dushala smiled again,

"that's my friend, Subhadra. She's the daughter of Dwakardeesh Vasudev and sister to Rajkumar Balaram and Rajkumar Krishna!"

Kunti's smile so big, she received her  brother's daughter with care. She hugged Subhadra tightly, then they were seated next to each others and spoke.

Kathiravani guided the servants then they finished their task quickly. She went to Kunti and Karna, Kunti who immense in conversation with Subhadra looked at her and smiling,

"Putri, you're beautiful!" she complimented her, "come here, dear, i want you to meet someone very special."

She saw a young and beautiful girl who stood up upon seeing her, the girl came in front of her,

"jiji!" the girl's eyes glistened, "i've always wanting to meet you,"

Kathiravani smiled, her own eyes glistened with tears, the girl in front of her reminded her of Shyama so much.

"jiji? She's Babhishree Kaushalya, Subhadra, you should call her Babhishree," Dushala told them, but Subhadra shook her head,

"before i come here, Bhrata Krishna told me that by relation, Padmi jiji is my elder sister, the eldest daughter of our family,"

Everyone nodded in confusion, they didn't understand the complications of the family because, how come a Suryavanshi Princess like Kathiravani was the eldest  daughter of Yadavas?

Kathiravani nodded in tears, she engulfed Subhadra in a hug. The thunder blow up out of nowhere...

In Dwarka, Vasudev-nandan Krishna smiled,

"when Yogamaya meets Trimurti Sundari... It's beautiful sight that every Devatas relish... Wait until they meet the daughter of Agni Dev, then the Sun, the Moon and the Sky, will completing each other."

"what are you talking about, Kanha?" Vasudev asked his son, while the later only shrugged,

"one needs focus to understand something, Pitashree," he answered, Vasudev was confused, everyone else also confused,

"we will never understand what are you saying, Kanha." Balram concluded making them laughed.


Kuru Princes entered the place, they came and greeted Kunti, one by one, a hundred Gandhari's sons came to Kathiravani like several puppies.

"Babhishree, we are so hungry! Do tell us, are you really cook our favorites?" one of them asked, it was Vikarna, all other brothers also had a rare sparkle innocent in their eyes, they finally looked like several children. Kathiravani nodded,

"i do. I cook all of it by myself so you should enjoy it,"

"even if it's not up to your taste, i sincerely telling you, Princes, that you should not say anything bad about  me!"

The Princes, utterly fond of her nodded, even if she was their enemy's wife, she was the only one who asked for their needs not just throw it to them like others...

"we promise, even if it taste awful, we will not saying anything bad," Dushasana twisted his moustache, Kathiravani snickered,

"if you dare to say anything bad, i'll twist your ears, who is going to say anything when i do that, huh?"

Gandhari nandan felt their ears hurt, they could only sincerely hoped that the foods she made were all delicious, so that their expression would not betrayed them.

"true. Kaushalya dear, they're your younger brothers. People said an elder brother is like a father, then elder brother's wife will be the mother. They are will be like sons for you, so who is going to say anything if a mother twists her own sons's ears?" 

Kathiravani grinned, she saw Maharani Gandhari came with her maids, she smiled triumphantly at the Princes, who pouted at her, Subhadra looked over at the way she acted with marvelous look. The way Kathiravani acted like this place was her home, she acted more like a daughter than daughter in law of this house.

"you don't have to be so shock, Subhadra. Everyone loves Babhi here,"

They all saw how Gandhari cupped her cheeks and placed a kiss on her forehead,

"my daughter already work so hard to cook for everyone, i heard from maids that you cook all of the foods yourself, and they only help you with ingredients?"  Gandhari asked, took Kathiravani's hands and let her sat with her,

"they're just too modest, even Dushala helped me," she said, gave a code to Dushala who wanted to interject,

"we all should give you a lot of gifts for it," Gandhari continued, "you all claim to hungry, but did you prepare gift for your babhishree?"

"we should prepare gifts?" one of her sons asked, they never knew that in order to eat food cooked by their Babhishree, they needed to gave her gifts in return.

"of course, you should," Gandhari answered, "my daughter works so hard, you think you can enjoy her hardwork without give her something  in return?"

Kunti laughed seeing dumbfounded look at every Princes's faces,

"gifts can be varied, you can give her money, jewelries, golds or even simple things like flowers. It's the sentiment that matters,"

"what sentiment, Mata Kunti?" Dushala asked, Kunti smiled at her,

"it is the promise of protection, respect and loving. By eating her foods and giving her gifts, you promise her that you will always protect her, respect her and love her as the Griha Lakshmi of the house. She will never cry and you shall always make sure that she's happy and content."

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