21: It was like it was

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For Yadavi Subhadra, met her eldest sister was an experience. She had the same aura as her brother, even one could argue that she was the female version of Bhrata Krishna in nature.
That was why she was shocked in amazement, at how graceful her sister moved in this place, she heard stories about how awkward the new Kulvadhu around her in laws, but her sister acted like this place was her home.

Even Maharaj Dhritarashtra took her hand and placing gifts there, he even declared that she was his daughter. Everyone followed suit while Kathiravani laughed sheepishly.

"babhi, this is the best kheer i ever tasted!" Sahadev said after he tasted the kheer, "even better than those made by Bhrata Bheem!"

Everyone laughed while Bheem glared at him, Kathiravani stood since the beginning to the end, helped them when they needed to add their food.

Yudhistira watched his wife and their closeness towards his family and smiled to himself. He noticed how she didn't even try to sit and eat, and he frowned in concern,

"Kaushalya, come sit, dear, you should eat too." Mata Kunti sensed his son's concern said, but Kathiravani shook her head and smiled,

"no need, Mata, i'll eat after everyone else,"

Yudhistira couldn't stomach his food after that, and could only eat small portion, while watching his wife who still had smile on her face. Everyone finished eating and complimented the foods made by her, she received many gifts from jewelries to golds and priceless stones.


Everyone enjoyed themselves, as how Subhadra threw shade towards Arjun who threw back at her, Kathiravani swore she almost saw the sparks fly between the two of them. She giggled at how sweet they were both look right now.

The party ended, they went back to their respective rooms, Kathiravani stayed back to organize everything according to her own taste. She did made mental notes to prepared the Princes's things for the next expedition.

Yudhistira went to his wife who looked busy, he caught her hand,

"Natha, you scared me!" Kathiravani yelped, she pouted towards her husband, Yudhistira cupped her cheeks,

"did you eat?" he asked softly, Kathiravani smiled at him,

"i'll eat after this," she thought Yudhistira would let her go after hear it, but he frowned,

"come, let's get you some food," they walked hand in hand towards kitchen, Yudhistira made her sat on a small chair, and he took the rice and curry, then took a glass of water, he sprinkled water around the food, while she prayed, Kathiravani wanted to take the food but he shook his head,

"but, Natha, let me eat myself," Yudhistira shook his head again,

"you already work so hard, Priye, let me feed you, yeah?"

"b-" before she could utter a word of protest, Yudhistira already sent a morsel of food towards her, Kathiravani could only open her mouth and eat,

"you shouldn't protest in front of food, Priye, or Mata Anapurna will be angry," he continued feed her bit by bit, Kathiravani softly glare at her husband,

"why are you treating me like a child, Natha? I am not a child,"

"well, that's what Mata told us when we were kids, that we shouldn't protest and should eat our foods and not waste it," he innocently answered her question, Kathiravani huffed, but she still ate the food,

"that's how a mother coerced her child to eat, i am not a child,"

"with how you eat and act, i'm afraid, you're still a child, beside, i'm older than you,"

Kathiravani pouted, "then, you shouldn't be with a child like me. Aren't you old?"

Yudhistira wanted to open his mouth and refuted the words but he found it harder to say than done, this girl literally outsmart him. Before Kathiravani said more, bunch of maids entered the kitchen and dumbfounded at the way elderst Kuru Rajkumar and his wife's position, and how Jyesth Kaunteya Rajkumar feeded his wife. Kathiravani's face completely red because of embarrassment, while Yudhistira coughed to hid it and he hid it better than her, those maids quickly walked away while whispering on each other, Kathiravani knew that tomorrow that news would be spread in the whole palace.

"tomorrow, i'll prepare the things for expedition," Kathiravani said, she quickly finished her food, helped Yudhistira to washed his hands, Yudhistira nodded, he knew Kathiravani understood everything, she refused to talked like other women who cried for their husbands, Kathiravani herself also a warrior, and he didn't commented anything when she went to pay for her Guru Dakshina, so she would not say anything about him paying his Guru Dakshina.

"i wronged you," they walked together around the garden to their chamber, Kathiravani clasped their hands together,

"no, you don't, it's your dharma,"


"no, i'm not accepting this, Natha, you'll do the right thing, and i know you'll be victorious, and i'm sure the discussion about who is going to be Yuvraj will be settled."

They entered the chamber, Yudhistira helped Kathiravani with her hair, even if it was awkward at first as he never did that to anyone before. He removed the flowers and jewelries decorated her hair first only leaved the chudamani, she sighed in relief.

"i still don't get it why women loves to wear these heavy clothes and jewelries ," Yudhistira let out a chuckled, he helped his wife took off the heavy necklace,

"it is actually has health benefits," Kathiravani told him, Kathiravani proceeded to tell him about health benefits of wearing Shringar, they both discussed shringar, Yudhistira then took her feet, Kathiravani's eyes widened, "Natha... What are you doing? Why are you touching my feet like this?"

Yudhistira chuckled, "you had work hard and didn't even have time to sit, so let me massage it, alright?"

"no, no, Natha, don't do it," she felt uneasy, it was unheard of if a husband touched his wife's feet, much more, wife must regard her husband as her own god, so how came a god touched its devotee's feet?

Yudhistira cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead lightly, "Priye, listen, aren't you said that we are friends?" Kathiravani nodded, she indeed said that they were to be friends, Yudhistira smiled softly, he stroke her hair lovingly, "Friendship require equality, not submission. Touch your feet it's not an embarrassment for you are my wife and my best friend in the whole world, understand?"

Kathiravani wanted to refuted, but Yudhistira gave her a stern look whuch she comply and let him massage her feet, Yudhistira chuckled softly, either way, only he could see how sweet and innocent this mighty Maharani of Ramaprashta and Yuvrani of Ayodhya was.

While massaging her feet, Yudhistira suddenly had question, "why does Yadav Kumari Subhadra said that you're her sister and eldest daughter of their family?"

"that question? You should ask Kanha bhrata  about it," she smiled mysteriously, "or, you will know the reason sooner or later, Natha."


A/N: 4K+ reads in less than 2 weeks?! Omg guys!!! You're amazing! Anyway, please vote. The next chapter will be published after 20 votes, thanks a lot.

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