Part 37: Memories bring back you

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Nandan-Sutaa Chandrikaa left her husband and his brother to converse with her father, while she explored this house which hold many memories. She could still heard the sound of the payal and the laughter when the three of them caused mischief. She came to the kitchen, and smiled to herself. Maiya usually kept the makkhan here, tied up in the roof, now thay she already grown, she could take it with easy.

The loud sound could be heard when she opened the door, and dust flew, she quickly shielded her nose with her dupatta's fabric, and frowned. She looked inside, it was strange, it felt like this kitchen hadn't been use for several months... Or even years at this poiny, she saw spider webs and dust covered things inside, but she also spot pots of makkhan and those looked new.

She sighed, tears brimmed in her eyes, as she thought of how Maiya and Babba lost their children, and must lived alone these years as none of them could be able to visit them, they were not their biological but she loved them, she would steal the butter later but now she needed to work, these dusty kitchen needed to be clean so she could cook some food.

Kathiravani wiped her tears as she began to clean the whole thing. It took her almost three hours to finishes the whole thing including fill the pots with water to cook.

Then she felt it, the familiar pull that she almost forgot it wqs existed in the first place. She remembered many years ago, this familiar pull was constant in her life, before she went to Bhagwan Parashurama's ashram.

Without even thinking, her feet carried her again, entering the house, to her husband, her Baba and brothers were sitting with each other and in a merry conversation.

She saw an old woman who sat beside her Baba, upon landed eyes on her, the woman stood, Kathiravani's feet felt so light, as she strode straight into the woman's trembled form,

"maiya!" she muffled her scream as tears continuously pouring out from her eyes, her figure was hugged in a maternal embrace that she craved for years and years, now she seemed satisfied, she choked up, this was her home, her real home. In Ayodhya, Pragata and Hastinapura, she had duty, the thing who bounded her to always served and be the better, the expectations hulled to her, no one ever considered her feelings in most matter, as people expected her to serve and serve. Most time she forgot, that the other side of her was the pampered, loved and spoiled daughter of Nandan Maharaj and Yashoda Maiya.

Maiya hugged her tight, she choked up and continued to kissed her head and face. Missing her daughter, this was her beloved daughter whom she didn't meet for years. How sad was it for her, she couldn't be able to be there for her, when she first had menstruation and became a woman, and when she married her husband.

The said husband - Yudhistira - wiped his own tears, upon saw the heartfelt moment in front of them.

"Maiya, i am deeply sorry that i didn't visit you for years," Kathiravani said, helping Maiya Yashoda to sat down and wiped her tears, Maiya shook her head and cupped her cheeks,

"seeing you happy like this, it's enough for my yearning heart, my daughter," Yashoda smiled, "come, i make makkhan for you and your brother. You're already here, it means your brother is going to come, right?"

She gave a sad smile towards her, as long as Jarashandha didn't die, bhrata Kanhaiya would never come.

"Radha, dear come in, why are you standing there?"

Kathiravani stood up, she looked at the young woman who looked at her with the blissful smile, the way orange hues falling into her made her glow, the young woman walked towards her, that smile, oh that beautiful smile that could rivaled the the most beautiful garden,


Kathiravani whispered, only audible to herself and the woman in front of her, she walked towards her, the way peacefulness engulfed her like a warm hug by just looking at her,

"why are you crying, Aaradhya?"

The sweet melody of the most important gopi asked her, Kathiravani smiled,

"i am mad at you for not coming to my wedding," she told her, made the Shree laughed, Shree knew that there was no way the incarnation of the Bhakti itself had any malicious intentions to her,

"i am with you always, Aaradhya, you just didn't noticed."

She said, a mysterious ways that reminded Pandavas of their beloved cousin.

"how come you were with me, Radharani?"

A blissful smile coated her lips, "you'll know it when its time, Aaradhya," Kathiravani opened her mouth to asked, but the Rani of Barsana beat her into it, "i need to go now, Aaradhya, i'll meet you tomorrow in our spot."

She bid goodbye to everyone as Kathiravani's gaze stayed at her retreating figure.

"who is that, Babhi?" Arjuna couldn't help but ask, "seeing her remind me of Madhav,"

"she is my best friend, KirtiSutaa Radharani,"

"is she a daughter of Chief Vrishbhanu, Priye?" Yudhistira asked while Kathiravani nodded in affirmation,

"you're right, Natha,"

She was lead by her mother again, both of the women wanted to spent time together, she cooked foods while Yashoda sat there and gazing at her dreamily,

"my wish has fulfilled, i finally see you again," she said, while Kathiravami kneaded flour with water,

"i am deeply sorry for not visiting you, Maiya,"

"you don't have to feel sorry, Chandi, this is your home, you can come here anytime you want."

Kathiravani wiped her tears, "i know, Maiya,"

"how's your brother? How's my Kanha? Is he good? Does he eat makkhan? He probably grown up so much as a man, does he still mischievous, Chani? Does he still make you cry?"

Kathiravani felt like crying again, "bhrata is healthy. And he still mischievous, i told him that Maiya will pull his ears..." she couldn't help but choked up, felt so hurt that times had change everything. Her brother Shyam was not only the son of Yashoda and simple Gopala of Vrindavan, and she also not only their daughter anymore, politics changed them, circumstances changed them, this was one of the reason why bhrata Kanha was hesitant to came back, he was afraid to meet his parents and they would never recognise him.


A/N: i am sorry for the late update. I am just simply lazy. Anyway, 100 votes and i will immediately update the next chapter. Bye-bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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